The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1026: Playing snakes is not dead! (2)

Qin Dong had a good impression on Feng Lang and smiled a little. "What do you have to say about Feng Xiong?"

Fenglang is even more disgusted than Qindong, but he is too clear about the power and means of the Japanese Yaoge. He does not want Qin Dong to be impulsive, but he has provoked the strong enemy of the Japanese Yaoge. The so-called tigers are difficult to fight the wolves, Qin Dong's cultivation is higher, after all, is the power of one person, and the Yao Yaoge with thousands of disciples seems too thin.

"Predecessors, I have enough lessons to learn from this morning. I will never dare to be so embarrassed in the future. I must have some convergence. As for his little life, let me stay for a while."

"Brother, why are you pleading for such a bad thief? At the beginning, he almost killed the whole uncle!" Feng Xiao was filled with Feng Lang for the morning pleading, said with anger.

Feng Lang frowned, his sister is too simple, how can he understand his intention? In the face of Qin Dong, some words are not easy to explain, but just sighed, and the right to speak of Feng Xiao did not hear. [

Feng Lang’s attitude made Feng Yan more angry and shouted in a hurry. “Don’t you really want to see Pang Xiu’s sister being killed by this bad guy?”

"Hey!" Hearing Feng Yu said this, Feng Lang's face was so sullen, and the depth of his eyes was like a storm of rain and a thick sorrow.

Qin Dong did not know why Pang Xiu was in the mouth of Feng Yukou, but it is not difficult to see from the look of Feng Lang that the relationship between Pang Xiu and Feng Lang is very unusual.

"Brother, you..."

Feng Qi still wants to say it again, but Feng Lang is screaming to interrupt it. "You shut me up!"

Feng Lang estimates that he has never spoken to Feng Yu in such a tone. Feng Qiao’s a pretty face instantly turned into a pale white, and the tears in his eyes were even more uncontrollable, and he seemed to take off at any time. Come out.

"Good! Good!! I don't care, how about how you love!" Feng Yan was anxious, and turned and ran away with tears.

The look of Feng Lang was obviously anxious. Zhang Moutai wanted to call the phoenixes back. At the end, only a sigh was made.

"Feng Daxia, Miss Dear Miss..." Long Quan looked worried.

Feng Lang shook his head and said, "Let her go."

Qin Dong frowned and looked at Feng Lang and asked, "Do you really want me to let him go? I think you should know the truth that fighting snakes is not dead."

Feng Lang smiled bitterly and rushed to Qin Dong’s fist box. “Please also ask the seniors to look at the face of Feng Lang and spare him a life.”

"If you are worried that the Japanese Yaoge will retaliate against me for this matter, then there is absolutely no need! Little Japanese Yaoge, I can't help me." Qin Dong understands the mind of Feng Lang and said.

Fenglang and Qindong are too far apart, so that the way of thinking between the two can never be the same. The truth that Qin Dong said, listening to Feng Lang, is a reassuring statement to him, and does not think it is true.

Seeing the expression of Feng Lang, Qin Dong shook his head and turned his face to look at the morning, the cold road "Look at the face of Feng Daxia, today I spare you a life! Don't let me see you again." Otherwise, you have no life to die!" After that, Qin Dong shakes hands and throws away the morning.

After landing on the morning, I hurriedly climbed up, even looking forward to not looking at Qin Dong, turned and fled to the distance.

"Thank you for the high man not to kill!" The two level four monks came to Qindong and thanked him.

Qin Dong looked at the two men and said, "You two are good at repairing. Beside such a master is like a pearl. I advise you to think twice after going back, where to go, all in your mind!"

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