Remember in one second【】

When the water in the barrel became slightly cooler, Elok stood up from the water. Wiped the water stains on his body. Put on Captain Jack's equipment.

The headache symptoms have improved a lot, but his throat still hurts, so he doesn't want to say a word.

But helplessly, I need to deal with all kinds of people.

Roger was awakened by the voices of Elok and Florian. He was standing in the doorway in a white shirt and wanted to remind them to keep quiet. It was discovered that Florian had already left. So I decided to go back to bed and continue to sleep.

Elok first noticed Roger's actions and shouted with a smile:

"Roger Second Mate."

"What's the matter? Captain Jack?" he replied listlessly. But the figure has walked to his bedroom.

Elok walked to the living room, sat on the sofa, and played with the scepter in his hand. Continue to ask:

"I remember you wanted to buy a second-level skill. Did you buy it?"

Roger suddenly woke up from the bed, then glanced at the door sneakily, took a deep breath, and replied:

"Not yet. That poor ghost knight doesn't have much inheritance."

Seeing that Elok hadn't come in yet, he took another look at his small suitcase, and found that he hadn't moved before getting up from the bed and heading to the living room. He leaned on the door frame, looked at Elok seriously and asked:

"Captain, are you ready to pay me a salary?"

"Isn't it already sent to you? It's still a blind box. If you can open the best gift package, it's your skill." Elok said with a smile.

Then, he took out the hunter's hammer and handed it to Roger, saying:

"Return it to you. I will ask you again if I need it."

Along with the Hunter's Hammer, there are several colorful bullets. He didn't explain the function of these things, I believe Roger can figure it out.

"Well~ I'm really a tattered picker. The captain got a new weapon, so he threw the old one to me." Roger looked at the scepter beside Elok and complained.

"Come on. I don't want to return it to me. That's 300 gold coins." Ailock suddenly became angry.

Roger hurriedly put away the musket, and said with a smile, "I'm not congratulating Master Captain for getting the new weapon? Just kidding."

"Okay. Roger. Then I congratulate you on your new weapon." Elok said with a smile.

He picked up the scepter and looked at it. Seeing Roger's expression of envy but dare not to speak, he dared to feel refreshed.

It's nice to have a subordinate.

The scepter is not big, about one meter long. It's just right for walking sticks and walking sticks. It feels great to start, but the disadvantage is that it is a bit heavy.

The scepter is named——Kalamet's Storm.

There is a gem inlay on the top of the silver rod. Although the gem was not cracked, the head of the rod was somewhat damaged. It is estimated that one of his own bullets hit him.

Fortunately, I still have a little bear bound mage, see if I can fix it.

There are three skills. They are all active skills, not passive.

The first skill, which is the skill Peel cast that day-electrophoresis.

The fourth-level skill allows lightning to converge on the top of the scepter, and then release it, producing extremely powerful destructive power.

It takes about three seconds to converge, during which time it can move, but not too fast. It can be used without a thunderstorm, but the thunderstorm can effectively reduce the time of gathering. …

The second skill-Tempest. The same level 4 skills can be used in combination with the first skill to achieve quite perfect results.

Able to summon a small patch of thunderclouds to carry out large-scale indiscriminate lightning attacks on the ground. After the lightning energy in the thunder cloud is exhausted, the thunder cloud disappears. Electrophoresis consumes energy.

The third skill-Windrunner.

Level 2 skills.

After release, you can use the power of the wind to make yourself in the wind like a fish in the water. Greatly strengthen the movement speed.

Cooperating with the strong wind generated by the storm will also produce the effect of 1+1>2.

A powerful weapon. The most important thing is that each skill can work together. This is the power of this scepter.

Of course, he also has powerful side effects that match his skills.

When using the first skill of this scepter-electrophoresis, it will exert a strong load on the body. This will cause harm to your body. The specific damage is determined according to the time it takes for the charge to accumulate.

Using the second skill of the scepter-during a storm, you will become extremely irritable.

Use the third skill-After Windrunner is over, you will become a little vain because you are not used to standing on flat ground.

This is just a side effect of the scepter's own skills.

The side effect of the scepter itself is to make you more likely to encounter lightning strikes.

Never carry this scepter with you in a thunderstorm. If you are going to carry it in a storm, then you must use it.


Sure enough, a big side effect. It must be used in rainy days.

Excited to see the rain? Sure enough, it was very active. Very personal.

Seeing Roger staring at Elok playing with the scepter in his hand, Elok raised his eyebrows at him, and said braggingly:

"A four-level scepter of a meteorologist. Karame's storm."

Roger made a solemn face and said nothing. Touching the hunter's hammer on his waist, he comforted himself and said: "Mine is not bad, a hunter's first-level musket. The hunter's hammer.

^0^Remember in one second【】


Then, he glanced at the scepter again, and said:

"Kalamet's storm?"

"Yes." Elok glanced at Roger. "Why, do you know Karame?"

Roger rolled his eyes and despised Elok's unknowing behavior a hundred times. Then he explained disdainfully:

"Kalameda is the western port of the Stormwind Empire."

"Oh, that's it." Elok replied with a blank nod.

"Are you from Karame??"

Roger glanced at Elok and replied, "Don't worry about Karame. It's still the question of how to get to Delta."

"Now, the ship will be docked soon. We need to change the means of transportation." He added.

"Cooperate with the police's investigation first. Then we will go. The big deal is to buy a ferry ticket." Ailock replied blankly.

"Now. I have to go to Connor and settle accounts with her. It broke my plan."

Seeing Elok's appearance, Roger said helplessly: "You really have a special taste. I'll buy a skill. Come back and wait for you in the room."

Elok ignored Roger's unnutritious words and nodded. …

He patted the bear's head at the door. Asked: "Can this scepter be repaired? It's a bit damaged."

After half a minute, the bear started to move gradually. Elok was not surprised by this situation.

In his understanding, this is probably the little bear sleeping.

For a doll, staying in one place is the most time in a lifetime. The time spent playing in the hands of the master is very small.

When the bear slowly wakes up, he raises his head and looks at Elok.

Elok lifted the scepter, pointed the head of the scepter to the bear, and repeated the question just now: "Can it be repaired? It is a little damaged."

Bear unwrapped the bandage on his right hand and wrapped the scepter, then placed it in front of his eyes and observed it carefully, and said, "Yes. But I need to find an alchemist to help."

"Yeah~~" Elok groaned, as if thinking of something, and said: "I remember there was an alchemist on the ship. You can ask her for help."

He looked at Roger and ordered:

"Take the bear with you to do this. I'll be reimbursed for the money you spend. But don't make a false report. Otherwise, you won't have any money."

Elok suddenly felt that a bright star appeared in front of his eyes, Roger's eyes. After hearing what Elok said, he replied excitedly:

"no problem."

Then, he hurriedly snatched the scepter from the bear's "hand", and after a cherished caress, he took the bear's hand and pulled it up and walked out the door.

Elok scratched his head when he was watching. Maybe it shouldn't be given to Roger.

Don't embezzle it to me.

Look at the way it has never seen the world. Net shame me.

His head hurt again, he pressed his temples and sorted his clothes. Turn on the astral vision and look for Connor's location.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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