The Secret Garden of the Dandelion Troupe

Chapter 81 The Little Devil and the Werewolf

On the northern slope of Mount Zilphi, there is a forest area of ​​nearly three kilometers. This area should be occupied by the claw demons. The claw demons here fight on their own.

Mu Hua and Tebitha killed more than ten clawed demons in the forest belt on the north slope. They took pictures of the clawed demons' range of activities and recorded the marks. After that, the two went directly through the forest belt.

Claw demons are a kind of demon that people love to hate. They are not good at using magic, but they are very aggressive.

It doesn't like to live in groups, but it has a very deadly sneak attack ability.

Their claws are a good forging material, but precisely because they have sharp claws, they can hardly carry weapons.

They usually do not drop the claws of the Claw Demon, and the sacrificial items mostly use valuable parts from other monsters, which are probably the harvest of their hunting in hell.

With poor spellcasting ability, the magic stone has no other use except for making magic units.

All kinds of things make the Claw Devil a kind of poor devil by human definition, and almost no equipment can be obtained from them.

Minions serve as weapons and skin serves as armor. Unlike humans, many demons do not need to wear clothing.

The indescribable parts of male demons can shrink into the body, and the demons will grow protective armor on sensitive parts that are considered vital by humans.

Some female demons wear body-covering ornaments, but this is more to highlight their charm. When clothes and armor appear on a demon, it will probably be some good equipment.

The clawed demons in the forest belt on the north slope are poor ghosts with bare bones. Their levels are generally no more than level 80, and their physical constitution is between 150-250.

These data were recorded one by one by Tebitha, and these can be converted into contribution points, which is also their mission here.

After leaving the forest, there is no large area of ​​vegetation covering the hillside.

Take out the chariot and activate the floating mode when the mountain road is difficult to climb. If the terrain is flat and encounters a small number of weak monsters, Tabetha will transform into a road killer and just drive into them.

Those who can be hit will be killed, those who can be crushed will be crushed, and some down-and-out goblins will be encountered along the way, and they will basically become the dead souls under the car.

Humans will never give up any advantage in fighting monsters unless they are too poor. . .

Although Zilphi Mountain is located on the edge of the Goblin Kingdom area, the goblins here are obviously not doing well.

Climbing up the mountainside, the two again encountered a monster that needed to be recorded.

A large number of little devils emerged from some holes in the mountain.

These little devils are also called gremlins. They are hatched from devil eggs and are equivalent to devil babies.

Most of the little monsters look like crazy monkeys and have not awakened any demon blood. However, in terms of combat power, low-level goblins will be torn into pieces when encountering them.

Minions, fangs and sharp teeth, although they are the bottom of the devil species, the attack power of gremlins is much higher than that of low-level goblins.

And they are smarter. Mu Hua and Tebitha have killed many little demons, but more than 90% of them are projections.

There were not many bunkers in the sloping mountainous area. Mu Hua and Tebitha relied on their chariots to kill the little devils attacking from all directions.

It was difficult for ordinary firearms to fully attack, so the two of them took advantage of these weapons and fought in close combat with these little devils.

The little devil's attributes are very mixed, some tend to be physical, and some tend to be intellectual and spiritual.

According to Mu Hua's observation, their IQs are not too high, and those who can leave corpses mostly tend to grow in intelligence and spirit.

It seems that the devil's infancy is still a stage where physical fitness dominates.

The little devils here seem to have been carefully selected and raised, otherwise there should be more corpses left. After all, devils like to lay eggs. If there are a group of little devils, there should be a lot of 'illegal immigrants' who were born out of their shells in the courtyard. They must all be the original form.

The strength is low enough, the life level is also low, and the items sacrificed during projection are also cheaper.

These little demons will drop animal skin ores, some possess inferior metal weapons, and even trash such as broken jewelry and armor fragments.

Although the gadgets may be rampant in hell, there are no minor protection laws in hell, so it is difficult for little devils to come up with drops with such uniform specifications.

From the drop of the little devil, Mu Hua further confirmed that the little devil here may also be raised in hell.

The number of little devils running around in the mountains is very scary at first glance, but if you look closely, you can see that there are only about seven or eight hundred of them.

The attributes of these little devils are generally between 30-70, which is much higher than the attributes of ordinary little devils, but they still do not pose much of a threat to Mu Hua and Tebitha.

Tabetha was wearing armor and did not use a shield hammer. She swung a big sword into a windmill and rushed to kill the little monsters wherever they were gathered.

A girl who is usually pretty and dignified, she is not a show-off when it comes to fighting. Her big sword will spray blood all over the sky, and she never mind crushing the little devil she catches into a piece of rotten flesh.

Her armor was stained with blood, her hands were red and her feet were red. Facing Tebitha in battle, Mu Hua might have called her a lady instead of a girl.

Eleven skeleton guards chased and chopped down the scurrying little devils. Mu Hua and Tebitha were each guarded by two skeleton guards.

