The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1104: Please! (2)

Because of this, after Princess Anzhen announced the identity of Qingying and her relationship with Qin Dong, Trek's look became very dignified. Princess Anzhen is the first intelligent woman of the royal family. Her understanding of the choice of the heart is not a general thorough.

"Do you think this will threaten me? The national teacher is not the stinking girl!" Trek did not want to be held by the Princess Anzhen in this way, deliberately making a scornful expression. Cold voice said.

"Hey! If that's the case, then you can do it." Princess An Zhen sneered a sneak peek, and her eyes looked like X-rays, giving Trek a feeling of invisibility.

Biting his teeth, Trek frowned. "Okay, today I will spare this life, and count her life! But you three must die!" Trek reached out to the Emperor Anzhen, Princess An Zhen and Du Yong.

The Emperor Anzhen relaxed and gave a sigh, turned to look at the Qingying, and smiled bitterly. "Fortunately, you didn't even bother to kill you. Otherwise, even if you are under Jiuquan, your conscience will be rare."

Princess Anzhen also nodded. For Qing Yingdao, "Miss Qing, look at Qin Dong's children, Trek will never dare to make you worse. You still have to go."

"But we are gone, what do you do?" asked Qing Ying.

The Emperor Anzhen and Aunt Anzhen looked at each other and did not speak. Each other’s faces had a bitter smile. Du Yong was blamed for not being able to protect the Emperor Anzhen and Princess Anzhen. A pair of fists clung tightly and his fingertips straight into the flesh.

Qingying saw the look of the three people, and the frown was suddenly clustered. The look was full of determination. "No! We must not leave you!"

After all, Qingying refers to Cui Ke, and sighs with a sigh. "You are listening to Cui. I want you to immediately release the Emperor and His Royal Highness, otherwise I will tell Qin Dong that he is here." I will hate you!"

Qingying originally thought that this could threaten Trek. I didn’t expect Trek to laugh when he listened. The Emperor Anzhen and the Princess An Zhen also could not help but shake their heads. They felt that the Qingying was naive.

"You...what are you laughing at?" Qing Ying was asked by Cui Kexiao's pretty face to be red and hot, and asked for hateful drink.

Trek took the laughter, his face suddenly chilled, and the sinisterly said, "Qing Jia Shantou, are you forcing me to kill you?"

Qingying is about to move Qindong out again, and Princess Anzhen suddenly pulls her to the side, whispering "Shadows, don't be stupid. They will never let me and the emperor, you will continue to do so, He will only kill you, as long as he is clean, Mr. Qin has no evidence, and there is no way to take him. He is now willing to let you go, just want Mr. Qin to owe them a favor, then meet and talk. ""

Qingying apparently did not think of this layer. After listening to the words of Princess Anzhen, she suddenly opened her eyes.

Princess Anzhen holds the hand of Qingying, and her face is awkward. "People have a death. There is nothing, but I am worried that the Heavenly Empire will fall into the hands of the bad guys. The people will suffer. Shadow, you are a A good girl with a good heart, I hope that after you leave, you can convince Mr. Qin to make a living for the world, and turn the tide. I believe that the people who can save my heavenly empire from this catastrophe are only looking at the world. !"

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