The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1110: New bet! (1)

The first one hundred and ten chapters of the new gambling!

"Four brothers, shadow her..." Hu Li eagerly looked at Qin Dong.

Qin Dong Chang took a sigh of relief and nodded lightly. "It's okay for us to arrive in time. If it is a night later, I won't even have a solution."

Unpredictable, such as Qin Dong, have said such a thing, it can be seen how dangerous the situation of Qing Ying is.

"Mr. Qin, hehe..." The Emperor Anzhen had long waited for his heart, and at this time he rushed to see the stitches. [

"When I finish cooking these miscellaneous pieces, I will say it again!" The emperor Anzhen just spoke a few words and was interrupted by Qin Dong. Then with a gloomy and murderous face, striding toward Trek and others.

Was swinging his hand, is surrounded by Trek and others, playing the joy of the Golden Wings Dragon King and the seven-tailed Linghu immediately obediently retreated to the side. It’s very uncomfortable to be attacked by two so powerful beasts. As soon as the two spirits were withdrawn, several Qianlongwei assassins fell to the ground. Trek is no better than where to go, sweating and sweating, looking pale, and panting, obviously consumes a lot.

Seeing that Qin Dong’s look is not good toward him, Trek’s heart sinks and he is concentrating on the alert. He smiles. “You are Mr. Qin, who is in the limelight in the Tianyun Empire recently? Fortunately, I will be lucky, huh...”

"My friend is you hurting?" Qin Dong ignored the Trek's enthusiasm, and the eyebrows were picked up, and the posture of the sin of the sin was directly put forward.

Although Trek was the first to meet with Qin Dong, Qin Dongfang only took the scene to save the shadows, but he was all in sight. The inscrutable means made his heart guilty, and he did not want to be an enemy of Qin Dong anyway.

"This... Miss Qing Jia is indeed hurt by the monks, but please ask Mr. Qin to understand that the monks are not malicious to Miss Qing Ying..."

When Cui Ke’s words were said to be half, Qin Dong slammed into him and slammed him into the past. When Trek was surprised, he did not forget to dodge, and his feet were swaying, and several residual images were illusory, making it difficult to distinguish between true and false.

"Hey!" I only heard a cold voice in the nose of Qin Dong, and the figure was not moving. The momentum was constantly changing with the movement of Trek. Regardless of how Trek groaned, how the body shape changed, Qin Dong's palm is like installing infrared tracking, always clinging to Trek.

"Hey!" A crackling sound, Trek's means to complete, had to be slap in the face. The mouthful of the teeth was broken halfway on the spot, and spit on the ground with blood.

"You..." Trek is the red man who painted the heart and the heart. Wherever he went, it was all infinite. Why have you ever been so shameful? Straight tempered and shivering, a pair of eyes licking Qin Dong as if to shoot a knife.

"Not convinced?" Qin Dong said coldly, and the palms were again pulled out. This time, it was faster and more mysterious than before. Trek didn't even have a chance to dodge, and he was pumped and flew up.

It was painful to be slap in the face of Qin Dong, but this kind of humiliation made it more difficult for Trek. A screaming scream of screaming out of his throat, the whole person is like crazy, rushing toward Qin Dong's claws.

Qin Dong's face was cold, his figure was not moving, and his hand was stretched out. When Trek's body shape was halfway up, he felt a shock, and then he lost his ability to control himself. The whole person was like being invisible by countless roots. The chain is locked in general and cannot be moved.

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