Mu Hua did not run around to kill, but observed all directions from a place with a wider field of vision, slashing and killing the little devils who tried to attack him.

The little devils are crazy. They are much more ferocious and fearless than goblins.

In this unknown environment, the blind raven is responsible for full-time surveillance.

The raven hovering high in the sky monitors the situation within a few miles. If a powerful monster is encountered, Mu Hua is always ready to tell Tebitha to run away.

The brown rocks were dyed red with black and purple blood. Not only were there little devils, but when Mu Hua and the two were fighting with the little devils, two hell werewolves appeared on the high hillside.

However, the two werewolves had no tendency to join the fight, and Mu Hua did not notice any more werewolves appearing around him.

Mu Hua threw two appraisal skills to be wary of them, but did not flee because they retreated.

Hell werewolves are a kind of middle-level demon that is difficult to locate. After their bloodline is awakened, their combat power is generally only that of third- and fourth-level monsters.

But compared to other mid-level demons, they can usually grow to levels six or seven quickly.

Contrary to the accumulation of other demons, once they enter the level of high-level monsters, their growth will become very slow.

This is also a kind of demon that prefers melee combat, but very few hellwolves have a constitution of more than 600, and they are furry and afraid of fire.

These make their status in hell very embarrassing, even some demons who are weaker than them will look down on them. . .

The attributes of the two hell werewolves on the hillside were both around 200. In Mu Hua's eyes, they were wolf cubs. Even if Mu Hua used identification skills on them, the two werewolves were not furious.

Hell werewolves were cruel but cautious, which made Mu Hua ignore them to a certain extent.

"Bertha, don't kill too far away." Mu Hua shouted to Tebertha as he slashed to death a leaping little devil with his sword.

These little devils are about one meter tall, but they like to run on all fours and feel smaller when scurrying around.

Mu Hua took out the habit of cutting down black vicious dogs, and he was also good at cutting down little devils.

However, they move very fast and have strong vitality. In close combat, it is very troublesome to attack them with firearms.

"I know!" Tebitha responded distantly, glancing at the hell werewolf on the hillside.

The big sword gathered momentum and drew three streaks of separated silver light in succession, cutting the little devil behind her into pieces. Tebitha headed back towards Mu Hua's location.

Continuous slashing is a similar combat skill to the continuous blows she uses when using a hammer. However, when Tebitha uses a war hammer, she can hit five hammers with all her strength in one breath. It seems that she is more accustomed to using war hammer-type weapons.

"Would you like to attack them?" The number of little demons on the hillside continued to decrease. Tebitha returned to Mu Hua and looked at the hell werewolves in the distance.

At this time, it was difficult for the little devil to lay siege to Mu Hua's location. The skeleton guards, including Tuesday, also used sickles to kill many of them.

Monday caused chaos among the little devils from time to time. The snake tail with madness toxin caused many little devils to fall into cannibalism.

Following the complete death of the projection monster, the blood stains on the rocks immediately dissipated, but after dissipating, they were quickly dyed black and purple by new blood stains.

Mu Hua looked in the direction of the hell werewolf.

The reason why the word "hell" is added to the werewolves of hell is because they mixed with humans and gave birth to two groups of demons.

In a large sense, there are two groups of demons with higher growth potential than the werewolves in hell, namely werewolves and vampires.

They are two groups of demons who can control their own demonic nature to a certain extent, and are more famous than other demons.

In order to distinguish werewolves among demons, pure-blooded werewolves are called hell werewolves.

Different from the norm, hybrid werewolves have greater growth potential than hell werewolves. As for the reason, there is no need to say more at this time.

At this time, the two three-meter-tall and strong hell werewolves were also observing Tebitha cautiously.

"Do you want to go down?" A werewolf with claw marks on his face asked the one-eyed werewolf.

"Forget it, that hell dog and that female human are not easy to deal with." The one-eyed werewolf shook his head.

"It's been a long time since I listened to the cries of humanity."

"You can go and try. I can help you catch the necromancer. The young necromancer can at most cast some low-level curses, and we are not afraid of curses."

"Haha, Dredd, you are still so insidious. Why didn't I catch the necromancer?" A ferocious smile appeared on the face of the claw-marked werewolf, staring at the one-eyed werewolf fiercely.

Mu Hua couldn't hear the conversation between the two werewolves, but in his sight, the two werewolves saw that the little devil was about to be killed, and ran away, and in a moment they got into the rocky mountain road.

The two hell werewolves didn't seem to take Mu Hua to heart at all. Mu Hua originally wanted to fight against this kind of demon who was afraid of fire.

But the werewolves retreated too quickly. Mu Hua didn't want to wander into this unfamiliar terrain if it wasn't necessary.

However, if Mu Hua heard the conversation between the two werewolves, he would probably ask Tebitha to get on the chariot, step on the accelerator, and introduce her not-so-serious fireball magic to them.

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