The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1135: The retribution is coming! (2)

Who else can this black assassin besides Qin Dong? By Pang Qiu, Xiao Ting they delayed for a while, when Qin Dong rushed to the National Teacher's Office, Princess An Zhen and Shen Yan have become the prisoners of the choice.

Seeing that Princess Anzhen was captured, Qin Dong realized that the royal family had no Lingshi stone at all, and this Princess Anzhen was really daring, and wanted to steal the piece from the heart. Fortunately, Qin Dong came to the night, but it was still timely, or else if the Princess Anzhen died in the hands of the choice, then Qin Dong is also an indirect murderer.

Qin Dong originally planned to explore the National Teacher's Office at night, hoping to find out about the news of Feng Lang, but it is impossible to see the situation in front of him.

Listening to the choice of heart and mind, Qin Dong smiled slightly, and floated down the figure. More than a dozen Qianlongwei are not vegetarian. They immediately went up. Qin Dong certainly would not care about these small shrimps, sneer, and ignore them.

With a slight smile, Qin Dong looked at the choice of heart, the faint road: "National Master, can you look at my face, put Princess An Zhen and Shen girl?"

"Haha... You hide your head and do not even leak your face. What is it? Why should you look at your face?"

"Where is the National Teacher, why bother with him, I will take him down!" Wu Xiu said.

Tu Jiexin also wants to see what Qin Dong has, and nodded slightly.

Get the choice of the heart of the approval, Wu Xiu immediately issued a strange smile, five fingers smashed into claws, straight to the chest of Qin Dong. Wu Xiu is not a fool. When he is not clear about the details of the other side, he is not willing to take the enemy. This catch has at least 70% of the force.

"Hey..." Qin Dong gave a sneer, his eyes full of banter.

Wu Xiuben thought that he had condensed his own success, and he should be able to win Qin Dong. But when he heard the sound of Qin Dong’s scornful sorrow, Wu Xiu’s heart suddenly sinks, almost subconscious, originally Seven claws of success, instantly gathered to 10%.

Even so, for Qin Dong, Wu Xiu is still as fragile as a baby.

Cohesed all the skills of Wu Xiu, but caught the chest of Qin Dong, but it was like grabbing the steel plate, not only did not take up the slightest cheap, but was shocked by the bomb.

Wu Xiu’s five fingers were painful and trembling, and Wu Xiu’s heart was both shocked and embarrassing. If a monk's body is strong enough, the person's cultivation can't be imagined.

When Wu Xiu was shocked, he clearly realized that he was afraid to plant it.

Sure enough, Wu Xiu’s claws have not been recovered, and Qin Dong’s hand has been swept like a wind. Wu Xiu naturally does not want to sit still, but the action of Qin Dong is actually very fast from time to time, only to turn the thoughts, the five fingers have been detained by Qin Dong.

"What do you want to do?" I felt that Qin Dong’s hand was as unbreakable as a tiger pliers, and Wu Xiu was afraid.

"Hey!" Qin Dong's face was condensed, and a cold voice was heard in his mouth. His wrists were slightly hard, and everyone immediately heard a burst of crackling sound. Before everyone realized that this crisp sound represented what, Wu Xiu will The pig-like roar has been screamed.

Everyone looked at it again. Wu Xiu’s claws in the hands of Qin Dong have completely changed shape, and they are terrible.

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