The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1051: Life is hanging a line! (2)

After the blue-necked eagle slammed into the palm of the force, one seemed to see a ghost, and when it banged, it spread out. Even the original screaming of the sky was too low. I dare not go forward, nor dare to go far, just on the head of Hu Li, around the spinning.

Although Du Yong himself felt ridiculous, he actually felt that these blue-necked eagle seemed to be afraid of Hu Li, and it was not a general fear.

"It's too dangerous here, you are leaving soon!" Hu Li released the breath of Pangu Huangmai, shook the blue-necked eagle, and felt lucky in his heart. After a sigh of relief, he quickly said to the Emperor Anzhen.

"Thank you for the help of Shaoxia!" An Zhen emperor stunned a cold sweat, grateful for the punching force.

Hu Li looked up at the battle between Qin Dong and the eagle group in the sky, and screamed and said: "You don't have to thank you, don't hesitate to go, don't stay here again!"

Emperor Anzhen couldn’t help but reveal a bitter smile. I wanted to help, but I could see the meaning of others. Instead of helping me, I became a burden to others.

Qin Dong daring big day, one person alone fighting eagle group. Hu Li was in danger, and he was an ordinary player, but he was scared of dozens of eagle eagle. The performance of the two people makes it difficult for Emperor Anzhen to wonder about them.

The Emperor Anzhen did not listen to Hu Li’s words, but instead he came up and looked up into the air. He saw that Qin Dong’s figure was wrapped in a group of gold and silver, in the dense, almost impenetrable eagle group. If you enter the uninhabited territory, you will be stunned and stunned.

When Hu Li looked back and saw that he hadn’t left, he couldn’t help but frown and asked, “What happened to you? Is it dangerous to see it here?”

Emperor Anzhen smiled slightly and said, "Where is the danger here, I think the above is the real danger! This friend of Shaoxia is really powerful! One person is alone in the eagle group, but it does not show up like it. It is only the life." Master!"

As the king of a country, the Anzhen Emperor is naturally extraordinary, making it difficult for Hu Li to give him a sense of disgust. I heard that he really praised Qin Dong’s words and it was even more useful. Proudly nodded, said, "That is of course! My brother, definitely the world's first stranger!"

“The world is the first?” The emperor’s brow wrinkled the road. “This is the first in the world. Isn’t it the national teacher’s choice?”

Hu Li smiled coldly and said, "I have chosen my brother. If I have seen my brother, I have to give up the title of "the world's first" and let it out!"

If it is in peacetime, Emperor Anzhen listened to these words and only pouted that he was ignorant. But now, he saw Qin Dong sweeping the eagle group, and his heart is also comparing. Comparing and comparing, even the Emperor Anzhen has to admit that Qin Dong’s cultivation is not afraid of worse than choosing.

"Get out of my way!" Fighting with the eagle group for a long while, seeing the eagle group did not mean to retreat, Qin Dong's heart was cold, and it was killing.

Along with a burst of drink and export, the gold and silver light both made a big fuss. The Anzhen Emperor couldn’t even see what happened. He only felt that the pain of the eyes was spurred by the golden light, and there was a noisy around him. The exclamation of the sky.

The Emperor Anzhen was about to ask what happened, and suddenly there was a flower in front of him, as if something had fallen from the sky, and he subconsciously reached out and grabbed it. It was discovered that he was caught in his hand by a blue-necked eagle. Corpse...

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