The Secret History of Mars

Chapter 220 Near light speed flight

"Mr. Yizhou, the Mongolian vanguard team is ready to leave for Tonga!" Xiao Min's voice rang in the tea room, ending the conversation between Yuan Yizhou, Cui Xingmeng and Samimani about living towards death and aliens. Discussion of civilized negotiation strategies!

"Okay, let's go!" Yuan Yizhou gave the order, "Please give me a briefing on Tonga's information and the latest post-disaster situation!"

Yuan Yizhou only knew that Tonga was an archipelago country in the South Pacific. He still had to cram in and research the specific information!

"Okay, no problem!" As soon as Xiao Min finished speaking, the information about Tongjia Kingdom had been projected on Cui Xingmeng's information crystal, so that Master Miemeng could check it at any time!

"Mr. Yizhou, Mr. Jia Liang have already set the flight parameters of Miemeng Gallery!

We will fly invisible and near the speed of light, and in about 30 seconds, we will arrive in the western South Pacific, west of the International Date Line, over Tabu Island, the main island of the Tonga Archipelago, which is also the capital of the Kingdom of Tonga and the seat of the royal family! "Xiao Min's professional voice makes people feel like a flight attendant announcing the plane's itinerary!

"How long will the flight last?! Thirty seconds?" Yuan Yizhou was shocked. It seemed that he had no time to improvise, so he could only adapt to the situation. It is really only when the book is put to use that you will regret it!

"Yes, the slowest is 30 seconds, because the Ford Chief Engineer's team has just completed the upgrade of the Miemeng Gallery. Miss Yuko does not recommend running at full speed on the first flight, so it is much slower!" Xiao Min explained, "At the same time, Rafi The engine of Mr. Er's interstellar transport ship is the first to be made of all-Earth materials. It also needs to fly slower and do some parameter debugging and optimization..."

"30 seconds is fine, fine, no need to go any faster!" Yuan Yizhou interrupted and wanted to continue explaining. Xiao Min asked dumbfounded, "How fast can it fly at full speed?"

"Well, if you fly at nearly the speed of light and circle the earth once, it will take about 0.2 seconds to complete the Miemeng Gallery!" Xiao Min replied, "The distance from here to Tonga is about a quarter of the circumference of the earth!"

"You mean, during this Tonga rescue, the flying speed of the Miemeng Gallery was less than 0.1% of its full flight speed?" Cui Xingmeng, a little arithmetic expert, went online again and confirmed in amazement.

"Yes, this time should be the slowest flight record of the Mongolia Extermination Gallery in modern times," Xiao Min continued to explain a little embarrassedly, "It's really because no one in the Mongolia Extermination Pioneer Team can match Ye Qinghe. Madam, she has experience in manipulating Miemeng Gallery, so everyone wants to be slow and steady!"

"Okay, 30 seconds is fine, the team still needs to get used to it, don't be too aggressive!" Yuan Yizhou now understood that Xiao Min's 30 seconds was not an extraordinary event, but that Miemeng Gallery had great potential, and 30 seconds was simply too slow! "Does everyone need to prepare for the flight? For example, safety measures and so on?"

Before traveling through different time and space, Yuan Yizhou was not directly involved. Even as a passenger, the setting of flight parameters was not particularly obvious.

"You mean measures like seat belts for airplanes?" Xiao Min clarified Yuan Yizhou's question.

"Yes, almost. We are moving so fast, so we must do some protection or something!" Yuan Yizhou confirmed Xiao Min's understanding and further explained his intention.

"According to the special theory of relativity, the speed of light has no inertia, so there is no relative displacement!" Xiao Min answered affirmatively, "But the Miemeng Gallery has not yet reached the full speed of light, and the near-light speed is also in a very slow range, so After a while, everyone may feel a little bit, which is similar to the vibration of riding a bus. There is no need for external objects such as seat belts to help offset the relative displacement!"

"You mean the slower the speed, the bumpier it is?" This goes against Cui Xingmeng's common sense, so she wanted to confirm her understanding.

"Within the speed of light or near-light speed, that's it, Miss Xingmeng!" Xiao Min tried to be precise in her answer.

"Okay, I understand, thank you Xiaomin!" Cui Xingmeng said gratefully.

"Mr. Yizhou, Miss Xingmeng, if there are no other questions, please approve the Miemeng Gallery to fly at 15 degrees south latitude, 175 degrees west longitude, the main island of Tonga, with stealth and near-light speed!" Xiao Min formally proposed to the two Miemeng Gallery. Master, submitted a flight application!

"Officially approved! Please take off!" Yuan Yizhou said seriously.

Just after the words were spoken, Cui Xingmeng indeed felt some slight vibrations on the teahouse floor, which was much lighter than the vibrations on the bus!

About ten seconds later, the ground suddenly shook like a mountain, and Samimani's teacup on the tea table was knocked to the ground!

"Whose bus drives like a roller coaster!" Cui Xingmeng tried his best to keep his balance while complaining to Xiao Min in his heart.

The shaking became more and more violent. The ancient shelf at the door of the tea room had fallen to the ground, and the embroidery items on it were scattered all over the floor! At this time, Cui Xingmeng had to hug Yuan Yizhou to maintain stability!

Samimani and Shui Zaitian automatically joined together!

After about a few more seconds, I finally calmed down. When I looked up, I saw that the originally elegant and tidy tea room was already in a mess, as if it had just been baptized by a magnitude 8 earthquake!

"Xiao Min, what kind of bus is this? Why is it vibrating so hard!" Cui Xingmeng complained.

After a long while, Xiao Min received a reply!

"Mr. Yizhou, Miss Xingmeng, the mission to Tonga failed!" Xiao Min's voice was emotionless, which made Yuan Yizhou and Cui Xingmeng feel frightened. They quickly supported each other, stood up, and rushed out of the tea room!

"Xiao Min, what does mission failure mean?" Yuan Yizhou asked eagerly.

"According to the information I just collected, we have not arrived at the scheduled coordinates of the main island of Tonga!" Xiao Min continued to reply seriously.

"Then where are we now?" Yuan Yizhou had already rushed to the hall at this time and saw Jia Liang frowning and staring at Miemengyi.

"We have reached low-Earth orbit and have flown away from the surface of the earth!" Xiao Min seemed to confirm for a long time before finally coming to the conclusion.

"Jia Liang, what's going on?" Yuan Yizhou interrupted Jia Liang who was thinking and asked.

"Yi Zhou, I didn't figure it out either. There is nothing wrong with the setting of my Mongolia Eliminator. Look, the coordinates are still on the main island of Tonga!" Jia Liang was puzzled. "If it is true as Xiao Min said, we have already Beyond the surface of the earth, the Mongolia-Eliminating Instrument should at least have a display!"

"Xiao Min, open the 360-degree panoramic window!" Yuan Yizhou wants to see with his own eyes what the scene outside the Miemeng Gallery is like. Whether it is a South Pacific island or something outside the earth, he can tell at a glance!

With the panoramic opening of the dome window, what directly caught Yuan Yizhou's eyes was neither the vast sea nor the tropical islands, but a swath of stars!

"Yizhou, look!" Cui Xingmeng pointed behind Yuan Yizhou and exclaimed!

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