The Secret History of Mars

Chapter 298 The Awakening of the Human Soul

"The second is to fly along the surface. After arriving at the equator of Venus, enter the center of the earth from the entrance of the Venus base on the equator! Apart from the shadow film along the way, the Phantom Blade has no other stealth measures, so it is very easy to be discovered!"

The clone captain knew that Elder Cangxi had always valued the safety and privacy of the Phantom Blade the most, so he specifically emphasized the exposure risk of this route!

"How many Shiyi days will it take to reach this flight route?" Elder Cangxi is most concerned about speed now!

In fact, the reason why she was unwilling to expose the Phantom Blade ship too much before was because she wanted to keep a low profile and stay away from right and wrong, not because she was afraid of being exposed!

With the strength of the Phantom Blade, there is no interstellar battleship in the entire solar system that can match it!

"It only takes half a stone day to fly on the surface. If you use the green channel to clear the entrance, it should not take half a day to reach the center of the earth. In total, you can reach the center of Venus in less than one day!" The clone captain said, Precisely stated.

"Take the second route and start the journey! Activate the shadow film protection throughout the entire journey!" Elder Cangxi said decisively.

"This..." The clone captain has always resolutely and unconditionally obeyed Elder Cang Xi's orders, but this time he must fulfill his responsibility as the captain of the Phantom Blade ship!

"Say!" Elder Cangxi saw the clone captain's dilemma and asked him to tell him the reason.

"The souls we have saved, if we fly the second route, will probably only be enough fuel for one way!" The clone captain knew very well that Elder Cangxi had always been extremely cautious when using the soul-killing function of the Phantom Blade!

This ghostly starship spends most of its time gliding in the mantle without driving force, cleverly using the ever-changing beehives in the mantle of Venus and capillary gravity to travel!

The stored soul energy is rarely used. Those souls were carefully saved by Elder Cangxi for thousands of years. Only the souls of some heinous sins will be burned as the "firewood" of the Phantom Blade, driving the near-light speed. flight.

This time, the rush to pick up Yuan Yizhou and Cui Xingmeng from the Moon Palace has already burned a lot of fuel!

Moreover, if it runs out of fuel, the Phantom Blade will become a dead ship, and the clone crew members who are dependent on the ship's energy will also enter eternal sleep!

Publicly and privately, there are reasons for hesitation in cloning the captain!

"Understood, fly the second route at full speed!" The reasons given by the cloned captain did not sway Elder Cangxi's decision. "If we can't get to the place of ruins in time, I'm afraid the entire solar system will enter eternal sleep!"

After hearing what Elder Cang Xi said, the clone captain knew the seriousness of the matter and stopped arguing!

Turning to face the entire crew, he relayed Elder Cang Xi's order, "Everyone on the ship is listening to the order. The destination is the Earth Center Base of Venus. Let's set off along the second optimized surface route!"

Yuan Yizhou stood nearby, listening to the conversation between Elder Cang Xi and the clone captain, with a sense of determination that would break the boat!

As Cui Xingmeng's lover, he will naturally go all out, but he doesn't quite understand Elder Cang Xi's motive for doing this!

Even if Xing Meng inherited her direct gene and became the best number one seed in the Shiyi Period in this life; even if she had Lucifer's human soul sealed in her body...

Yuan Yizhou decided to ask clearly!

Soon the Phantom Blade ship separated from the North Pole Hole of Venus and turned into an independent bubble body again!

The biggest difference from when you entered the cave is that when you left, you brought Cui Xingmeng's body wrapped in the water from the soul-washing pool!

Other procedures are similar to those when entering the cave, except that the operation is reversed - the shadow film slowly detaches from the inner wall of the beehive, and the crew follows the shadow film and regroups near the central console.

After the exit procedure was completed, Elder Kuraki had no intention of taking over the operation of the ship. The clone captain directly began to operate the Phantom Blade, heading towards the ground along the winding mantle of the Arctic Cave!

To leave the North Pole Cave, you only need to find a way back to the ground. Unlike when entering the cave, you need to make very precise judgments to find the route that leads to the safe house. Therefore, Elder Cangxi felt relieved and left it to the well-trained The clone crew team!

Soon, the Phantom Blade arrived on the surface of Venus. At this time, Yuan Yizhou looked outside the ship and discovered that the crack through which they exited was far, far away from the center of the spider web!

It seems that the route out of the cave chosen by the clone captain is indeed different from the route into the cave taken by Elder Cang Xi a few days ago!

After reaching the ground, the Phantom Blade changed the shape of the ship into a streamlined shape that was most suitable for high-speed flight!

Even though Elder Cangxi gave the order to never return, the clone captain still wanted to reduce fuel consumption as much as possible and preserve his strength within his control!

After the Phantom Blade flew stably, the scenery outside the ship was a completely black and red volcanic landscape!

Yuan Yizhou took the opportunity to ask Elder Cang Xi some questions that were troubling him.

"Elder Cang Xi, in the urgent message from Mars, he just said that Xing Meng and I should be used as bait to trap the dark matter energy in the Ruins!" Yuan Yizhou felt that seeing how nervous Elder Cang Xi was about the three lost souls of Xing Meng, if they were just ordinary Dark matter, how could she be willing to let Xingmeng be the bait!

"So what kind of dark matter is it?"

Elder Cang Xi looked at Yuan Yizhou and felt that although it was not the best time to tell him clearly now, he was afraid that he would not have the chance to tell him when he arrived at the Venus base.

"That is the awakening power of the human soul that is sealed in the land of Guixu!" Elder Cang Xi told the truth!

"Awakening power, you mean that Xing Meng imprisoned Lucifer's human soul and hasn't woken up yet?" Yuan Yizhou was a little confused. If Xing Meng's human soul is still sleeping, where did her usual intelligence and wit come from? of?

"It can be said that," Elder Cang Xi nodded, "Xing Meng's own human soul is also very good. In the Shi Yi Ji, he can be regarded as a dragon and a phoenix among people!"

"That's why the Sun God sealed Lucifer's human soul in Eve!" Elder Cang Xi told the story according to his own ideas, but Yuan Yizhou was completely stunned!

One moment he was a human from the Stone Age, and the next moment he was related to Eve and the Sun God. No matter how it sounded, it was completely irrelevant.

For a moment, Yuan Yizhou didn't know how to continue asking questions!

Yuan Yizhou's hesitation made Elder Cang Xi realize that the span of his story was a bit exaggerated, so he patiently pointed out,

"The Sun God is what we call him now. Your human civilization in the Shiyi Period calls him more God!" Elder Cangxi explained, "The Archangel Lucifer challenged God's rule in order to subvert the rules of the bright universe. After authority failed, the human soul was sealed by God in Eve in the Garden of Eden!"

"That is the identity of the first generation of Xingmeng!"

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