The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1167: The dead are already! (2)

"I have to go too!" Hu Li, Lu Hao is not slow, and his attitude is more determined.

Pang Xiu, An Zhen and Shen Yan of course also want to accompany, but the three women are clear, they really went, I am afraid that it will not help, but it will become cumbersome, and will not bear to interject.

Qin Dong shook his head at Xiao Ting and said, "No! You have to walk with the army. If you run into a choice, you can help."

See the three people to say, Fenglang interface road "three brothers, Xiaodong arrangement, the most reasonable. You can rest assured, even if the big brother's repair is not good, not four brothers! In turn, I am very Worried about you.” Feng Lang turned his gaze to Jinxiu and said, “In the predecessors, you can only rely on you.”

In Jin Xuan, he waved his hand again and again, "Where is this, the old man will do his best!"

Qin Dong has arranged everything, Xiao Ting, Hu Li and Lu Hao are not good to say anything. Just rushing Qin Dong and Feng Lang all the way.

Qin Dong is about to take Feng Lang on the road. Feng Lang suddenly said, "The four brothers, I still have one thing to do."

"Feng Hero, what do you have, you can give it to us, we can do it for you!" Princess An Zhen said kindly.

Feng Lang shook his head and refused the good intentions of Princess Anzhen very firmly.

Qin Dong understood the mind of Feng Lang and nodded. "Alright! I am with my eldest brother!" After that, he turned his head and said to everyone that "We take the first step, everyone should be careful."

The voice did not fall, Qin Dong took the phoenix wave, the body meteor, disappeared without a trace.

When I came to a residential house in the Imperial City, Qin Dong fell from the sky with Feng Lang.

From the appearance of this house, it is very exquisite and elegant, and at first glance it is the residence of a well-off family. Only at this time, this exquisite house was surrounded by soldiers and lost the calm and peace of the past, shrouded in a deep sigh.

The two did not disturb the guard post responsible for the guard and went straight to the house. Two large and two small, four corpses were quietly placed there, and had not had time to decorate. The footsteps of Feng Lang suddenly became heavy, and the expression became very sad in an instant.

"Big is my playmate from childhood to big, he is so kind and honest, so much as sentimental as a woman, even if it is to kill an ant, it will be sad for a long time." Feng Lang gently unveil one of them The white cloth of the body looked at the face that had no **** eyes, and the tears rolled down.

Qin Dong looked up, this face is indeed revealing a thick and thick, at first glance is an honest man, and his mood is not consciously heavy.

"I am not the same as me. He does not want to practice martial arts. He only wants to live the life of ordinary people, marry his wife and have children, and then watch his children grow up little by little. He did it, and he wanted to live." Life, but all this, I was ruined by one hand. Why should I settle my nephew in his home? If I don’t, my family will not die!”

The deep sorrow hides the confession and self-blame that cannot be dispelled in the heart of Feng Lang. After Qin Dong listened, he also sighed again and again.

Sometimes fate is like a stubborn child. I always like to take away a good life easily. It is so unfair and even cruel!

Looking at the two young bodies in a twinkling of an eye, Qin Dong’s mood was even more heavy, and he couldn’t bear to look away.

"Big brother, the dead have been paralyzed. Are we still going to make them into the land earlier, let their family reunite at Huangquan?"

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