The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1077: Dragon turtle appears! (2)

In the first time Yu Jinxiu faced the dragon turtle, he was very clear in his heart. He couldn’t panic anyway. Once he panicked, the team would be finished.

Wu Xiu, Ri Yao and Shen Yan are among the entourage, the attacking power is the highest. After listening to the command of Jinxiu, they immediately jumped out of the crowd, and the tight follower was next to Jinxiu, ready for the battle.

In the Jinxiu visual dragon turtle, he took a long breath and sighed. "You, today's World War I, can live forever in history, look at our next performance!"

After all, the palms were wrong on the chest, and the dazzling purple light immediately rose up, shrouded in the splendid body, and straightened the stalwart of his whole person.

Yu Jinxiu is very good at boosting morale. He came here, Wu Xiu, Ri Yao, and Shen Yan’s floating hearts were settled first, and they all gathered together to the ultimate in the spirit. The three groups of different lusters were in the splendor. Behind the sky, the purple light on the body of Jinxiu should be in harmony with each other. From afar, there is a beautiful taste. [

"The massacres of the palm!" Accompanied by the splendid and long-lasting drink of Jinxiu, its figure is like an arrow that shoots out, and it rises high. Then, with the attitude of the king, it pulls out countless purple streamers from top to bottom.

The splendid purple streamer renders the entire sky into purple, and the eight-level monk's desperate blow is really beyond imagination. People can't help but wonder if these purple streamers will fall apart on the ground, will they even be smashed by the earth? The massacre of the palms, the killing of the gods and the destruction of the Buddha, is worthy of the top ten skills of the mainland.


The muffled sounds caused by countless explosions, from the huge back of the dragon tortoise, followed by a large piece of purple light hooked together, like a purple power grid, covering the dragon turtle.


The attack on Jinxiu inevitably caused the wrath of the dragon tortoise. I saw the dragon turtle screaming at the huge head and rushing to the splendid ecstasy. Where the screams passed, the stone turned into powder, and the giant tree was torn into pieces. After the swaying of the figure of Jinxiu, it finally failed to withstand and slammed back and forth.

Waiting for the dragon turtle's snoring to stop, Yu Jinxiu hurriedly looked at the dragon turtle's back. This look, a pair of eyeballs almost came out from the eyelids.

I dare to feel that he had a passionate blow, and even a small crack on the back of the dragon turtle did not stay. The turtle-shaped gold armor worn by the dragon tortoise is far stronger than the imagination of Jinxiu.

"Drink!" The shock in the heart of Jin Xiu has not stopped, and Shen Yan screamed and screamed.

Ri Yao, Wu Xiu saw the situation, followed by moving.

The sun is shining like a fiery fire, and Wu Xiu is very dense, and the silver swordsman of the sky is evenly smashed, like a catastrophe. People dare not face it.

The trio also want to learn how to embroider, the most powerful attacks, all poured on the back of the dragon turtle, but unfortunately, their repair is far too far than the splendid, dragon turtles do not give them Any chance.

I saw the dragon turtle's mouth suddenly open, violently sucking, whether it is Shen Yan's palm, the sun's fist, or Wu Xiu's sharp sword, even a brain all sucked into the mouth, Then he swallowed into the stomach, and at the end did not forget to make a full meal. It looked like a meal just now, so that Shen Yan, Wu Xiu, and Niu Yao all had their mouths open, and they looked like ghosts. !

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