The Secret Garden of the Dandelion Troupe

Chapter 84: Escape at full speed

In the wasteland on the hillside, the silence under the snow-capped peaks spreads in the slightly cold air.

Mu Hua and his entourage squatted on a slightly flat gravel ground. Two little devils were held up obediently by the skeleton guards. Not far away, there were two pools of rotten meat that could no longer be recognized in their original appearance, bringing a strong stench to the air.

Tebitha discovered the magic of Mu Hua again. He could actually catalyze the evolution of demons.

Although the two little devils that started evolving earlier were eventually turned into a pile of rotten flesh.

But Tabitha had never seen the evolution of a demon in action, and even though she saw the somewhat harsh scene in front of her, she didn't have any disgust at all.

"Red-eyed devil, are you sure?" Mu Hua asked a little devil lying in front of him.

But these little devils who had appeared crazy in front of Mu Hua were now extremely well-behaved, just like emergency patients in front of a doctor.

The little devil has a low IQ, but he is not unable to communicate.

The reason for this situation is that these little devils discovered that Mu Hua seemed to really be able to help them evolve.

It's just that none of these little devils can sign a slavery contract with Mu Hua. The option of using the Philosopher's Stone to improve their evolution success rate was directly ignored by Mu Hua.

The evolution success rate of these little devils is extremely low. Since they cannot sign a slavery contract and they are not afraid of death, even if they want to evolve a high-level bloodline such as Medusa, Mu Hua will not bother much.

After all, these little devils are just Mu Hua's experimental subjects.

Mu Hua asked casually, and the little devil who was 'listed for medical treatment' nodded, his dark eyes showing excitement on his ugly little face.

After provoking the red-eyed demon bloodline in the little devil's origin, complex magic lines suddenly appeared all over the little devil's body, and Mu Hua and others quickly retreated.


Okay, another pile of rotten meat.

After trying it out with a few little devils, Mu Hua had basically figured out the basics of soul transformation regarding the evolution of monsters.

The two remaining little devils saw another failure case, and their originally excited expressions gradually turned hesitant.

The gentleness in the dark eyes began to change to suspicion and coldness.

Mu Hua glanced at the two little devils.

"Kill them. It's useless." When Mu Hua said coldly, the two skeleton guards snapped the necks of the two little demons.

Inviting Zhou Yi to come forward, Zhou Yi lay obediently in front of Mu Hua, unfolded the technique, and Mu Hua's palms penetrated Zhou Yi's body.

"Ha, Gouzi, thank you for meeting me." Mu Hua grinned as he explored Monday's situation.

"The Basa Demon, the Malo Fire Demon, the Barang Demon, the Claw Demon, Zinnam, the Soul Hunting Demon, and even the Dream Demon, haha, I look at you, it will be cool in the morning and evening."

The bloodline in Monday's roots is really a hodgepodge, among which the soul-hunting demon is what Monday calls Cerberus, the three-headed dog of hell.

Thanks to the fact that it swallowed the Cerberus when it first evolved, any of its bloodlines are stronger than that of the Cerberus, especially the bloodline of the Black Evil Dog.

If it hadn't swallowed the Cerberus, it would probably have grown two heads directly. That thing has nothing to do with the two-headed Cerberus, it is a genuine two-headed Wolf. . .

A mid-level monster in the evolutionary genealogy of the black vicious dog.

"Bastard." Tuesday said with disdain behind Mu Hua.

This time, Monday didn't bother to argue with Tuesday. Instead, he stuck out his tongue at Mu Hua with a flattering look on his face.

"Great Master, do you think I can evolve into a Balrog?"

The Balrogs are a group of demons whose potential is no less than that of the three-headed dogs of hell. If they can successfully activate the gluttony bloodline, they will be a symbol of destruction in hell.

With the blessing of original sin blood, the three-headed dog of hell is no worse than the Balrog, but the Balrog is more respected in hell, while the three-headed dog of hell is a symbol of villains. . .

After knowing that he had the blood of the Balrog, Zhou Zhou obviously had another thought. This dog walked on the road of disowning his relatives and was so magnanimous.

"Don't think about it. It's incompatible. The three-headed dog of hell should be able to master the fire of Gehenna, right? Just be your dog." Mu Hua took out his palm and drooped his tail in despair.

"You guys are really big-hearted." Mu Hua's interaction with her family made Tabitha complain.

Take a look at the piles of rotten meat next to it, it's still warm, now you wonder about the three-headed dog of hell?

