The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1165: Applying a heart has a big move! (2)

"Huier, Master is not good, Master will never do this again." Cold Weidong distressed the tears of Princess An Hui, very serious guarantee.

An Hui was a little calmer, but the look of the pear with rain was still distressing.

"Guier, you haven't answered me yet, and you have chosen to go to the East Pole Wonderland. What about Qianlongwei? What is happening now?"

An Hui set the gods, and the Tao "Qianlongwei was all taken to the East Pole Wonderland and did not know what to do."

Leng Weidong turned to look at the Emperor Anzhen and the Princess Anzhen. The incident happened so suddenly. I wanted to figure out the clues for a while, and I had to rely on everyone’s wisdom. [

"Yu Jinxiu suddenly has such a big movement, I must not be simple. Brother, we must be careful." Princess An Zhen's face is stagnation.

"What is the high opinion of Mr. Qin?" Emperor Anzhen nodded and looked at Qin Dong.

Qin Dong indulged in a moment and asked, "I heard that a long time ago, the East Pole Wonderland was blocked by the chosen Qianlongwei. Why did you choose to do so, what secrets are hidden in the East Pole Wonderland?"

"The East Pole Wonderland is like a darkness. It is a very mysterious place. Especially in the center of the East Pole Wonderland, there is a luxuriant tree of the phoenix tree, which is inhabited by a phoenix." Fan thoughts, slowly come.

"Phoenix?" Qin Dong eyes stunned.

The Emperor Anzhen hurriedly said, "In fact, everyone just heard that there are very few people who actually saw it. As far as I can see, most of them are vain. The phoenix is ​​just something that exists in the legend, and there is nothing to say. How can it be seen in the world?"

Qin Dong smiled slightly. "Isn't Black Dragon only exist in the legend?"

Qin Dong said that the Emperor Anzhen smiled embarrassedly, even if he was an emperor, he would not be excused after all, like taking it for granted.

"Qin Shaoxia, with your meaning, the legend is likely to be true?" Yu Jinxiu asked very politely.

Qin Dong nodded and frowned. "I think seven or eight points are true."

Although Qin Dong is young, his character is extremely cautious and calm. If he says seven or eight points, there are at least nine points.

The legend of the phoenix in the East Pole Wonderland, of course, has been heard more than once in Jinxiu. He even took advantage of himself to cultivate himself, and went to the East Pole Wonderland to inspect it. He simply disappeared. So he and the Emperor Anzhen, they categorized it as a talk. But Qin Dong said that the East Pole Wonderland inhabited a real phoenix, which made him somewhat surprised.

"Yes! Master, you still remember that day, the sky was smashed out of the hole by Mr. Qin, and it was filled with a strong aura. Now think about it, the aura seems to be from the direction of the East Pole Wonderland. Come on. If it is not a real phoenix, how can there be such a great ability to send out such a powerful spiritual power from thousands of miles away to fill the loopholes in the sky?"

Shen Yan is very clever. The reason why Qin Dong concluded that the East Pole Wonderland lived in the Phoenix was based on this.

"In the predecessors, many years ago, the choice of a sudden and unspeakable order, Qianlongwei blocked the East Pole Wonderland, did not allow other forces to approach, would it be because they found the whereabouts of the Phoenix?" The Emperor Anzhen immediately I thought of this thing that made him very embarrassed at the time.

There is too much information and too many guesses. At the moment, Jinxiu can't make a judgment, but one thing is iron nails. That is, the East Pole Wonderland is bound to hide a huge secret.

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