The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1184: Evil sword! (2)

Seeing that Nanchu finally came, Luo Jinguang’s eyebrows immediately rose, and sneered, “Nanchu, open your eyes and look at it. I’m strong and strong, and my master is like a cloud. If you are begging for mercy today, otherwise I will wave immediately. The soldiers are flat and fall to the village!"

"A big tone, not afraid of the wind and a big flash of the tongue!" Nan Huairen is full of vicissitudes and heavy voices, Luo Jinguang's look suddenly changed.

To see Nan Huairen as a stable mountain, the spirit of Longma stood on the wooden wall, Luo Jinguang's face was even more infinitely surprised, unconsciously turning his head to the black dragon Qianlong who looked around.

The pale face of the black dragon and the dragon was also a stiff, holding the hand of the black long sword, and it was not consciously tightened.

"Old things, you are still not dead?" Luo Jinguang saw the look of the black dragon Qianlongwei, everything understood, and my heart was not disappointed. Although Nan Huairen has retired to the second line, it is still the spiritual pillar of Biluo Village. It has not been able to level him up. It will be more difficult to conquer the Bilu Village. [

Nan Huairen sneered a sneer, the faint road "Luo Xianfa, the child is still not dead, how can my old man die?"

"Old stubborn!" Luo Jinguang screamed indignantly, Shen Sheng said, "The old thing is more and more lively and confused. You can't see clearly this kind of clear situation. Do you think that a small blue village, Can you resist the iron fist of the patriarch and the national teacher?"

"Our people in Bilu Village are not like Luo Luo's hair. They are all bone-bearing. They don't have the habit of bending their knees and giving people the habit of making dogs. He has to give dogs to others. Although he does, we will not accompany you in the village!" Huai Ren did not hide his contempt for Luo Xianfa, said coldly.

Luo Jinguang did not intend to convince Nan Huairen to put his hand on it. He no longer has to pay for it. "Come today, I am going to ask for justice for my cousin Luo. Nan Huairen, if you know each other, you will quickly hand over the murderer. Come out, otherwise the consequences will be unbearable."

"Ha! My old man is not scared. Luo Xiaozi, you have to dare to come, I promise you can't eat and go!"

"The old man looks at the sword!" Luo Jinguang next to the black dragon Qianlongwei, patience seems to be very poor, Nan Huairen's voice has not fallen, he flew up, the hands of the black long sword volley dance, a black light Distorted and shot toward Nan Huairen.

The swordsmanship of the ordinary sword is fierce or fierce, but the swordsmanship from the black long swords reveals a heart-rending evil.

And this is not a general evil. It is filled with almost all heart-rending negative emotions, hatred, anger, destruction, violent, bloody... and so on, it can defeat the human mind in an instant.

When the evil spirits started, Qin Dong first thought of the power of destruction.

Nan Huairen had already suffered a loss before, and he was always on the lookout for the black dragon and Qianlongwei. When he saw that he had some action, the nerves followed him tightly. The whole body’s spiritual power was like driving a motor and traveling at an amazing speed. whole body.

The evil spirits are on the verge, and the spiritual power of Nan Huairen has already roared out, and there is a dazzling red flame in the air.

Deeply aware of the power of this long black sword, Nan Huairen did not dare to have the slightest intention. This hand used nearly ten percent of the cultivation, and swooped toward the black sword. The two collided in the air, only listening to the bang, the black evil spirits blasted openly, the strong explosion volatility, directly shattered the spiritual power of Nan Huairen, while a black mist, breaking through the encirclement, continue to force Xiangnan Huairen...

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