The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1173: ! How to do? Shoot! (1)

The first one hundred and seventy-three chapters! How to do? Shoot!

How good is the South Eagle, the age is too small, still a child. Not to mention how powerful the Green Devils are, but its esteem is enough to make a nightmare, when the South Eagle’s eyes and the Green Devil’s eyes flashed with red eyes. At that time, I was immediately stunned and my face was blue and white.

"How... How can there be a Green Devil here?" The South Hawk whispered.

Feng Lang patted his head and said, "You are a little fool, but if you have a heavenly treasure, you will have a spiritual beast. This ginseng says less than 50,000 years, and there are green beasts around it." However, when you were playing the idea of ​​this ginseng, did you not think about this?"

Nanying really didn't think about it. He saw the eternal ginseng. He was only excited about the whole person. Where else can he think of other things in his small head? [

However, when Feng Lang was so shot, the Southern Eagle was awakened from fear. He turned to look at Feng Lang and looked at Qin Dong. He saw the two faced the Green Devils, but did not show the meaning of running away. "Hurry, "You are still doing what you are doing, run away!"

As he said, the South Eagle broke free from the arms of Feng Lang. But before he escaped a few steps, he was caught back by Feng Lang.

"What are you doing? You want to die, Xiaoye doesn't want to die!" The Southern Eagle seemed to be irritated, and his face was red.

This time, Feng Lang was not polite. He waved his hand on the head of Nanying, and the South Eagle screamed.

"Little idiot, look around carefully!" Fenglang's tone is a bit harsh, but the love in his eyes has not been reduced. A clever and cute little boy like the South Eagle, I am afraid that not many people can really succumb to him.

The Southern Eagle glanced at the phoenix wave with anger, but did not dare to speak again. The hero does not eat the loss before the eyes, this South Eagle is mastered very well.

The Southern Eagle looked around and looked around. This hope was not much. In the place where they were about fifty steps away, they were all covered in a thin, silky green cloud. Resounding and circling.

"This is..." The Southern Eagle's age is even smaller. Even if the knowledge is shallow, he realizes that this thin layer of green cloud smoke is by no means a good thing.

Feng Lang shook his head and said, "If you just opened your mouth and shut up, please let us look good. It turns out that it is a bit of a skill. Have you forgotten the best skills of the Green Devil?"

"Poison... poisonous fog?" The face of the Southern Eagle immediately showed a faint color, and the subconsciously approached Fenglang.

The toxicity of this green konjac is not simple, it is dead. Recalling the talent, if it wasn’t for Feng Lang’s quickness, he would pull him, only that he had already lost his life in this poisonous fog. Presumably this layer of poisonous mist has been laid before the Green Devil appears. In other words, the Green Devils quietly painted a death row out of thin air and circled them.

"How... what to do?" The South Eagle did panic. In his opinion, this is already a desperate situation.

"Take it with your arrow!" Qin Dong, who remained silent, suddenly turned to look at the South Eagle, and his voice calmly said.

"Shooting... Shoot it? Useless, the body of the Green Devil is not thick, and with my skill, it can't be shot at all." The South Eagle shook his head again and again, and his white forehead had already seen sweat.

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