The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1064: Pang Qiu's madness! (2)

"Why don't you guys rush, don't you want to die?" Pang Qiu didn't look at Pang Xiu's eyes. He saw several Japanese Yaoge disciples stalking far away, not approaching the five-tailed fox, immediately issuing A roar.

"Sovereign, we..."

"Family! Are you afraid of this beast?" Pang Qiu couldn't tolerate it. He saw his own subordinates weak and swept out, and directly flew out the few Yao Yaoge disciples.

"咻~~~咻咻~~" Just when Pang Qiu was angry, the five-tailed Jinhu unexpectedly launched a surprise attack.

"How dare this animal?" Seeing the five-tailed Jinhu using his own speed and sophistical figure, he screamed five tails and danced back and forth among the disciples, constantly taking away lives, and Pang Qiu hated. All eyes must be picked up. [

This is not a human race to the beast, but it has completely reversed, and human beings have become the prey of the beast.

When the disaster was over, the disciples of Douzong suddenly became a mess. People have rushed back, only hope that the farther away from the five-tailed fox, the better. Everything that Pang Qiu painstakingly planned, instantly collapsed.

"Come back! Give me back!" Pang Qiu screamed again and again, and his face turned into iron blue.

"Sovereign, let's go! Five-tailed foxes are stunned, not what we can deal with." A colleague, while talking, rushed forward and wanted to pull Pang Qiu to leave.

This disciple is loyal and admirable, but when Pang Qiu arrives at this time, he has completely ignored the right and wrong. The Dou Zong disciples stretched out to Pang Qiu’s hand, and there was still a distance from Pang Qiu’s arm. Pang Qiu suddenly slammed his hand and smashed his heavenly spirit.

The disciples of the disciples slid round until they completely broke their voices, and they could not close again. They were full of shock and incomprehension, which made people feel sad.

"Whoever dares to escape, he is the end!" Pang Qiu ignored the disciple's eyes, grabbed his collar and suddenly lifted him high.

"Hey, you..." Pang Xiu stared at Pang Qiu, his eyes filled with fear and strangeness.

Pang Qiu’s cruel means played a role. The Taoist disciple who had been escaping everywhere had to retreat in the eyes of Pang Qiu who could pierce people.

"Four levels of the realm, I am responsible for the containment of the third level, the opportunity to find the opportunity below the third level, free attack!" After a series of orders, Pang Qiu took the lead to the five-tailed Jinhu.

There are no more than a dozen monks in the four-level battle of Douzong. Under the intimidation of Pang Qiu, there is no way but to keep up with the scalp. One by one, the whole body's spiritual power is gathered together, and only hope that the five-tailed fox will be killed by one blow.

Although Pang Qiu’s temper is violent, but the strength of the leader, he has to be amazed.

Pang Qiu, who is at the forefront, is like a sharp knife, and the whole body is fully played. Looking around, the sky is full of the light that is released by the power of Pang Qiu.

The attacking power of the five-tailed Jinhu, the absolute top of a seven-level monk, but at this time under the mad attack of Pang Qiu, it was gradually suppressed, the whistling sound in the mouth, more and more urgent, the more The sharper it is.

With the more than a dozen of the four-level monks who came up with Pang Qiu, seeing this scene, they also stabilized the uneasy and fearful minds, and each took the place to play its due role. Gradually, the five-tailed foxes were suppressed in a small one. In the circle, and still looking for opportunities to shrink from time to time...

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