The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1029: What is it! (2)

At this time, Qin Dong was also as sinking as water, and he was annoyed at the bad behavior of the Seven Stars. After lifting Longquan from the ground, he stepped forward to the front of the scorpion.

"You...who are you?" At this time, Luo Hu was so easy to slow down, and asked Qin Dong with a look of horror.

"Where are you going to kill Miss Feng Xiao?" Qin Dong's voice is cold and biting.

"You dare to hurt my brother, I want your life!" A small younger brother next to Huo Hu, I don’t know if it’s really deep in feelings with Luo Hu, or I want to take the opportunity to slap, and scream, and then I will go to Qin Dong Meng. I rushed up.

Qin Dongjian eyebrows pick one, do not look at it, and slammed it with the palm of his hand. The younger brother of the seven-star school immediately screamed, and the whole person flew out of the sky for a hundred meters, but it has not yet landed. [

"You... you are so courageous!" I didn't expect Qin Dong to say that the people of the Seven Stars would kill and kill, and they wouldn't leave their feelings, and the eyes of Luo Hu would be straight and round, almost jumping from the eyes. come out.

"Hey!" The voice of Luo Hu was not lost, and it was smashed by Qin Dong, and the straight fan vacated.

Before Qin Dong’s violent means, these dozens of seven-star disciples all looked at their eyes. At this time, they saw that Luo Hu was flying by Qin Dong, and no one had the courage to go to Qin Dong’s tiger whiskers. One by one, they quickly closed their mouths, and even the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath, for fear of getting burned.

Qin Dong is a big slap in the palm of his hand. He is full of teeth and two-thirds of his teeth are interrupted by his students. The degree of pain can be imagined.

"Your answer is not what I want, I will give you the last chance!" Qin Dong cold eyes looked at the painful smashing on the ground, the voice became more and more icy,

"I... I said!" The singer knows the power of Qin Dong and never dares to play. "However, I have a condition..." Luo Hu struggled to sit up from the ground, snoring and snoring a few mouthfuls, calming down the pain that rushed into his heart, and said, "I can answer you. The problem, but... you can't kill me... ah!"

After the words of Luo Hu have not been finished, Qin Dong suddenly explored his neck and died.

"I... I said all of it..." I don’t regret it in my heart. I know that Qin Dong is a comet. He still naively talks about conditions with Qin Dong. What is the difference between this and death?

Sure enough, Qin Dong’s face is as cold as an iceberg, and the eyes are more murderous, like a **** of death. "You have no chance!"

"No..." The scorpion Hu only had time to shout a word, and he was screamed by Qin Dong, and his neck was broken into two pieces.

The death of Luo Hu is sure to let Long Quan, the small six people feel great, but also let them even spit a few mouthfuls of cold. None of them thought that Qin Dong in anger would be so terrible.

The body of Luo Hu was thrown away, and Qin Dong’s eyes immediately turned to the dozens of seven-star disciples. Qin Dong’s gaze was only swept away from them, and he almost did not scare the courage of these dozens of seven-star disciples. A dozen people, on the spot, five people fell to the ground like mud, and all the brains of the stool squirted out and smelled disgusting.

"Who are you answering my question?"

As soon as Qin Dong’s voices landed, more than a dozen people rushed to shout, and rushed to answer the questions of Qin Dong. They were afraid of being late, and like the hustle and bustle, they were killed on the spot!

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