The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1187: A sword flattened the enemy! (3)

The speed of Nan Huairen’s swing is not fast, and it is not as fast as the speed of the crowd. Nanchu saw Nanhuairen in a bad situation. He successively shot three wave master rescue support, and the results were all entangled by Qianlongwei and Luo Jinguang's masters.

"Hey... old guy, look at you still not dead?" Qi is looking happy, yin and laugh again and again.

Nan Huairen was mad at him, and his mouth was even strange.

When he blamed, Nan Huairen knew that he would continue this way, only to be entangled in these ordinary soldiers. The white eyebrows rose, and the figure suddenly rose up and went straight to the sky.

"Old guy, you can't help it anymore, I am waiting for it now!" Nan Huairen rose up from the ground and was in the midst of a strange heart. Even with him, there are twenty or thirty powerful monks who have long been secretly ready to go. When the opportunity came, the effort in the blink of an eye, there were dozens of spiritual powers rising into the sky, and they were intertwined into a smashing net, and they rushed over to Nan Huairen. [

"Oops!" Seeing Nan Huairen’s trajectory of Qizheng, Nanchu was in a hurry. However, Nanchu did not act rashly. As a commander, he should not only pay attention to Nan Huairen, but also pay attention to the entire situation. Anyone can mess, but he can't.

Nan Huairen’s reaction was also amazing. The five dragons that were hidden in the snow, a blink of an eye, burst into a golden light. First, he stepped straight to the spiritual giant network.

Nan Huairen is confident that Wulong Jianqi will be able to break through the spiritual giant network. The fact is also true. The unprecedented spiritual giant network, in front of Wulong Jianqi, is as fragile as a piece of paper. Was broken. However, for Nan Huairen, the real threat is not the spiritual giant network, but the destruction of the sword from the slanting thorns.

In order to break through the Wulong Jianqi and break through the spiritual giant network, the rising figure of Nan Huairen will inevitably be in the air, and this slight effort will make it a strange one. Live target. Qizheng has been forbearing, waiting for this moment is a good opportunity.

Destroy the sword and whistle, not to mention the flesh and blood of the district, even the Great Wall of Steel, it is not a word. Nan Huairen's attention is almost entirely on the breakthrough of the spiritual giant network. In the face of this long-awaited blow, there is no way to resist the sword. Qi Zheng’s yin and evil calculations have achieved the best results, and Nan Huairen has been forced into a desperate situation.

"Hey!" "Grandpa!" Above the wooden wall, the hum of the South Chunan Eagle and his son was eager and full of fear, especially the South Eagle, tears like a broken bead, kept falling.

"Old guy, come on!" Seeing the tricks, Qi Zheng’s face was full of laughter.

"The thief, you dare!" Nan Huairen's eyes are ringing, and he wants to spurt fire. At this time, he has already left the anger.

Seeing that this ruined swordsmanship would have to volley the South Huai Ren waist, a burst of laughter broke through.

Qi was listening to this laughter. At first, he didn't care. But suddenly, a giant hand was found in midair and he was shocked. When the giant hand came out, he went straight to the black sword. The chances of even the reaction are not given to the strange, and the destruction of the sword is annihilated in the hands of the giant.

"Who is it?" Qi is shocked and screamed and asked, and he still replied with a sigh.

Nan Huairen escaped from the robbery, but another robbery, but quietly arrived. Nan Huairen tried his best and landed in the air. At the bottom, thousands of soldiers had already raised their swords high. Only when Nan Huairen fell, he swarmed and cut it into meat.

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