The Secret History of Mars

Chapter 232 The Lost World

"That's easy. I can just add an infrared radiation filter and see the big energy source!" When Xia Qi heard this, he immediately had an idea, "If you are serious, do you have any idea about the power of that engine?" Confidence, it should be easily found in infrared imaging!”

Xia Qi said while adjusting the space scanner!

If a stranger who didn't know the situation saw such a scene, they would think it was a five or six-year-old child playing with his beloved toy.

The lens with an infrared radiation filter changes color instantly!

The cold sea water turned into a dark background, and the high-temperature crater turned into blood red!

Even Ye Qinghe, who had been looking at his son with relaxed and doting eyes, became solemn when he saw this scene!

"Qi'er, this is the infrared thermal imaging of Tonga Island?!" Ye Qinghe's expression became a little unpredictable, and his voice seemed a bit colder!

"Yes, this is the address according to the coordinates he gave, the heat source imaging at this time!" Xia Qi pursed his lips to confirm to Jia Liang.

"Qinghe, what's wrong?!" Cui Xingmeng also felt the change in Ye Qinghe's mood and asked with concern.

"Shi Yiji, I'm afraid I've encountered something more difficult than the warning from the Martians!" Ye Qinghe frowned, and Yuan Yizhou could already feel that beneath the surface of her precious words, her heart was in turmoil!

"Can you still contact Raphael?!" Ye Qinghe raised his eyes and looked at Yuan Yizhou, "Get him out of there quickly, the sooner the better!"

Yueyao Palace is not far from the apron of Miemeng Gallery, so their information crystal should still have a signal!

Yuan Yizhou and Cui Xingmeng hurriedly took out the contact tools that the Mongolian Vanguard had at their disposal, and began to call Raphael through the information crystal!

The long busy tone echoed throughout the reception hall, and each sound increased everyone's tension and anxiety!

Finally, the busy signal cut off and Raphael answered! Call China Unicom!

The scene in front of him shocked Yuan Yizhou. Raphael's face was covered with dust. If it weren't for that familiar voice, he would have thought that he was connected to a soldier from the Terracotta Warriors and Horses!

"Raphael, why are you like this!" Cui Xingmeng asked worriedly.

"The volcanic ash here is so terrifying. I just went out for a short time and I was almost buried!" Raphael actually had the intention to joke. It seems that the situation is not too bad!

"It's not safe there, you drive the interstellar transport ship and leave immediately!" Yuan Yizhou ordered without question.

"I can't leave now, and I can't leave!" Raphael's words made Cui Xingmeng's heart freeze.

"Why?!" she blurted.

"I haven't found my family yet. The people at the travel agency said they went surfing on a sailboat and gave me the coordinates. They are in this sea area!" Raphael said sadly.

"I found it. The engine of the interstellar transport ship your friend is driving should be this red dot!" Xia Qi shouted, interrupting the conversation between Cui Xingmeng and Raphael.

At this time, everyone in the reception hall focused their attention on a small red energy ball that was slowly moving towards the crater!

From a distance, it looks like a small tomato being fed into a big mouth!

Xia Qi slowly zoomed in on the red dot the size of a tomato until Jia Liang recognized the outline of an interstellar transport ship!

"We found you!" Cui Xingmeng said to Raphael excitedly, "Look, this is your image we saw from here!"

At the same time, he showed Raphael the infrared energy cloud image projected by the space scanner in the reception hall!

"You are flying towards the crater!" Cui Xingmeng said to Raphael uneasily.

"I haven't moved. I just got the address of the surfing sea area from the local travel agency, and I haven't started the interstellar transport ship yet!" Raphael clarified.

"What, how is it possible? You are obviously moving towards the crater! The speed is not slow, can't you feel it?" Cui Xingmeng was a little surprised, and directly pointed the information crystal connected to Raphael towards the infrared cloud image , "See for yourself, you are flying towards the crater at a speed visible to the naked eye on the cloud map!"

Ye Qinghe's face turned even uglier while listening to the conversation between Raphael and Cui Xingmeng!

"You'd better ask Raphael to exit as soon as possible. That big red mouth is not a crater!" Ye Qinghe finally spoke, "It's too late!"

Ye Qinghe's voice was not loud, but it was deafening to those who heard it. Raphael on the line was shocked by these words at the noisy disaster scene!

Everyone's eyes shifted from the image in the reception hall to Ye Qinghe!

"It's not a crater! Then what is this?" Xia Qi asked.

"This is the entrance to the Land of Return to Ruins!" After Ye Qinghe said that, the people in the reception hall and on the line froze.

"The legendary bottomless valley in the sea is the place where all the water gathers! The end of everything, the end of the soul, once entered, the place of ruins that will never be returned?!" The spirit snake who said this has already come from There are memories from ancient times, but only in legends. I have heard about the place of Guixu, but I have never actually seen it.

"Raphael, you should also know what this is!" Ye Qinghe neither confirmed nor denied Spirit Snake's statement.

"The archangel Lucifer tried to overturn the order of God's heaven, and led the rebellious angels to test the lost world of souls..." Raphael replied faintly, "We call it 'hell'!"

"The real 'hell' is not here," Ye Qinghe said, "but you are all right about some of the facts. Once you pass through the entrance to the Land of Guixu, your souls will never be able to return to this time and space!"

"Raphael, did you hear that? Get away from there quickly!" After Cui Xingmeng understood Ye Qinghe's words, her first reaction was to rescue Raphael quickly!

At this time, the tomato in the image was moving faster and faster towards the bloody mouth!

Obviously Raphael also felt the danger. The entire interstellar transport ship was sucked into the thick smoke and ashes in front of him by the strong gravity. There were also strong sparks flashing during the period, and there was an increasingly deafening thunder!

Raphael made a prompt decision, started the engine of the interstellar transport ship, and drove at full speed in the opposite direction of the gravitational pull of the Ruins!

The speed of the tomatoes moving towards the bloody mouth gradually slowed down!

The hearts of everyone in the reception hall were in their throats.

Yuan Yizhou glanced at Ye Qinghe, and there was no sign of relaxation on her face!

‘I hope it’s not too late! ’ Ye Qinghe turned his head to look at Yuan Yizhou and said in his heart!

"Boom!" An earth-shaking loud noise came from Raphael. It was harsh even through Cui Xingmeng's information crystal!

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