The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1061: Innocent and aggrieved! (2)

Hunting Shake shook his head and patted the shoulders of the Japanese Yao. He didn't look very strict with the Japanese glory on weekdays. It seems that he is not much to see, but in fact, this apprentice is still very fond of him. He cares very much.

"You tell me honestly, who is the morning of the injury?" Hunting turned to look at the few Japanese Yaoge disciples.

A few Japanese Yaoge disciples, look at me, I look at you, hesitating, the Japanese Yao on the other side has been waiting impatiently, waved a hand, knocked several disciples together on the ground, and shouted " Not too fast to say!"

Seeing the mood of the Japanese Yao almost lost control, several Japanese Yaoge disciples dare not hide again, one of them hurriedly said "Yes... is a young master beside Feng Lang, we ... we do not know who he is... ..."

"You waste, I..." [

"Yi Yao, what are you doing??" Seeing the Japanese Yao and raising his hand to kill, Yu Jinxiu hurriedly yelled.

"Master, what is the use of these wastes?"

"The idiot! The old man assured them that you will not kill them any more. Do you want the old man to be a villain without words?"

The Japanese singer heard the words, hated and put down his hand and turned his face to the side.

"Young master?" Lin Yu, who looked at him, was an outsider. His brain was going to be alive, his brow wrinkled, and he remembered something. The faint road "The youngest master, how is it so much?"

"Lin Yu, what is your mother's jealousy?" Ri Yao was distracted and yelled at Lin Yu.

Lin Yu hurriedly said, "Do you think that things are a little embarrassing? It is a young man who kills the Korean deputy cabinet owner. It is a young master who hurts the younger son. Will it be between the two..."

As the saying goes to awaken the dreamer, the eyes of the day Yao slammed round and turned and walked a few steps to Lu Hao's face, grabbing his collar, and just mentioning him from the ground to the air.

"Say! Who is that young man?"

"I... I really don't know." Lu Hao was quite a bit crying at this time. He knew that he would cause such a big trouble to himself. He should not take the initiative to find Qindong.


Lu Hao’s voice has not yet fallen, and the sun glory in the rage has been directly punched on Lu Hao’s stomach. The repair of the Japanese Yao is very deep. At this time, it is even under anger. The strength of this punch is also small. Lu Hao made a scream in his throat, and a blood arrow spurted in his mouth, which was a few feet high.

"Wang Ba Gu, are you saying that you are not saying?"

Although Lu Haoping’s personality is relatively low-key, it does not mean that his character is weak. Ben didn't want to sue him. At this time, he was attacked by the anger of the Japanese singer. He simply gnawed his teeth and said, "I don't know, I don't know, you have killed my grandfather!"

"Ha!" Rising Sun did not expect Lu Hao to give him such a hand, and laughed straight. "It turns out that you still have hard bones." The sound of the Japanese glory is extremely gloomy, and the murderous air that condenses makes the people around him shudder.

Lu Hao bit his teeth, his brows are wrinkled, his face is blue, and he doesn't say a word.

"Good! I have to look at it, is your bones hard, or my fists are hard!" Sun Yao saw a sneer, and the right fist came out again, and the bombardment blasted, and instantly on the belly of Lu Hao, detonated three fist.

The three fierce punches almost raged in Lu Hao's body at the same time. Even the iron-clad man couldn't stand the attack. Lu Hao couldn't help but screamed a few screams.

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