The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1023: Flying knife is still you! (2)

"You..." Fenglang turned to safety and refused to be happy. He looked at Qin Dong with a pair of eyes. He seemed to want to say something, but he could not say it because of his shock at the moment. It has been difficult to describe in words.

Qin Dong swayed his hand and gestured to indicate that Feng Lang should not talk. He reached out and removed the flying knife that was inserted on his shoulder. At the same time, he swung his finger to seal his acupuncture point and stopped the blood.

"You...who are you?" Han Shizhen’s face was awkward. The one finger that Qin Ting pointed out, if not aimed at his palm, but aimed at his heart, then he will become a body at this time. The cultivation done by Qin Dong made Han Shizhen have to believe that Qin Dong’s cultivation was far above him, but he had racked his brains and could not think of it. On the mainland, he was a man higher than him. Among them, there is such a character as Qin Dong.

"Is this flying knife yours?" Qin Dong did not answer his question, but instead played the flying knife and asked a quiet question.

"Yes... it's mine." Han Shizhen has some guilty conscience. [

"That's good, I will give it to you!" Qin Dongdao said, his wrist was awkward, and the knife was immediately turned into a silver lightning, and he spurred straight to Han Shizhen's right shoulder.

Han Shizhen’s heart was shocked, and he realized that it was not good. He quickly put together 10% of the repairs together, and took out a swift and amazing palm, trying to shoot down the blasting flying knife.

Han Shizhen underestimated Qin Dong and overestimated himself. His palm is as fragile as a white paper. Han Shizhen’s palm was just opened, and he was worn by a flying knife. Han Shizhen didn’t even have time to recover the palm. The flying knife had slammed and penetrated his shoulder blade deeply.

Han Shizhen shot the phoenix wave of the knife, but only penetrated the skin of Feng Lang, did not hurt the bones, but Qin Dong this knife, the power is at least ten times his knife. The force of chaos carried on the flying knife suddenly broke out in the moment of piercing Hanshi's shoulder blade. Straight like a grenade, blasting from Han Shizhen's body, only listening to the bang, the smashing of the entire shoulder blade of Han Shizhen.

Such a severe pain is not something that ordinary people can bear. Han Shizhen only has time to make a cry, and the whole person has passed out.

Longquan and Fenglang, you look at me, I look at you, the two straight doubts, Qin Dong shot is not a flying knife, but a grenade!

"You... Where did you come from?" A five-level monk was abolished by Qin Dong in an instant. This is also a huge loss for Zhiyao. I didn’t think about it in the morning, but this situation happened and the whole person was stunned.

Qin Dong did not rush to deal with him, but turned his head and smiled at Feng Lang. "Feng Xiong, since Zhi Yao Ge is coming to my pet, let me deal with it."

After seeing the means of Qin Dong, Feng Lang realized that he did not know Taishan, and he played a big knife in front of Guan Gong. I knew that Qin Dong had such a supernatural power, and where he used him to jump out of the accident.

Listening to Qin Dong’s question, he nodded in a hurry and smiled bitterly.

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