Mu Hua and Zhou Yi looked at Tebitha. Yi Yi shook his head and Mu Hua shrugged. Their attitudes were too casual, which made it difficult for Tabitha to guess the fundamental reason why Monday could sign a slavery contract with Mu Hua. ——Enough to commit suicide.

There is no need to look at Tuesday's bloodline. There is no such thing as bloodline for dead souls. Death is a summary of them.

Tuesday is a special kind of existence, a heterogeneous demon. If we must talk about bloodline, she only has two bloodlines, death and big devil.

At the end of the experiment, Mu Hua and Tebitha put away the things that the little devils had dropped. Among them was a magic book that recorded the 'Stand Explosion'. Mu Hua pretended to read it half-heartedly.

As a magic genius, you must always create an atmosphere of love for learning, so as to avoid Tabetha asking questions like "a hundred thousand whys".

After recording the coordinates and details of this area, Tebitha started the chariot, and the two continued to explore other areas on the north peak of Mount Zilphi.

Entering the snowy area, the chariot maintained a certain flying height. From time to time, among the vast white mountains, we could see roaring snow monsters looking up to the sky.

The whole body is covered with snow-white fur that blends in with the white snow. It is one-eyed, tall, and bear-like in shape, with a pair of devil horns like antelope horns on its head.

These snow monsters are not orcs or warcraft, they are also a race of demons.

Demons have tough skin and most have no fur, and the few demons that do have fur usually have very low elemental resistances.

But snow monsters are special. They are much more troublesome than hell werewolves, because not only do they generally have an affinity for the water element, but they are also good at casting spells and have a natural inheritance of magic shields.

"Pa~" An ice arrow shot up into the sky and hit the steel deck of the chariot.

Although the nearly 100-meter drop did not cause any damage to the armor of the tank, this snow monster already has certain anti-air capabilities.

"Fireball!" Climbing on the roof of the car, Mu Hua shot a fireball at the snow monster below who was using ice arrows.

"Bang~bang~bang~" The fireball exploded into a blaze on the snowy mountain, but unfortunately it failed to cause any damage to the snow monster.

Snow monsters also have no fire resistance, which means they are as afraid of fire as hell werewolves.

Although Mu Hua's fireball technique is low in intensity, it is still possible to hurt them.

The reason why it couldn't cause any harm to the snow monster was entirely because it was covered with a magic shield.

Strictly speaking, magic shield is not a defensive magic, it should be said to be a life-saving magic.

Because it is similar to a bone shield, it has a certain degree of absolute defense capability, but it also has obvious shortcomings.

Magic shield can block all damage, but only if you have enough magic power.

The magic shield does not prevent the attack, but uses magic power to replace the life that should be consumed when it withstands the attack without being broken through.

This magic has a very strong life-saving effect, but after being attacked, the magic power is really lost.

Mu Hua fired a shot at the snow monster from high altitude, but it only knocked out the magic power of the snow monster. Before it consumes all its magic power, it can't hurt it at all. Maybe Monday's Demon-Breaking Bite should be able to restrain them.

However, the snow monster has adapted to living in groups, and the beaten snow monster howled several times. All the snow monsters within a few miles around woke up in this land of ice and snow, and concentrated on the snow monster.

These are all demons with a constitution of over 200 and who are good at casting spells. Obviously, they are completely different from the goblins gathering together.

Regarding them, Mu Hua could only raise his middle finger at high altitude to confirm that there were no other groups of monsters nearby, and after taking notes, the two of them stayed away from these snow monsters.

On the northern slope of Mount Zilphi, the territory of snow monsters is very large. These snow monsters are not suitable hunting targets for the time being.

After a round trip, the two followed the map signs and came to a cave on the side of a mountain gorge.

Summoning the raven and using vision sharing, Mu Hua drove the raven into the cave to investigate the situation.

In the cab, Tebitha looked quietly at Mu Hua, who had his eyes closed and frowned. After a long moment of silence, she saw Mu Hua's face flushed and he suddenly opened his eyes.

"Run! Full speed! The stupid Adventurer's Guild! This mission requires extra money!" Mu Hua's eyes were full of horror, and his voice even broke.

No need to ask any further questions, Tabitha adjusted the flight power to the maximum, the chariot turned around, the booster spit out tongues of fire, and roared out towards the entrance of the courtyard.

Behind the two of them, the originally clear sky was covered with thunderclouds, and the rumbling thunder was accompanied by endless lightning.

The sky and the earth are like a holy cage, and countless thunderstorms cover a large area of ​​Zilphi Mountain.

Beasts roared and demons howled, gravel flew, and the mountain collapsed as if facing the end.

In the blink of an eye, the area shrouded in lightning became like a sea of ​​thunder and a scorched prison.

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