
Frost continent.

Xuanhuang Mall.

A very bustling street with various shops on both sides.

Some of these shops specialize in selling elixirs, some specialize in selling talismans, some specialize in selling magic weapons, some specialize in selling puppets, and some specialize in purchasing various materials.

In addition to these formal shops, there are some warriors on both sides of the street, setting up some stalls and doing some small business.

The business of these small vendors without formal shops is naturally far less than that of those in formal shops, but in terms of business popularity, these small vendors are not much inferior to those of formal shops.

Those formal shops, although their business scale is larger, are often more expensive.

Although these small vendors are not as large as those of formal shops, they are more affordable and flexible.

Among all the small stalls, the one with the hottest business is several times more popular than those with formal shops.

In front of this small stall, a large number of warriors were crowded.

"Give me ten innate high-grade Nine Transformation Restoration Pills!"

"I want twenty Huiyuan Pills, and they must all be of the highest quality!"

"Spirit talisman, I want a talisman. Yes, it's the kind of talisman that can transform into a golden shield. Give me ten of them, hurry up!"

"Hey, do you understand the concept of first come, first served? I came first. If you want to buy magic talismans, get in line!"

"Holy shit, why are you squeezing? If you push again! If you push again, believe it or not, I will kill you!"

"Queue, queue, what's the situation? It's so chaotic that in the end no one can buy anything!"

In front of this stall, a large number of warriors crowded together and made a noise.

This stall was naturally set up by Xiao Qingniao, Gong Yeyan and Chu Qingqiu.

After the three of them arrived at Xuanhuang Mall, after some investigation, they finally decided to pave the way by setting up a stall first, and then open a formal store after they had established a reputation.

The three of them had just arrived at Xuanhuang Mall and were not familiar with the place. Naturally, it was impossible for them to convince others that the products they sold were reliable.

But this kind of thing is not difficult for Xiao Qingniao, Gong Yeyan and Chu Qingqiu.

These three people are all extremely smart, especially Chu Qingqiu, who has almost completely inherited Chu Jianqiu's wisdom. Dozens of ideas come to mind at a glance.

She put forward her idea, and after discussing it with Xiao Qingniao and Gong Yeyan, they finally decided on a routine.

The little blue bird first transformed into a human form, and then used the Changing Appearance Talisman to change his appearance and cultivation aura. Gong Yeyan also used the Changing Appearance Talisman to change his appearance and cultivation aura.

Then, the two chose a very prosperous street and started fighting.

Of course, the fight between the two was not really about using their true strength, the purpose was just to demonstrate the effect of the magic talisman in their hands.

Therefore, the fight between the two is more about fighting talismans rather than fighting martial arts.

In that fight, the two used a variety of talismans, including the Great Golden Shield Talisman, the Nine Heavens Divine Mask Talisman, the Lilong Fire Talisman, the Ice Spirit Talisman...

The complicated talismans dazzled onlookers, and the effects displayed by these talismans also opened their eyes.

In the end, Gong Yeyan pretended to be defeated by the little blue bird and fled.

The little blue bird stood in the middle of the street, proudly announcing his victory.

At this time, naturally some people couldn't help but came forward to ask where the talismans used by the little blue bird were bought.

The little blue bird pretended to be difficult at first, and then after repeated questioning by those people, he reluctantly pointed out the place to buy the magic talisman.

At that time, Chu Qingqiu had already set up a stall on another street, waiting for others to come and buy.

Under the guidance of Little Blue Bird, some warriors immediately came over to buy those spiritual talismans from Chu Qingqiu.

In the beginning, not many people came to buy.

After all, many people are also worried about whether this is a scam.

Because this kind of routine has been played in Xuanhuang Mall for so many years.

Some of them are deliberately set up to get the name of their products, which are pretty good.

But there are also some who are just trying to make money.

They first took out some really good things and demonstrated them in front of everyone, but when they actually sold them, they passed them off as inferior goods and used some fakes to fool others.

After defrauding a large amount of money, they immediately packed up and ran away. Those who were deceived did not even have a place to find someone to settle accounts with.

The most common people who play this trick are the small vendors.

Because these small vendors have little cost, they can just pack up and run away, which is extremely flexible.

As long as they can deceive a large number of people, they will make a lot of money.

Therefore, the warriors of Xuanhuang Mall are still very wary of the tricks of these vendors.

Therefore, at the beginning, there were not many warriors who came to Chu Qingqiu to buy spiritual talismans.

But when those warriors who bought the talismans used those talismans and truly realized the benefits of those talismans, they immediately came over to buy them again.

With the increasing number of repeat customers, Chu Qingqiu's reputation for these talismans naturally gradually opened up.

After these talismans opened up the market, Chu Qingqiu then began to sell those elixirs.

And with the reputation of the previous magic talismans, these warriors naturally believed in the efficacy of the elixirs sold by Chu Qingqiu.

Of course, at the beginning, although they believed it in their hearts, they did not dare to buy too much at once.

But after they tasted the benefits of these elixirs and understood the taste after eating the marrow, they couldn't stop eating them anymore.

The effects of these elixirs are really great.

It can be said that in the entire Baishuang Continent, there is no elixir of the same level that can compare with these elixirs.

Even the famous Xuanhuang Chamber of Commerce was crushed by the efficacy of the same-level elixirs sold by Chu Qingqiu.

As Chu Qingqiu sold more and more talismans and elixirs, and they were passed down from generation to generation, the reputation of these talismans and elixirs became more and more famous.

In an instant, countless warriors swarmed over, vying to buy various talismans and elixirs from Chu Qingqiu, which led to such a heated situation today.

"Queue up, everyone, please queue up, don't grab, don't grab, don't worry, everyone, we have sufficient supply of goods, as long as everyone has enough money, you can get as much as you want!" I saw those warriors who were looking for magic talismans and elixirs. There were too many, and it became a commotion. Gong Yeyan immediately stepped in to maintain order and shouted loudly.

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