The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1058: test! (2)

"Master, why do you choose a level 4 monk, but you must choose a level 3 monk?"

Not only is the day and night puzzled, Shen Yan is also a bit confused.

Yu Jinxiu looked at the Japanese Yao, and said, "The emphasis on the attack is the attack power, the combat power, and the depth of the repair is still second. Now I have selected eleven people, and one is still worse." Yu Jinxiu's eyes are on the rest. The monk glanced and the brow wrinkled. The rest of the monks in his eyes can only be regarded as scraps, slightly stronger than the waste, and can't be used any more.

"Leng Hao Lu Hao, want to try!" With a loud voice, the broad sword monk strode over.

After Lu Hao saw the magical power of Qin Dong, he was no longer so enthusiastic about hunting the dragon turtle with the hunting saint. In his opinion, Qin Dong seems to be more worthy of his attention. But Qin Dong said that he left and disappeared, and he couldn't find it for a long time. In desperation, he had to turn his head and find it again. [

"Master, this Lu Hao, is also a four-level monk, repaired as good!" Riau has developed in the darkness all the year round, very familiar with the masters of the darkness. When I saw Lu Hao, I hurriedly shouted at the splendor.

Yu Jinxiu nodded and did not speak. Where is the use of the sun to tell him, as a hunting saint, a pair of eyes in Jinxiu is very poisonous.

"Are you ready?" Yu Jinxiu looked at Lu Hao and looked at him.

Lu Haoxian took a long breath and then nodded heavily. "Please enlighten me!"

Seeing Lu Hao's demeanor, his body shape is dignified, there is no flaw, and there is such a master's demeanor. He nodded slightly to show his reward.

Rewarding rewards and rewards, it is related to your own life and death, and will never release water in Jinxiu. The shape of the body, the right palm up and pick, layer by layer, a road, like the waves of the waves of the palm of the hand, with a sharp and screaming whistling, went straight to Lu Hao.

Although Lu Hao has done a lot of mental preparations, he was still shaken by the hand of Jinxiu. Fortunately, Lu Hao did have two brushes, and he did not mess with his heart. His right foot was mammoth on the ground and his body was on his back. The broad sword screamed and rushed into the sky, turning into a huge silver-length, 20-foot-long silver practising, across the chest.


With a muffled sound, the first wave of the brilliance of Jinxiu's impact was on the silver. The repair of Jinxiu was really not covered. On this collision, the silver pegs that Lu Haokuo sacrificed almost collapsed on the spot.


Lu Hao also made a fuss, holding the long handle of the broad sword with both hands, the internal interest is stimulating, and the burst of the hula, the one that seems to weigh a thousand pounds is the air that is danced by him, like a silver snake. Fluttering.

Hey! Huh!

Jianguang and Zhang Jin collided together, constantly making a shocking anger. Because of the collision, the splendid power of the spattering, shooting everywhere, is to force the crowd to retreat.

Yu Jinxiu is testing, of course, I don’t want Lu Hao’s life. I’ve seen it almost, and my right hand has a volley, and the sky’s rushing palms are dissipating.

As soon as the palm of Jinxiu disappeared, Lu Hao immediately sat down on the ground with his face, sweating and panting.

"However, you passed." And got a master, showing a bit of joy on the face of Jin Xiu, nodded and smiled.

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