The Secret History of Mars

Chapter 296 The Lost Soul

In the North Pole Cave of Venus, next to the Honeycomb Soul Washing Pool.

In just a few days, Yuan Yizhou and Cui Xingmeng have initially mastered the skill of soul leaving the body!

Elder Cang Xi has nothing more technical things to teach them!

Therefore, they were told not to leave the Arctic Cave when practicing, so as not to be discovered by people at the base!

Then he returned to his one-person hive, sat in lotus position on the meditation platform inside, and concentrated on meditation!

Rather than sitting on the lotus meditation platform, Cui Xingmeng prefers to soak in the soul-washing pool. In the warm and relaxing soup pool, she can easily let her soul leave her body and wander around!

But Yuan Yizhou is just the opposite. He doesn't like the dizziness and powerlessness of bathing in the bath. He prefers to use his own conscious control to separate his soul from his body on the lotus meditation platform with one person in a honeycomb!

And the lotus meditation platform in the honeycomb is no ordinary meditation platform!

After Yuan Yizhou sits on the lotus flower, there will be many furry capillary structures extending from the surroundings of the meditation platform and adsorbing on his skin!

At first, Yuan Yizhou resisted this feeling!

Later, Elder Kuraki told her that these capillary structures were no different from the relatively thick capillary tubes he saw in Optimus Prime that pumped magma to the crater on the surface of Venus!

It is filled with magnesium sulfate solution. For Yuan Yizhou, who does not like bathing, it is equivalent to sending the liquid in the soul-washing pool directly to his physical body through these honeycomb capillary structures, helping him to perform targeted local relaxation, which is easier. Enter samadhi!

Knowing this, Yuan Yizhou no longer resisted. Those furry things touched his skin, and after getting used to it, he actually felt very comfortable!

In this way, the two of them used their own way to practice controlling their souls out of the body independently, and at the same time, they were waiting for the team from Mie Meng Gallery to come to Venus to meet!

After the two souls leave the body together, they will travel through the bee holes one after another, large and small bee eyes!

As the two's control abilities increase, more and more new bee eyes are developed every day!

That day, as usual, after the two souls left their bodies, Cui Xingmeng anxiously took Yuan Yizhou to explore the stalactite cave they had newly discovered the day before!

After her soul left her body, Cui Xingmeng had no sense of temperature. Even the colors were as hazy as looking at flowers in the fog or looking at the moon in the water. For a visual animal like her, looking at the foggy and bleak world was really a torture. !

Until the souls of the two wandered into the stalactite cave, Cui Xingmeng was attracted by the bright red stone pillars inside. Unfortunately, the time for the souls to leave the body yesterday had come. They had to return to the physical body according to Elder Cangxi's request, and they could only wait until today. , let’s find out again!

Soon, the two came to this red stalactite cave. Cui Xingmeng floated around in the cave curiously, while Yuan Yizhou was suspended at the entrance of the cave, carefully observing the newly discovered bee cave!

There is also a huge Optimus Prime in this bee cave, which should also be connected to a certain crater on the ground!

Unlike the Optimus Prime in the Bee Cave where Elder Cangxi is, in addition to being brightly colored, the capillary tubes in this pillar are very thick, a bit thicker than Yuan Yizhou's waist!

Cui Xingmeng had already circled the cave and found nothing special, which was a little disappointing!

He drooped his head and sat on the ground leaning against Optimus Prime!

Yuan Yizhou was wondering where the color in this cave came from, but he saw that the ground where Cui Xingmeng was sitting began to fluctuate, and became increasingly red!

'not good! ’ Yuan Yizhou thought to himself, ‘Xing Meng, get out of there quickly! ’

After shouting with his consciousness, Yuan Yizhou rushed towards Cui Xingmeng. At this time, Cui Xingmeng also received the warning message from Yuan Yizhou's consciousness. As soon as he raised his head and looked at him, he felt that his soul after leaving the body was completely out of control and was sucked into the body where she was sitting. The ground!

The soul of Yuan Yizhou, who had just rushed over, couldn't dodge and was sucked in together!

The two of them were ejected from the crater on the surface of Venus along with the magma along the thick capillary tube!

At this time, Yuan Yizhou realized that this was an active volcano, so the magma accumulated in the cave was a bright red color and could erupt at any time!

The soul cannot feel the temperature, so they ignore this danger!

After the two souls were ejected from the crater, apart from feeling out of control, they were not injured anywhere!

It's just that they violated Elder Cangxi's prohibition - they cannot come to the surface of Venus!

Now, he was accidentally erupted by a volcano and brought to the surface, and he didn’t know how to get back!

‘I have no choice but to wake up my body and take back my soul by force! ’ Yuan Yizhou and Cui Xingmeng were communicating consciously.

So the next second, a person was sitting on the honeycomb lotus meditation platform. Yuan Yizhou's physical body frowned slightly and slowly opened his eyes!

Forcibly taking back the soul is not the best policy. It should only be used in emergencies. Otherwise, the soul is easily damaged and the body is at risk of paralysis. What's worse, it may lead to obsession!

For safety reasons, Yuan Yizhou closed his eyes again and carefully scanned his body from top to bottom with his consciousness!

After confirming that everything was safe, Fang opened his eyes again, stood up and left the meditation platform, and walked towards the soul-washing pool to check on Cui Xingmeng's condition!

In the soul-washing pool, Xing Meng's body was sitting in the pool with her back to the door. Except for her coiled black hair, beautiful swan neck and white back, Yuan Yizhou couldn't see whether she was awake. It was just the call of his consciousness. , and there has been no response!

So he quickly walked around to the side of the soul-washing pool, only to see his lover's eyes still closed!

"Xingmeng, Mengmeng, can you hear me? Wake up!" Yuan Yizhou tried to wake her up, but there was still no response!

‘Xing Meng’s soul has not come back! ’ A terrible thought flashed into Yuan Yizhou’s mind, causing him to panic instantly and a cold sweat broke out on his back!

Yuan Yizhou did not dare to touch Cui Xingmeng's body casually. Elder Cang Xi had repeatedly warned that the body after the soul left the body must not be touched, otherwise the soul would not be able to find its way back!

"Elder Cang Xi, help!" Yuan Yizhou's voice was desperate and panicked. He staggered out of the soul washing pool and ran towards Elder Cang Xi's hive!

At this time, Elder Cangxi had also felt the changes in the cave, had recovered his mind, and was getting up from the hive!

Seeing Yuan Yizhou bumping in, she probably guessed something!

"Yizhou, don't panic, where were you just now?" Elder Cang Xi's calm voice made Yuan Yizhou calm down a lot, and he recounted what happened in the red stalactite cave in detail!

"You were ejected with magma to the surface of Venus?" After listening to Yuan Yizhou's story, Elder Cangxi's expression became serious!

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