The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1056: Going over! (2)

"No... No?" The broad sword monk looked surprised and asked awkwardly.

Qin Dong did not say much, but took a letter from the Qiankun Shengzhong and handed it to the broad sword monk. Say, "If you are in danger, ignite this symbol, I will appear when I will."

"Four younger brothers, don't we go to the dark restricted area with the Hunting Saint? With your cultivation, you should be no longer a problem when you are chosen for hunting." Xiao Ting and Hu Li looked at each other and they both reluctant to take this time. Opportunity to fight side by side with Hunting.

Qin Dong shook his head with a smile and said, "How do you forget that the purpose of our coming to the darkness is to help the brothers to catch some pets. How can there be time to go hunting in the dark restricted area?"

Hu Li opened his mouth and wanted to say that there is still an opportunity to catch a pet and fight side by side with Hunting, but I am afraid it is the only chance in his life. It can be seen that Qin Dong’s face is firm and it seems that it cannot be discussed. When he reaches the mouth, he can’t help but swallow it back. Don't look at Xiao Ting, Hu Li and Qin Dong worshipped the son and called Qin Dong as the fourth brother. In fact, neither of them dared to violate the meaning of Qin Dong. [

"You...why do you want to help me?" The broad sword monk took the letter and asked for doubts.

Qin Dong did not speak, but a mysterious smile. When the broad-sword monk had to ask again, Qin Dong’s big sleeve waved, not only disappeared without a trace, but with Xiao Ting, Hu Li, Qing Ying, Qing Yu, Zhou Wei also disappeared.

This kind of supernatural power was something that the swordsman did not dare to think before, but he was only on the spot and could not react for a long time.

If it wasn’t for the hands of Qin Dong’s letter to him, he would have to doubt that he had only had a dream from beginning to end.

"Oh... Master, this time you will be in the dark forbidden zone, you must be successful!" Ri Yao and Shen Yan, one left and one right, are next to the splendid body, and they smiled.

Yu Jinxiu's eyelids are not lifted, and swearing, "You are less here to give me a fascinating soup. What is the dragon turtle? I know more than anyone else. This trip to the dark area is at most five or five. ”

Ri Yao laughed a few times, although he did not speak, but looking at his look, he did not believe in the number of five or five said. Zhiyao only thought that Jinxiu was self-important, but I don’t know, Yu Jinxiu is indeed carrying out a huge adventure.

In the old and beautiful, the Jinxiu people can see through the heart of the day, sneer, not broken, cold and cold, "I have done what you have done for you?"

Nichiyuki hurriedly smiled and replied, "Master is relieved! I carefully selected 12 top-ranking masters from my Japanese Yaoge in the morning, and now I am waiting at the entrance of the dark belly, waiting for Master to dispatch!"

The eyes of Jinxiu’s half-baked eyes slammed, and there was a bit of anger in the voice. “When did I let you pick it at the Niu Yaoge?”

Ri Yao coughed, "Master, I am a master of the day, such as Yun, where to use another pick? Not to mention, those scattered, free to use, are simply not obedient, you are not easy to command. ""

"Do you really think that the teacher is confused, can't see your kid's bend? You just want to make a sound for you, and help you to practice your skills!" Yu Jinxiu cold-smelled One voice, anger.

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