The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1201: Get out of danger! (2)

Qin Dong’s palm power will not be light, and Lei Xiong’s injury is not a general weight. Silver Star has long tickles the roots that Lei Xiong hates. This is a good opportunity to be missed. When Lei Xiong was vomiting blood again and again, the silver star smashed his sword in his hand and turned out a thousand cold lights. He was like a meteor dance and went straight to Lei Xiong.

Lei Xiong had the heart to dodge, but he couldn’t help himself. In a moment, he heard the sharp blade of the gongs, such as the sound of the meat, and it took only ten seconds before and after. Lei Xiong’s body had dozens of hundreds of swords, almost silver. The star was broken on the spot.

"Quiet sister!" When the silver star sword cut Lei Xiong, Silver Moon has already exclaimed and rushed to the quiet and respectful.

From the ghost gate to a solid turn, the squatting still did not respond at this time, until the silver moon hands clasped her arm, which wakes up God. Turning his head and looking at Qin Dong, his eyes showed a gratitude involuntarily.

"Sister Jing, are you okay?" Silver Moon went up and down and looked at the Jingzun Zun. It was only after being found that the singer was only acupuncture points. Tone. [

婉静尊者 smiled and nodded, turned to one finger Qindong Fenglangdao "Thanks to the two of them, otherwise I am afraid to be accounted for here today." After that, 婉静尊者 looks seriously to Qin Dongfeng Lang , sincerely said, "Thank you for the help of the two!"

"Quiet sister, they are not good things, why should they thank them?" Silver Star wiped the **** sword on Lei Xiong's body and walked over and said coldly.

"Xinger, don't talk nonsense!" Silver Moon's character temper is much softer than Silver Star. She is the same as Jing Jing Zun, and is truly grateful to Qin Dongfeng. I don’t want to hear the silver star’s export hurt and stop talking.

"Two sisters, I didn't make a mistake! If the two boys don't see the masters of our Shura faction, they won't be able to save the quiet sister. They just do not want us to kill them." "Silver star is not convinced, sweet voice.

Yinyue smiled and shook his head. Her sister, who is smart, but does not like to use his brain, always likes it. Seeing Silver Star is still an indignant and disdainful expression, Silver Moon can not help but say "Star, you look back, where are our masters of Shura?"

"In... 呃..." Silver Star turned around, quietly around, no sound, no matter where a large number of Shura masters came, the expression came to a deadlock.

婉静尊者 shaking his head and laughing, "Stupid gimmick, if not these two think of a trick, lie that a large number of Shura masters will come, will not mess with Lei Xiong's mind, and will not have a chance, from Lei Xiong's palm I saved it."

Silver Star turned to look at Qin Dong with some dumbfounded eyes. Qin Dong side smiled and rubbed her eyes. In the incarnation of the uncle of the uncle of Qin Dong at this time, such actions are mixed together, and more wretched is more cumbersome. The spirit of Yinxing’s heart has disappeared. When I saw Qin Dong’s look, the fire broke out. The evil stunned Qin Dong, and screamed "Little Man!" Then he twisted his head to the side and never looked at Qin Dong again.

"Two, my sister is this temper, you don't mind." Silver Moon is helpless to come out for the silver star round, and asked "I don't know how to call the two?"

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