

In the courtyard of Ukulu, in the Great Gobi Desert, two nuclear explosions rose up with thick mushroom-shaped smoke.

Mu Hua patted the car door, and the convoy that was about to leave the Great Gobi Desert stopped moving. Silently watching the nuclear explosion in the distance, Mu Hua frowned, feeling indescribable in his heart.

"Naden is crazy, this kind of thing is not uncommon, just get used to it." Abigail, who was in the same car, did not change her expression much, and said to Mu Hua calmly.

"If it is placed in this courtyard, they have been the world hegemon in these years, haha, get used to it..." Mu Hua smiled bitterly, replied in a self-deprecating way, patted the car door again, and the convoy continued to move forward.

Wandering in the Great Gobi Desert, Mu Hua and his team swept through Naden's strongholds one by one, and robbed a lot of armaments, supplies, equipment, population, and even technical data.

As far as mechas are concerned, in the Kanins Courtyard, Mu Hua has already stockpiled 30,000 mechas at the Snow Ridge Ranch, and can form a mecha army to go out at any time.

Without the gods, being targeted by many parties, and with foreign aid hard to come by, the Naiden Group, which suffered repeated losses, was finally driven crazy by Mu Hua and his men.

The Naiden family left Loren and moved to the Holy Court Star.

In the Great Gobi area of ​​the Ukuru Courtyard, some loyal warriors of the Naiden Group began to self-destruct and clean up various industries. Although there was no strict massacre, this cleanup also included the killing of local people.

The Naiden Group is crazy!

Mu Hua and his party had to stop their original looting, and the patrol fleet entered the Ukuru Courtyard to provide emergency assistance to the people living in the Great Gobi.

The civil affairs in the Great Gobi area were temporarily taken over by the Daryl Group, and armed forces were organized to comprehensively eliminate premeditated terrorist activities in the Great Gobi.

The patrol fleet stationed four fully-organized fleets in the Ukuru courtyard, with nearly 150,000 mecha warriors and more than 10,000 rapid response assault ships, and all these forces were concentrated in the Great Gobi Desert.

Despite this, large-scale explosions broke out from time to time in some areas of the Great Gobi Desert, and even nuclear explosions were brought out.

The remaining forces of Naiden were no longer confronting the patrol fleet head-on. Their behavior pattern had completely turned to terrorist activities, which were more covert, worse, and more resolute than Mu Hua's roaming and plundering.

For the first time, Mu Hua really came into contact with the determination of human beings. Not to mention Mu Hua, even Abigail didn't want to wade in the muddy water of the Great Gobi Desert.

In line with the principle of not listening to the old man's words and suffering losses in front of him, Mu Hua very obediently accepted Abigail's suggestion to withdraw from the Great Gobi Desert.

The legion turned around and left the Great Gobi Desert, and their target was once again locked on the church.

"Tsk~, are we letting them pick the fruits?" Looking at the small assault ships that had been following them in the sky, Mu Hua complained to Abigail.

They had been wandering in the Great Gobi Desert for more than a month. Although they had robbed a lot of things, the area they had been involved in was less than one-fifth of the entire Great Gobi Desert.

This time, the "Puppet March" had consulted his opinion in advance and asked him whether he needed to apply to enter the Ukuru Courtyard. That should be a hint from the patrol fleet.

However, seeing that the Naden Group was so crazy, for the sake of safety, Mu Hua still let the "Puppet March" maintain the original duty and continue to patrol around the city of Caines to prevent any accidents in Caines City.

Now the four fleets in the Great Gobi Desert are basically related to the Daryl Group. The warships in the sky said that they were escorting them, but it was more like sending them away from the Great Gobi Desert like a plague god.

"Not really. This place is too useless for Daryl. It's a rotten apricot. I guess Daryl doesn't want to get involved."

"It should be that Daryl's targeting of the Naiden Group was criticized by some parties, so they came to clean up the situation here."

"This escort is probably just a show." Abigail said.

"Show? For the locals?" Mu Hua asked.

"Locals are secondary. Aurora is very cautious. This is to cut off ties with us."

"I'm afraid she's afraid that we will bite her back, afraid that we will declare to the outside world that our actions were instructed by Daryl, or that Daryl is secretly fueling the flames." Abigail said disdainfully.

"Aurora, the big boss of Daryl Group? Speaking of which, what's her background? I heard that she took control of Daryl Group at a young age." Mu Hua asked curiously.

