The Secret History of Mars

Chapter 211 The Mediation of the UN General Assembly

"Ms. Maria, you are right. Before I received this letter last night, I had never seen the emblem of the Holy See!" Yuan Yizhou looked at the heat. "Since there is so much evidence that you are not convinced, Why do you still agree to the Vatican State’s request to convene this temporary emergency special session?”

Yuan Yizhou began to counterattack, "I believe you can give a reasonable and legal reason!"

There was silence in the online conference room. No one turned off the camera or muted the sound. It was just silent!

"Pope Francis said that you are the last hope of human civilization!" Chairman Peter said seriously, "In history, the Vatican City State has successfully predicted the outbreak of World War I and World War II. The Pope's warning should not be trivial! "

"Just a warning from the clergy?" Yuan Yizhou was noncommittal.

"It's not exactly a warning from the Pope, the International Space Station also sent a secret message," Peter hesitated a little, not sure how much he could believe Yuan Yizhou, and his beard twitched tangledly!

"At sunset yesterday afternoon, a UFO was discovered near low-Earth orbit?" Yuan Yizhou knew that to win the support of the UN General Assembly and other countries, he had to take the first step!

"How do you know??" Peter's expression was undisguised and unbelievable.

"Moreover, I also know that the UFO is called the Starship of Courage. It is an A-class battleship of the Martian civilization. It is loaded with weapons that can decompose the earth's core and destroy mankind!"

Yuan Yizhou was not afraid of big troubles, and threw one thunder after another at the group of UN General Assembly representatives!

At this time, everyone could no longer sit still. No one paid attention to the group chat anymore. They turned on the audio one after another, trying to grab the right to speak and ask Yuan Yizhou the next question!

The scene was very chaotic, the audio responses to each other were messy and harsh, everyone wanted to rush to speak, but in the end no one could convey their voice clearly!

In the end, there was really no other way. As the host of the meeting, Yuan Yizhou muted everyone and said, "I know that all representatives have many questions. As time goes by, I, Yuan, will definitely answer them all!"

"But the main topic of today's meeting is the vanguard of destroying Mongolia. We need the help of governments of all countries to fully support the Shiyiji rescue plan without causing chaos among their own citizens!"

"Mr. Yizhou, based on the expressions of the representatives, they can understand no more than 10% of your words!"

Xiao Min opened his mouth, startling Yuan Yizhou, and the representatives on the line went from showing their teeth and claws to protest against being blocked by Yuan Yizhou, to being silenced by Xiao Min's words, and froze there!

Xiao Min's words are not very harmful, but extremely insulting!

"Not more than 10%?!!!" Yuan Yizhou was a little doubtful about his ability to express himself, "Is it really that low? For effective communication between humans, the information transfer rate is around 70%!"

"Yes, no more than 10%," Xiao Min said with certainty, "70% of human communication rate, that is, each other is familiar with each other, and the conversation is about topics that both parties understand!"

"This group of people know very little about your topic, and they are stubborn. Let alone understand what you just said, they may not even hear it!" If Xiao Min had an expression at this time, it would definitely be Contemptuous eye roll!

"If you don't believe it, you can turn on the microphone and ask them who can repeat what you just said!" Xiao Min's tone was full of provocation!

Yuan Yizhou smiled knowingly and said, "Okay, everyone, I was too impatient just now and offended you!

I'm turning on the mic now. If anyone can repeat what I just said when I blocked your mic, the main topics of this meeting, and prove that my virtual butler is wrong, that gentleman or lady can ask me questions first. , Yuan Mou will tell you everything he knows, and he will tell you everything he knows! "

After speaking, Yuan Yizhou unmuted the microphones of all online participants.


Yuan Yizhou thought that his manual operation was not completed, so he asked Xiao Min to check it for him!

"Mr. Yizhou, there is no problem with your operation, and the line connection is also very smooth!" Xiao Min said without giving these politicians any face, "My inference is that everyone agrees with my previous judgment, and no one really listened attentively. , what you just said is the main topic of this meeting, so they have no words to refute!"

"Ahem!" Bearded Peter deliberately cleared his throat, "Mr. Yuan, I'm sorry, could you please repeat the topic of the meeting? We, ahem, really didn't hear clearly just now!"

"Mr. Peter is being too modest. This is the first time we meet. My virtual butler doesn't understand the ways of the world. Don't take it to heart if he talks casually!" Yuan Yizhou hurriedly walked down the steps to the delegates.

"The topic is very simple. What the International Space Station detects is just one of the many star warships on Mars, and it can already destroy our earth!

I need the help of all representatives to stabilize the people in their own countries and prevent riots or chaos!

And my team is working day and night to advance a comprehensive defense plan! "

"I want everyone to watch a video and know what I mean by the power to destroy the planet!" Yuan Yizhou did not give the representatives a chance to ask questions, but was inspired by Xiao Min to demonstrate the efficiency of oral communication. Too low, let them see for themselves!

"Xiao Min, please share with the representatives online the videos of the end of the Jurassic Period and the decomposition of Jupiter's core in the training materials I recorded for the members of the Mongolian Vanguard Team!" Yuan Yizhou accurately instructed the virtual The butler transcribed the video of his own dream, cut out the key parts, and showed it!

"No problem, the video is in place, please watch it!" Xiao Min's ability to understand Yuan Yizhou's verbal instructions far exceeds the 70% communication efficiency between acquaintances!

The two videos finished playing quickly!

"Mr. Yuan, I have to say that your AI video production skills have become extremely proficient. Even the special effects artists in Hollywood cannot match this effect!" Before Yuan Yizhou could open his mouth, a thin man wearing gold-rimmed glasses appeared. , preconceived, commenting on the video in a sarcastic tone!

While speaking harsh words, he did not forget to use his well-jointed, slender, white hands to gently push the gold-rimmed glasses hanging on the bridge of his aquiline nose!

"Mr. Hector, do you think I'm too idle? Is my virtual butler wasted on making such a boring video?!" Yuan Yizhou was a little angry. If he had known that the people in the General Assembly were so stupid, he shouldn't have wasted this time. !

"Also, Chairman Peter, the International Space Station only detected low-Earth orbit yesterday. Are there any UFOs?" Yuan Yizhou rolled his eyes at Hector and didn't want to talk to him anymore. He turned around and asked the President of the United Nations General Assembly, "Have there been any detections?" After arriving at this flying object, two aircraft were launched to the surface, one of which landed at my current coordinates?!"

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