The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1060: A wave of up again! (2)

"Hey!" Lu Hao struggled to resist a quarter of an hour, and could not help but spurt a **** arrow. The sharp edge of a broad sword blooms, and it becomes very faint.

"Stop!" Seeing that Lu Hao is about to die in the hands of the Japanese glory, Yu Jinxiu suddenly shot, and the spirit of the Japanese glory was cracked.

"Master, why don't you let me kill him and take revenge for Han Song?" asked Shiyao dissatisfied.

Yu Jinxiu frowned. "Don't you want to know who the young man is? You know, he is the real murderer who killed you!"

In the words of Jinxiu, let the angry sun shine, this is a little calmer. [

Yu Jinxiu turned to look at Lu Hao, and the face was harsh. "Talk about it! Who is that young man?"

Lu Hao took a breath and suppressed the pain in his body. He shook his head. "Predecessors, I really don't know the few people. I didn't think they would say that they killed the Korean Deputy Chief. This matter really has nothing to do with me." !"

"You still have a hard mouth!" Ri Yao had just regained his anger, and waved his hand, and Lu Hao, who was playing straight, spurted three broken teeth.

"Last name Lu, I advise you to still know each other, tell you all the things you know, if not, I am afraid that I will die here today." Lin Yu’s face is full of sneer, let Lu Hao see it in his eyes. , hate in my heart.

"Hunting the predecessors, you have always been observing the truth, don't you even believe what Lu said?" Lu Hao put all his hopes on the body of Jinxiu, and looked at him with an eye.

Although Yu Jinxiu has the name of hunting saints, but it is not a true saint, Lu Hao’s expectations for him are obviously too high.

Yu Jinxiu shook his head and said, "If you don't tell the real murderer, the old man can't help you!"

"Master, what are you talking about with him? Let me come and interrupt every bone in his body. I don't believe he doesn't tell the truth!" Sun Yat lost patience and roared.

Yu Jinxiu is about to blame Sun Yat-sen for being too rash, but before he can open his mouth, there is an anxious cry behind him, "The owner, the owner!"

Looking up at the upset day, I saw a few disciples of the Niu Yaoge, carrying the morning, and fluttering to the side.

If it is only a few disciples of the Japanese Yaoge, who are flustered, it is still not tight. The key is that it is lying on the stretcher at this morning, and the life and death are not known.

"Morning!" Sun Yat-Soo made a scream, and his body shot straight out like an arrow.

When I came to the morning of the morning, I saw that I was pale in the morning, but my chest was still ups and downs, my breathing was normal, and I didn’t die. The heart of the Japanese radiance was put aside. Waiting for him to check the injury in the morning, the face of the sun is gloomy, like the sky covered by dark clouds, which makes people unable to breathe.

"Master! Master!!" also refused to look at the face, and the Japanese screamed like a mad scream.

"What happened?" It was found that the morning squad was completely broken and turned into a waste person. The face of Jinxiu was also full of sorrow.

Sun Yaoguang worried about the morning, but did not respond. He was asked by Jinxiu, and immediately turned back to raise a disciple of a Japanese Yaoge, his eyes were red, and his teeth screamed. "Quickly, how is it going back? Who is it that will make my morning child like this?"

"The genus ... does not know under the genus..." The glory of Japan is rude enough on weekdays, but it is still extremely rare, as it seems to be alive. The disciple of the Japanese Yaoge, in front of such a Japanese glory, has long been confused, and there is a blank in his mind.

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