The Secret History of Mars

Chapter 261 The soul returns to the dark universe

As the butterfly-shaped brain-computer interface crystal attached to Yuan Yizhou's eyebrows slowly brightened, 3D images were turned on above Yuan Yizhou!

Cui Xingmeng knew that these were the images that were about to be transcribed from Yuan Yizhou's dream to the brain-computer interface crystal!

From the image, what Cui Xingmeng saw was also from Yuan Yizhou's perspective: the sulfuric acid clouds of Taibai Venus, the carbon dioxide atmosphere as thick as cotton wool, and the surface of Venus overflowing with volcanic lava...

Continuing through the endless red rocks, Cui Xingmeng finally saw the center of Venus in Yuan Yizhou's dream!

The space in the center of the earth is extremely empty. In the dream he transcribed, Yuan Yizhou's eyes focused on the black hole in the center of the earth!

But Cui Xingmeng discovered that the space in the center of the earth is wrapped by Venus' volcanic lava, red-hot crust, and mantle!

Viewed from a distance, the Venus base in the center of the earth looks like it is in a hollow in the middle of a burned red sphere!

‘With such a natural protective layer of fireball, how did Yizhou get inside in a dream? ! ’ Cui Xingmeng murmured in her heart while looking at the dream that Yuan Yizhou was transcribing!

At the same time, he stared more carefully at the unfocused images of Yuan Yizhou, looking for clues!

When the black hole in the whole picture is getting bigger and bigger, it is the time when Yuan Yizhou in the dream is passing through the fleets at the Venus base!

While flying over the big goose egg with wings of the Endless Wings ship, Yuan Yizhou glanced at the Endless Wings ship from the black hole at the entrance of Guixu Land!

At this glance, Cui Xingmeng saw the mirror image of Yuan Yizhou reflected in the smooth goose egg hull of the Endless Wings!

A translucent human form without any entity! ! !

Cui Xingmeng was quite shocked. She knew that this was Yuan Yizhou's soul!

Wen Yuze's appearance and state were very similar to what they had seen before, after Wen Yuze's soul was stripped away by the Phantom Blade!

Cui Xingmeng was shocked and puzzled. Could it be that the soul of the person beside her just left her body, traveled to Venus, and came back again?

He clearly said it was just a nightmare!

When Cui Xingmeng was wondering, the picture had already entered the black hole!

‘This should be the scene inside the Guixu Place! ’ Cui Xingmeng thought!

After Yuan Yizhou's brain, the scene inside the Guixu Land that has been processed is not that dark!

Cui Xingmeng could clearly see the bubble-like masses of dark matter floating and combining randomly around Yuan Yizhou!

Moreover, these bubbles seemed to be deliberately avoiding Yuan Yizhou's soul, retreating to both sides in the direction of his flight to make way!

Soon, the giant brain Yuan Yizhou mentioned appeared in his field of vision!

Seeing this huge energy ball in front of him, Cui Xingmeng was unable to connect with the soul-eating brain!

It has no arms, legs, teeth, or even a mouth, so how can it eat souls!

Cui Xingmeng silently verified his idea! On the contrary, Cui Xingmeng felt that it looked like a giant bubble that was larger than other dark matter!

Yuan Yizhou felt that the process of "eating" between the ups and downs, inhaling and spitting out, in Cui Xingmeng's eyes, looked like this huge dark matter, which after being re-digested and processed, provided a steady stream of energy for the entire Guixu Land!

When Yuan Yizhou's eyes were fixed on the humanoid soul where half of the body and the smaller half of the face had been "dissolved" into the big bubble, Cui Xingmeng also jumped!

That face looked very much like Raphael, who had just been captured through the crater of Tonga after being returned to ruins! ! !

What shocked Cui Xingmeng even more was that it was Raphael's soul! !

It was exactly the same as the soul of Yuan Yizhou she saw reflected from the goose egg hull of Endless Wings just now!

If he hadn't seen his lover, lying warm and fresh beside him, his soul would probably have left his body at this moment, and he would have become Cui Xingmeng!

After completing the dream transcription, Yuan Yizhou opened his eyes and took the brain-computer interface crystal out of his forehead!

"How?" Yuan Yizhou knew that Cui Xingmeng was very attentive and could always find some details that he could easily overlook!

"Are you sure you had a dream just now?" Cui Xingmeng actually asked the same question that Yuan Yizhou asked when he woke up.

"Isn't it true that it's not like a dream?!" Yuan Yizhou also agreed with his lover's suspicion.

"Well, and I saw your soul!" Cui Xingmeng nodded seriously. This was not a suspicion, but real evidence. "Just when you passed through the defenses of the Venus base, I was on the Endless Wing ship. , I saw your image on the mirror of the goose egg ship!"

"My soul?!" Yuan Yizhou was puzzled, "What does it look like?"

"Of course I have the same appearance as you," Cui Xingmeng glanced at Yuan Yizhou, feeling that he knew what he was asking, "It's just that the body is translucent...the same as the last thing you saw..."

"You saw it too, it was him, right?" Yuan Yizhou didn't want to get a definite answer, but he also wanted to confirm that he was not the only one who saw Raphael.

"Well, it does seem to be Raphael. You are no different from him in there. You are also a translucent soul!" Cui Xingmeng nodded without denying it.

"Am I the same as him?!" This was beyond Yuan Yizhou's expectation, "That's weird!"

"Yes, it's very strange! Why doesn't that big bubble absorb you, and lets you stand not far or close to it to watch it do these things!!" Cui Xingmeng directly expressed the question in Yuan Yizhou's mind.

"Yes, I felt like I was sucked into the Land of Return to Ruins by a great force! But when I got in front of that big bubble you mentioned, I suddenly stopped. Whether I stopped or moved was totally out of my control. It’s under control, why doesn’t it eat me?!”

Yuan Yizhou felt that it would be more comfortable to call it "Big Bubble" as Cui Xingmeng did. "Giant Brain" always felt a bit scary!

"I don't think that big bubble is eating people's souls," Cui Xingmeng said tentatively. "I don't know exactly. I just feel like it is performing some kind of transformation on these souls!"

"Some kind of conversion?" Yuan Yizhou marveled that the conclusions drawn by boys and girls about the same thing were so different!

"Well, the humanoid soul that just entered the Guixu Land has transformed into a group of dark matter that can float freely everywhere, separate and combine!" Cui Xingmeng explained his thoughts.

"Why do you feel like this?" Yuan Yizhou knows that women's intuition sometimes makes no sense, but he still wants to try his luck!

"Otherwise, do you hope that the souls in Guixu Land are all humanoid souls? It's so weird that they come and go!" Cui Xingmeng was quite confident.

Hearing what his lover said, Yuan Yizhou actually felt that it made some sense!

‘So, Raphael was not eaten, but gained eternal freedom in the dark universe? ’ Yuan Yizhou thought in his mind.

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