The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1035: Live impatient! (2)

"You really killed my big brother?" Qin Dong's voice at this time was surprisingly cold.

"Your big brother?" Wan Li’s face showed a trace of confusion.

Qin Dong impatiently shouted "Feng Lang Feng heroes! He is my big brother!"

The heart that Wan Li had been carrying was slamming at this time, as if he had fallen into the hail, letting him swell and cool. In Wan Li’s subconscious mind, he is never willing to be enemies with such unknown and mysterious powers as Qin Dong.

"Feng 咏 咏 咏 咏 闯 闯 七 七 七 七 七 七 七 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏 咏Try not to conflict with Qindong. [

"So you killed my eldest brother?" Qin Dong's voice became more and more cold, and Wan Li's heart became more and more tight.

"This is the rule set by the seven sects and Feng Lang. Feng Lang also agreed. Now he is in violation of the rules, no wonder others!" A sturdy man came forward and said, Shen Sheng said.

"Rules? Hehe..." Qin Dong looked like ice, and made a few cold voices. He asked, "Who are you?"

The shape of the big man was a big body, and he replied proudly, "I am the black tiger door's guardian fierce!"

"Black Humen's law of protection... That is to say, this thing, Black Humen also participated?" Qin Dong's look changed a lot, and people did not understand what he thought.

"It’s just that we are black tiger gates. The whole seven sects are all witnesses to this incident!" After all, Qu Quan blinked and turned to a group of scattered repairs, and screamed, "You are scattered, do not obey the duty, dare I am enemies with my seven sects. Today, you don’t want to live one!"

"Hello is a big tone!" Xiao was too angry, rushed forward to drink.

Qu Meng took a look at Xiao Ting, and his face showed a thick disdain. "A small first-class monk, dare to shake the prestige in front of this seat, I see you are alive impatient... Ah!"

When Qu Meng’s words were not finished, they were replaced by a cry of fear. Everyone looked around with amazement and saw that the whole person was Qufu. It was like being covered by an invisible palm. The figure slowly floated up and flew straight toward Qindong.

Qu Meng fangs his claws, his feet keep tapping, a face is because he has exhausted his full strength, and a rising red, anyone can see that Qu Qu is struggling at this time. Even so, he could not get rid of the invisible power. The body that flew to Qindong did not stop at all. On the face of Qu Meng, fear and despair piled up.

"Fruit ... really is a master!" Wan Li heart trembled, like a nightmare whisper.

"Who do you say that you are impatient?" Qin Dong stretched out with one hand, squeezing his fierce neck and controlling it in a place that was less than a foot away from the body.

" it..." Qu Meng’s courage was scared at this time, and where was it crazy? In order to survive, I said in a busy way.

"If this is the case, then I will fulfill you!" Qin Dong looked cold and squirmed into the claws of the five fingers, and he was stunned. He was in the fierceness of his opening, and his mouth was filled with black blood. His feet were just squatting. After a few steps, there was no sound.

"He killed the deputy doorkeeper, everyone revenge for the deputy doorkeeper!" A dozen of masters from the black tiger door, a murdered and stunned, immediately noisy, and rushed toward Qindong together...

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