The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1020: Hard grab! (2)

Long is full of color, saying, "I am confused, I can't even talk. Feng Daxia, in short, today, you are in charge, we will let this kid sell Xiaobaihu to you!" After all, Long Quan went to Qin Dong and shouted, "Sell it is not to sell, you are giving a quick speech!"

Seeing that Long Quan is going to move the real thing, Feng Lang hurriedly looked at Qin Dong with apologetic and said, "This Xiongtai, Xiaobaihu I don't buy it, you can go first."

Feng Lang is to protect them. How can Qin Dong not even understand this point? The more I feel that Feng Lang is a good person.

"Brothers, everyone's chance to repay Feng Daxia is coming! Don't let these kids escape!" Long Quan said so, hundreds of scattered repairs have come up, and they will be surrounded by Qin Dong. In the middle.

"There is no reason for this! Do you have more people, we will be afraid that you will not be?" Qingying, Hu Li, Xiao Ting three standing in a row, ready to fight. Hu Li also sacrificed the flying wolf sword. [

This battle seems to be inevitable. Although Qin Dong’s heart is extremely reluctant, it is really helpless. However, he has made up his mind and will never hurt. Once the two sides have become in conflict, they will immediately use their magical powers and take Xiao Ting to force them to leave the area.

In fact, Long Quan did not want to be troubled by Qin Dong. After all, he was in a loss. I thought that when the momentum was loud, Qin Dong would feel fearful, and he would surrender the king and receive the effect of defeating the soldiers without fighting. But the result made him both surprised and disappointed. Wan did not expect that several people in Qindong faced such a momentum, but they still refused to let go, and they looked like that, they even planned to use a few people in their area to fight against them. Scattered. Aside from anything else, Qin Dong and others have the courage and courage to really admire him.

At this point, Longquan was riding a tiger, but he had to bite his teeth and ordered an offensive against the hundreds of people. Although the repairs of these more than 100 scattered repairs are generally not high, but for the sake of the phoenix waves, these people are obviously going out of their lives. At this time, it is also a small feat.

Qin Dong’s heart is tight, and the instinctively gathers the spiritual power. When it is about to be shot, Feng Lang suddenly makes a mad drink. The figure is like a dragon, and it is directly inserted between the two sides. The violent winds of spiritual power swept through and immediately forced the life of Longquan and others.

"You are slow and hands-on, please listen to Fengmou!" Fenglang repaired as strong, but could not stop the violent attack of more than 100 scattered repairs at the same time. After repulsing Longquan and others, he immediately shouted. The voice is straight through the sky.

"Feng Daxia, let us all do our best!" Long Quan shouted, crying out.

Qin Dongzheng was guilty. He did not expect that Feng Lang would suddenly take a shot and stop the more than 100 scattered repairs. He couldn’t help but feel a sigh of relief.

"Uncle!" Feng Lang screamed at Long Quan, then bent down deeply.

"Feng Daxia, what are you doing? I... how do I take it!" Long Quan saw a panic and rushed forward to help Feng Lang.

Feng Lang took a shot of Long Quan’s hand, turned and rushed to the hundreds of scattered repairs, one by one bowed. The atmosphere at the scene suddenly fell into a solemnity.

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