"Young ass, that bitch is almost a hundred years old, an old woman pretending to be young all day long." Abigail pouted.

"...You, have a grudge against her?" Mu Hua's eyes twitched. It felt strange that a woman of three or four hundred years old called a woman less than a hundred years old an old woman.

"Back then, she let Chibman work for Daryl Group for ten years on the pretext of bringing me and Chibman together."

"Shit! She was less than thirty years old at that time, and I don't know how she coaxed Chibman. After I clearly refused, Chibman actually worked for Daryl Group for ten years. It seems that their personal relationship has always been good." Abigail said.

"Is she strong?" Mu Hua was curious.

Since Aurora would use matchmaking as an excuse, she should have had a good relationship with Abigail back then.

And now Abigail obviously doesn't like that Aurora very much. It is estimated that she was fooled by her.

Abigail, who dared to play with ghosts and gods before the age of thirty, has a hot temper and is not very moral, doesn't seem to do anything to her. This Aurora is amazing.

"I don't know. She usually behaves like a naive person, but some people say that she hides her strength. It is said that she may be the daughter of Barr. These are all rumors, and there is no definite statement." Abigail said.

The Daryl Group is not a small enterprise. Just look at the operation of the Naden Group in Ukuru, and look at how smoothly Daryl controls Naden. It is not difficult to see Daryl's power.

The Daryl Group was originally established by the Daryl family. Aurora was placed in a family of this size. In terms of age, it seems that it is not her turn to be in charge of the group.

At the same time, Daryl has a blood relationship with the fourth royal power, "General Barr". Facing a "young girl" who is in charge of the Daryl Group, it seems not surprising that someone would guess her to be the daughter of Barr.

Tsk~, how old is Barr? One thousand years old? Two thousand years old?

There is a limit to the natural reproductive age of men. Even if they reach the top life level, they can have fun after five or six hundred years, but if they want to have offspring, they have to use some special means.

If the fourth one is still making little people within a hundred years, that guy is really free.

I don’t know what he thought of, but Mu Hua smiled evilly. There is no need to ask Mu Hua what he was thinking about. Seeing Mu Hua’s character, Abigail gave Mu Hua a tacit expression of "you know a lot".

Abigail is much older than Mu Hua, but after treating Mu Hua as a person of the same level as her, the communication between her and Mu Hua is very casual. She looks very young and there is no sense of disobedience.

As for Daryl’s grievances, it is obvious that these two ghosts and gods are not holding back.

The marching speed of the 10,000-man mechanized army is not fast, and the main army also carries a large amount of combat readiness and energy ammunition supplies.

Marching during the day and resting at night. During the rest, Shanta will be the commander, Mu Hua will return to the Abyss Island, and Abigail will occasionally teleport back to Whitman Courtyard to rest.

The combat power of the two is also considered to be super-standard in the Ukuru Courtyard. This kind of cross-border crossing behavior that comes and goes as it pleases seems to be no different from gods in the eyes of ordinary people.

However, because they have no power of faith, the two are also the kind of beings who are more adept at destruction. It is a bit of a stretch to call them gods, but it seems that there is no problem for the church to describe them as demons. . .

After walking for nearly three days, the expeditionary army arrived at the southern border of the Great Gobi Desert.

There is a prosperous city dominated by the church nearby. According to the investigation, although Uenlanga is the main god worshipped by the church, the believers here mainly believe in the goddess of water.

Well, the goddess of water, the one that Mu Hua and his team killed two of her angels earlier. They killed her subordinates but she didn't show up. If they demolished some of her temples, I wonder if she can still hold back from coming out.

Originally, they were going to attack the city here, but an accident happened again.

The blood clan army, which should have been considered as Mu Hua and his allies, actually blocked Mu Hua and his team's way outside this city.

The city ahead is obviously still under the control of the church, and the blood clan actually wants to protect that city?

"Moon! What's going on? What is the Blood Moon City going to do again?" The scout reported that the blood clan was posing a confrontational posture in front of the punitive army. Mu Hua asked Moon, and his annoyance was not directed at Moon.

"Who knows? Those old guys just like to mess around. Wait a minute, I'll ask someone." Moon spread her hands. Unlike Elzak, who wanted to take power within the blood clan, she cared about pure-blooded vampires, but her sense of belonging to the Blood Moon City was real. (End of this chapter)

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