The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1085: The villain is a villain! (2)

"Wu Xiu, the choice of the heart to give you what the benefits, you said!" Wu Xiu hesitated, Shen Yan Jiao asked. One to transfer Wu Xiu's attention, the second to delay the time, accumulate offensive, ready to make the final stroke.

Wu Xiumei Mao picks up, reveals a gloomy smile, and a faint road. "After Yu Jinxiu's death, the National Master will push me to be the new one."

"Ha ha ha... Just rely on you, this little man, also worthy!?" Sun Yao sighed and screamed.

Don't look at the arrogance of the Japanese tycoon, rude and fierce, but the feelings of Splendid are not adulterated.

"Why don't I match?" Perhaps it was out of guilty conscience, listening to the full of disdainful questions of the Japanese Yao, Wu Xiudeng was angry. A fierce turn, a slamming sound, a long blood trough on the body of the day. [

The day sighed and snorted, and the figure was involuntarily downward, but immediately, with the strong willpower, the hard-boiled and straight-forward chest, a pair of eyes filled with the unyielding anger of Wu Xiu.

"I have been at the level of seven, and I look at the mainland, and there are very few people who can beat me. With this, I am the new hunter, and I should be right!" Wu Xiu tried to defend himself. It seems quite a bit childish.

Shiyao sneered and spit out a **** water, the faint road "Your cultivation is still pretty good, but your character is good, it is not as good as a pig. If the name of the hunting saint falls on your head, it is really big. Joke!"

"You give me a mouthful!" Wu Xiu was completely irritated and smashed again and again. Raise your hand and straighten the sun to the ground.

"You will move my brother again, I will kill you!" Shen Yan's temper is violent, and at this time it is even more mad. Regardless of whether Wu Xiu is a 7th or 8th level, a pair of shows are full of deep murders and chilling.

The sun was hurt and hurt. At this time, it was almost numb. He turned over and stood up from the ground. He sneered and said, "Sister, you don't care about him. He is angry and angry, let him kill me."

"Of course you are going to die!" Wu Xiu screamed thunder, and then Yin laughed again and again. "Your repair is not very good, but you are the owner of the Niu Yaoge. I am always afraid of trouble, so you are today. Must die here!"

"If you want to kill my disciples, you must first ask the old man!" Yu Jinxiu suddenly gave a sip, and Wu Xiu was shocked.

The skinny dead camel is still bigger than Ma, not to mention the Jinxiu at this time, but it is only seriously injured, and it has not died yet. Wu Xiuyi turned his head and looked at the splendid look.

The smile on the face of Jinxiu was gloomy and cold, and his eyes stared straight at Wu Xiu, the cold road. "You believe it or not, although the old man is being counted by you, but there is still the strength to kill you!"

When Wu Xiuyi heard this, his face changed suddenly, and the subconsciously retreated three steps backwards, and opened the distance with Jinxiu.

Seeing Wu Xiu’s expression of nervousness and alertness, she smiled in the sky and looked at it. It looked like she was watching a big joke that couldn’t be bigger.

The laughter of Jinxiu made Wu Xiu's face seem like he was hit by dozens of slaps in the positive and negative, and the red was a mess.

"You old man dared to play with me!" Wu Xiu was annoyed with an unusual bite, and the sword in his hand stabbed straight toward the heart of the splendid heart.

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