The Secret Garden of the Dandelion Troupe

Chapter 67 Rest and Recuperation

The contact with Vito had no impact on Mu Hua's life.

On the other hand, Mu Hua's sharply increased physique would occasionally give off an oppressive aura, which caused him a lot of inconvenience.

Planning to relax and adjust for a few days, Mu Hua made some rough understanding of the prices of Loren's magic items.

The prices of magic items in this world are extremely polarized.

Items related to low-level monsters are relatively affordable and can even be summarized as consumables that an ordinary person with a normal job can afford.

By the mid-level stage, the trading currency is usually Demon Gold Coin.

Level 4 magic stones start at five demon gold coins, while level 6 magic stones are cheaper at 30 demon gold coins.

The price of the magic core put Mu Hua off. Even a demon hunter would have to sell it hard to get some good-quality equipment.

As for those magic scrolls, enchanted nameplates, inheritance crystals, etc., Mu Hua didn't dare to look at them. His liver hurt from looking at them too much.

Many items at the high-end stage are priceless and require special acquisition channels. Even the Benson family has little access to materials of this level.

At this stage, the main buyers of materials such as magic plants, magic stones, magic cores, demon leather, and monster body tissues are potion masters, alchemists, enchanters, blacksmiths, and puppet masters.

They collected the materials at a high price, made them into magic items and sold them at a higher price. Seeing how much money they spent on them, Mu Hua felt that he felt a little guilty for being called an 'alchemist'.

Well, it's a shame rather than a guilty conscience, because there are indeed more manufacturing professionals who are poor like him. . .

After some understanding, Mu Hua gave up the idea of ​​learning low-level magic, because for him, the price-performance ratio of low-level magic stones was quite good.

Spend money to buy low-level magic stones. Sooner or later, low-level magic can be refined. If you have time to learn a magic by yourself, you will probably get a set of skill stones.

Magic is very changeable and extensible, and Mu Hua spent his time learning magic on getting familiar with the magic he had already learned.

In his spare time, Mu Hua went on several dates with Kunna. Every time he went on a date with Kunna, it could be said that he really relaxed for a few days.

After all, the daily plan of "going into the abyss at night" was occupied by some in-depth communication activities.

As for Mu Hua's physique at this time, even without using the Serpent Fruit, Kunna could be arranged in eighteen different ways.

Of course, the two of them are not just animals who only know how to have sex. Mu Hua and Kunna also went to Haiman City to play.

Mainly because Kunna helped Mu Hua get familiar with the environment there. At least now Mu Hua is no longer a country kid who gets lost easily after leaving Xiongzhu Town.

Pleasure is a very magical thing. It not only makes the mood comfortable, but also makes the body and soul comfortable, allowing people to always maintain healthy and energetic mobility.

This is a very abstract thing.

Mu Hua was very happy, not only because he had a good attitude and lived a comfortable life. The biggest contributors should be the two gunmen who were cursed with blight on Tuesday earlier.

The pleasure gained from the other person was given to Mu Hua on Tuesday, without any influence on subjective thinking. Those simple comforts always made Mu Hua experience an inexplicable happiness and satisfaction.

Of course, the so-called joy does not exist all the time.

For example, those two gunmen, after all kinds of efforts and struggles, they achieved a certain goal they expected, and only then did they feel happy.

Then the pleasure is taken away and all that is left is emptiness. Mu Hua felt happy after getting the pleasure. . .

Well, it’s quite abstract to explain, but that’s probably what it is.

This kind of pleasure is not on a physiological level or a psychological level, or can it be said to be on a soul level?

In addition to the impact of these 'pleasures' on the mentality, the most important thing is that it has great benefits for the growth of Mu Hua's soul.

As long as it is there, when "tickling" Mu Hua on Tuesday, a heavier hand will not have any adverse effects on Mu Hua, causing Mu Hua's mental attributes to grow faster.

Curse of Blight + Touch of Joy, very wicked abilities.

This thing doesn't kill people, but it can really make people commit suicide. If the bald people who pursue all four things are in vain, if they are trapped by the withering curse for a long time, they may end up hanging themselves.

After all, even meeting the Buddha is full of emptiness. No bald person can bear this.

Originally, Mu Hua never dared to let Tuesday use this ability on others.

