The Secret History of Mars

Chapter 207 The Human Wall of Believers

"Some people say they are carrying the Pope!" The crowd began to whisper!

"Shouldn't the Pope be in front of the preaching window on the top floor?" A small group of people had already started a commotion!

Some people looked up at the top floor windows of the church!

There was indeed a man with a noble posture standing there, but unfortunately the midday sun was too dazzling. From such a distance, it was impossible to tell whether the man's appearance was the Pope or not!

"If the person lying there is the Pope, then who is that person in front of the window?!" The commotion has slowly begun to spread!

The gendarmerie captain had a serious face and didn't care at all about the commotion around him. He directed the gendarmerie team that was opening the way to speed up the coffin-moving team!

The vanguard has already been pushing and shoving with the crowded crowd!

"That's not a wooden box, it's a coffin without a lid!!" Someone finally shouted loudly!

Daniel, who was walking close to the coffin, felt like a ray of light on his back, wishing he could spread his wings and fly to the obelisk so close at hand!

His hand subconsciously protected his left chest, and what was placed close to his body was the letter that the Holy See had just given to him on the church's ladder!

The commotion of the crowd soon turned into restlessness, and it became more difficult to maintain the formation of the gendarmerie!

Occasionally, some brave people would jump between two lines of gendarmerie and try to get close to the coffin to see what was going on!

He was immediately stopped by the gendarmerie, holding the person's arm and throwing him back into the crowd!

More and more people jumped into the team, and the entire gendarmerie's advance became slower and slower!

If this continues, I'm afraid I won't be able to reach the obelisk even after dark! Daniel thought!

"The Pope is dead!!" Another shout escalated the restlessness of the crowd directly into the undercurrent before the riot!

Daniel has begun to feel the malicious intent of the crowd! A chill came over him, and the custom-made uniform weighing 3.6 kilograms felt even heavier at this time, making him unable to breathe!

The gendarmerie captain was still highly focused and urged the team to move forward! It is not affected in the slightest by the changes in public sentiment around it!

Daniel somewhat admired the military police captain!

The Gendarmerie of the Vatican City State is actually a police agency that maintains social order. They have far more experience in dealing with the people than he, the bodyguard who mainly serves the Pope!

Seeing that the obelisk is approaching, the vanguard has already stepped onto the first step of the obelisk!

At this time, a believer suddenly jumped up the steps, stood on a high place, and blocked the way of the gendarmerie!

"Why should the Pope's body be sent into the obelisk!!!" the believer shouted hysterically, and several bold fanatics joined him, "This is a violation of our faith Contempt and blasphemy!!”

As more and more people joined the blocking team, a wall of believers instantly formed on the steps between the coffin-moving gendarmerie and the entrance to the obelisk!

And more believers are joining the human wall, and the entire crowd is starting to try to surge towards the obelisk!

The riot is about to break out!

"Dear people!" Suddenly a call that struck the soul calmed the restless crowd!

People are very familiar with this feeling. It is the sound coming from the bones when the Pope is preaching!

No matter how many people are in the square, everyone feels that the Pope is preaching to them one-on-one, so real and clear!

But this voice is not the Pope’s!

"Dear believers, I am your Holy See!" As soon as these words came out, the crowd was speechless!

The gendarmerie captain took advantage of the hesitation of the human wall to push the coffin forward a few minutes!

"At this special moment, it is with a humble heart and sincere prayers that I share some important information with you!"

The Holy See's voice was distant and quiet. Since the coronation ceremony, this was the first time the believers heard this young Holy See preach in person!

The restlessness of the crowd subsided a lot in an instant, and everyone turned around naturally, facing the cathedral and with their backs to the obelisk!

This gave the gendarmerie captain a perfect opportunity to break through a gap in the already loose human wall on the steps of the obelisk and move the coffin into the obelisk!

Just the last few steps left!

Daniel's nervous palms were sweaty. As long as the coffin was settled, he could immediately put the envelope into the Pope's hand, close the coffin, and the task was completed!

The Holy See on the top floor seemed to have seen the progress here, and continued to attract the crowd's attention, saying:

"We gather today in this sad moment to pay tribute to our great Pope Francis! He was a leader of strong faith, full of mercy and care!"

The crowd resumed whispering, "The Pope really has passed away!"

"The person lying in the coffin just now was really the Pope!"

“Why is the Pope’s coffin moved into the obelisk?!”

“Pope Francis, throughout his life, dedicated himself to spreading the love and peace of the Lord. He advocated tolerance, charity and solidarity, setting an example for the global community!

He has led us through many challenges! His wisdom and humility will remain in our hearts forever, inspiring us to pursue a better world. "

At this time, Daniel had already put the letter in his arms into the hands of the Pope. The captain of the military police was directing the team members to close the coffin lid that had been placed here in advance!

Finally completed the task successfully!

Daniel breathed a long sigh of relief!

“At this painful moment, we must unite our hearts and pray for Francis, thank him for his care and devotion to us, and also ask the Lord to grant him eternal peace and rebirth!

Let us continue to inherit his legacy with gratitude and hope, work hard for love and justice, and strive for human happiness and peace!

May God’s grace and mercy be with us forever!

Amen! "

At this time, the church bells rang again. Under the sincere words of the Holy See, the people in the square were in a state of ice and fire!

Half of the believers turned towards the obelisk, prayed devoutly, and gave their last blessing to their pope!

The other half, obviously did not buy the Holy See's words, and rushed towards the obelisk frantically to "save" the Pope's coffin from the pagan monument of merit!

The two groups of people were indistinguishable, scattered throughout the square!

There is piety in the riot; there is peace in the fanaticism; there is hope in the despair!

In the majestic church bells, a chaotic and orderly divine song is performed!

At this moment, the top of the obelisk suddenly emitted a dazzling beam of light, shooting straight into the noon sun!

This beam of light became stronger and stronger, making the originally sunny square instantly dim!

The crowd's prayers and shouts of terror came and went!

It's like the end of the world is coming, and it's like the rebirth of a new world!

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