The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1141: 冤 对 对! (1)

The first one hundred and forty-one chapters are right! "Damn!" Although the illusionary orc family has re-evaluated Qin Dong's cultivation, she did not expect Qin Dong's demonstrated combat power to exceed his estimate once again, and it seems quite annoyed.

In the dark clouds, there are thousands of black lightnings that are condensed by the power of destruction. The smashing of the scorpion to the Red Dragon Sword Spirit has temporarily restored the balance between the two sides.

The confrontation between Qin Dong and the illusionary orc family is no more than a choice. If you want to make a comparison, then Qin Dong and Tu Xingxin are just playing at best. At this moment, in front of Shen Yan and An Zhen, it is the confrontation between the real strong.

Shen Yan wants to know, between Qin Dong and the illusionary orc family, whoever has the upper hand, can this level of confrontation, with her cultivation, how can we understand? Can only see the sky, black, red, gold, silver and four colors of light entangled each other, together to construct a strange scene, as if it has been separated from this time and space, rumbling! It was also a series of deafening thunderous sounds, and the big nets intertwined with the power of destruction began to fall apart. At the same time, the virtual shadow of the Red Dragon Sword Spirit is also constantly sloppy and dissipated, and the two finally have to win the game.

The heart of Shen Yan and Princess An Zhen also slammed tightly at this time. [

"吼~~~" In the sound of the dragon's whistling sound, the shadow of the Red Dragon Sword Spirit with the last glimmer of light, like a meteor-like break through the barriers of the ruined net, hitting the black cloud in one fell swoop .

Although it has consumed more than 80% of the power, the attack power formed by the virtual shadow of the Red Dragon Sword Spirit is still much stronger than the chaotic light column released by Qin Dong. At this time, the black cloud, because of the successive fierce battles, is far less powerful than the beginning, and the volume and momentum are also greatly weakened.

In the end, the last blow of the Red Dragon Sword Spirit has achieved great results. The dark clouds that floated under the night sky trembled violently, and almost all of them would be shaken by life.

"Funny!" is another anger, and a huge and dark dragon claw suddenly protrudes from the black cloud, tearing the shadow of the Red Dragon Sword Spirit into pieces.

This huge and dark dragon claw not only surprised Shen Yan and Princess An Zhen, but even Qin Dong couldn't help but scream and scream.

"Be careful!" And when Qin Dong was shocked, Shen Yan and Princess An Zhen suddenly exclaimed at the same time.

Almost at the same time, Qin Dong was keenly aware that in the place where he was behind a few feet away, he suddenly rose into a cold and terrible atmosphere. This breath is violent and cold, like a fierce beast, chilling.

Shen Yan and Princess An Zhen are considered outsiders, and they see the most clearly. Just as the dark dragon claws in the black cloud shattered the red dragon sword spirit, behind the Qin Dong, a group of black gas appeared out of thin air, and quickly grew, almost a moment, turned into a black spear, Straight to the back of Qin Dong's back.

Who can think of the horrible orc scorpion with such a terrible cultivation that would also play this kind of mean means of smothering the West. The power of this gang of destruction is undoubtedly the fact that the other party has premeditated, deliberately concealed and relied on the murder of the squad.

Shen Yan and Princess Anzhen saw this scene. They were so nervous that they could breathe. The two equally pretty faces became white in the same instant.

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