Until Tuesday evolved into the 'Abusive Masame', when the pleasure of the cursed person occurs, she can control whether to take it away or not.

By chance, they met two more unlucky guys who were pointing guns at Mu Hua. Mu Hua then ordered Tuesday to put a blight curse on the two of them.

The Curse of Blight is not very concealable, which means that the subject can easily be detected as being cursed.

However, the blight curse is latent, and it is difficult to completely remove it through purification.

Tuesday had a stronger ability to control the pleasure of plundering, and occasionally left two small pleasures for the two gunmen. This curse, which even Monday had no idea about, left them scratching their heads every minute.

As for whether the two will collapse? Will it be abnormal?

Well, Mu Hua didn't care about it. Anyway, they were the ones who drew the gun first. They didn't eat it up and wipe it clean, and didn't let them hang themselves on the southeast branch. They were friends enough.

Xiongzhu Town is developing slowly and peacefully. A few days ago, Sprinkle Academy planned to open a branch here.

After all, it is an academy that focuses on mystical subjects. There is no large-scale construction machinery. Combat skills and magic briefly broke the peace of the town.

‘Fortress Collapse’ smashes the obstructing rocky hills.

After more than a dozen ‘earthquake spells’, ‘Polar Surge’ created a flat terrain.

‘Rock Crystallization’ constructed the roads within the campus.

‘Gill vine vegetation’ turned into a beautiful lawn in the light of purification spell.

Although these magics were probably cast by money again, the work was indeed shocking.

After the plants were transplanted, the college area on the edge of the town took shape quickly. It is said that the houses and buildings there will also be built using ‘Grem’.

Although it brought an earthquake-shaking experience to the town, it did not cause disgust among the residents of the town. The residents of the town are much more accepting of a well-known college than a commercial street.

In the suite on the third floor of the hotel, Mu Hua contacted Kunna again, wanting to see the college area brought by magic.

However, Kunna had to deal with the affairs of the resident adventure group, and had no time to accompany Mu Hua for a stroll today.

Without anyone to accompany him, Mu Hua lost the interest in strolling, and it seemed that he should do something serious.

During this time, he has gradually adapted to his physical condition. His aura has returned to its natural state, and he does not need to restrain himself deliberately. Even in front of ordinary people, he will not give people that strange sense of oppression.

Taking out a bag of low-level magic stones that Deman had bought for him earlier, Mu Hua was about to wash his hands and practice for the next round when Deman's shout came from outside the door.

He opened the door for Deman with a bag of magic stones.

It was indeed a bag of magic stones, but the quantity was unclear. It was 20 kilograms. Yes, it was too low-level, so it was weighed by kilogram.

One hundred thousand credit points per kilogram. As for the gnoll magic stones, imp magic stones, lizard-skinned monster magic stones, etc. that Mu Hua wanted, they were all weighed by kilograms. I don't think anyone would specially distinguish them.

"Mu, someone died in the store!" When he opened the door, he saw Deman with a serious face.

"Huh~?" Mu Hua was stunned.

There were only a few guests in the store? The three adventurers had all checked out earlier. How could someone die?

"A couple of people who stayed here two days ago, the man died, and the security team has arrived." Deman said to Mu Hua.

"Then just handle the case normally. You should cooperate more." Upon hearing that the security team had arrived, Mu Hua directly authorized Deman, and waved the magic stone in his hand at Deman with a busy look.

"Well, the man died not long ago, maybe his soul has not dissipated yet. Aren't you a necromancer? Maybe you can know something?"

"We are just a hotel owner, why do we know so much? Are you free?" Mu Hua said unhappily.

"Yes, isn't it just free?" Deman took it for granted.

"If you are free, go order takeout."

"You pay? I'll order a good one for you."

"Get lost."

Although he disliked Deman's meddling, he thought that Deman had already told the security team about his existence.

Trouble is coming, and there is no way to avoid it.

The two quarreled, and Mu Hua finally left the room with Deman.

Going down to the second floor, there was a female security guard standing in the corridor.

Gauntlets, arm guards, and long boots were not the uniforms of the security team. The equipment on this woman was like a knight who had just taken off his armor.

Mu Hua was surprised that the other party was not only equipped with personal equipment, but also the knight sword hanging on her waist should be a magic sword with a family crest.

A nobleman who ran away to be a security guard?

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