The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1045: Lingbi Stone! (2)

Qin Dong was shocked, his body flashed, and he stumbled into the air. He picked up her figure.

Feng Lang looked at Qin Yao Tu, the Yao Yaoge, and his heart was enjoying himself. He suddenly heard the screams of his sister. The whole person was stupid. Only then did he remember that Feng Xiao was bitten by the white hole, and there is still no solution.

At the thought of this serious consequence, Feng Lang could not wait to beat himself. If Feng Qi has a long and two short, I am afraid that he will not forgive himself for the rest of his life.

"Hey!" exclaimed, Feng Lang immediately followed Qin Dong and grabbed Feng Wei. Seeing that the phoenix phoenix had a pale face without a trace of blood, it was painful to bleed.

"Save the deaf children, save the deaf children!" Feng Lang completely lost his mind, just a constant pleading to Qin Dong. [

Qin Dong refused to agree with Feng Lang, the spirit of the water spirit that was born in the heart of the water spirit, like a green light river, was continuously injected into the body of the phoenix, and the hard-boiled phoenix was quickly disappearing. vitality. The situation of Feng Yu was slightly stabilized. Qin Dong only got up to the spirit, and separated the gods to explore the condition of Qi Feng.

"Who is the jade vertebrae who ordered the deaf children?" Qin Dong’s knowledge of the gods entered the body of the phoenix, and immediately proved the situation. The sword brow was locked and asked with anger.

"Yes... is Mu Bai." Feng Langtou was low and said the name of Mu Bai. At this time, his remorse and his words are indescribable.

Qin Dong listened to it and couldn't help but stunned. He turned his head and glanced at it. The group not far from the body belongs to the broken meat of Mu Bai. Now it is impossible to let Mu Bai as a phoenix.

"Everyone blames me, blame me!" Feng Lang kept beating his head and regretted not falling. If it wasn’t for him, he forgot about it, and did not explain Qin Dong in advance. How did Qin Dong kill Mu Bai?

This jade vertebrae is no more than a normal acupuncture point, even if it is Qindong, it is not easy to take this risk. Even if it is used more or less, it will take the life of Feng Xiao directly. If you cultivate it to a higher level, except for those who are acupuncture points, it is also impossible to solve.

Seeing Qin Dong is also a pair of brows, very frustrated expression, Feng Lang's heart fell to the bottom. As soon as I grasped Qin Dong’s hand, I screamed, “Four brothers, must think of a way, big brother beg you!”

"Qindong brothers, can't you solve this acupuncture point?" Xiao Ting looked surprised. In his impression, it seems that there is still nothing that Qin Dong can't do.

Qin Dong smiled a bit and said, "It’s a matter of life, I don’t dare to mess."

"That... what should I do?" Xiao Ting's face is wrong. If there is no way for Qin Dong, others will not even think about it.

Qin Dong pondered for a moment, the road "has been spotted in the jade vertebrae, in addition to people who point acupuncture, if someone wants to forcibly solve the problem, at most there is only one in ten chance."

"One in ten thousand? This... This is too hanging! Is there any other way?" Xiao Ting asked.

"Yes! But it's hard." Qin Dong looked blank.

"Four brothers, you can say it! No matter how difficult, as long as I can save my children, I will do it!" Feng Lang said.

Feeling the strong brothers and sisters of Feng wave, Qin Dong nodded lightly and said, “Unless you can find a Lingbi stone, stick it on the jade vertebrae of the nephew. Use the aura released by the Lingbi stone to keep scouring. Acupuncture points, as long as three days, you can re-open the jade vertebrae without hurting the roots of the deaf children!"

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