The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1204: Panic! (1)

The first thousand two hundred and four chapters are panicked!

At the beginning, Nan Huairen did not believe that Luo Yuling would do things like destroying the door. At this time, seeing the expression of Luo Yuling, he is even more convinced. The look was slightly relieved, but the voice was still dignified. "It’s Feng Daxia and Mr. Qin’s own mouth. Feng Daxia asked a friend of his family to take care of his sister. Who knows, his sister was taken away, and Feng’s friend’s family was Killing, Feng Daxia personally buried their bodies."

"No! It is impossible! I have made orders, and I will never allow the family to be embarrassed. How can I kill their whole family? There are some flaws in this! There must be awkwardness!" Luo Yuling’s brains turned sharply and his expression changed.

Nan Huairen frowned. "I don't believe that you will do something like this, but I believe it is useless. Feng Daxia and Mr. Qin have determined that all this is what you did. They once told me that they want to wash the Shura. send."

"What!?" Luo Yuling's flower was eclipsed and jumped up. The development of this step can be said to be completely beyond her imagination, even contrary to her previous assumptions. If you can't get Qin Dong's help, you should recruit Qin Bing's blood wash. For Luo Yuling, it is not a slap in the sky. Only for a moment, Luo Yuling's forehead was covered with fine sweat. [

"Nan Shu, Feng Daxia's friend family can never be killed by our Shura, I can swear to God!" Luo Yuling completely panic, this look Nan Huairen is the first time in Luo Yuling's face Seeing it, it can be seen how much pressure she is under now.

Nan Huairen’s bitter way of saying “What do you swear to me? Feng Daxia and Mr. Qin are two, maybe they have already come here, Yu Ling, we have to prepare early!”

Luo Yuling's more and more flustered, the whole brain is a mass of paste, and even the turn can not turn, how can you come up with ideas?

Just when Luo Yuling panicked, Qi Zhengzheng sneered, and said, "Luozhangmen, Fenglang said that Qindong is not a good master. He is a self-cultivation, afraid of not being in the country. Under the teacher, you offended him, but it is not a general trouble."

Luo Yuling’s apricot eyes screamed and said, “What do you want to say?”

Qi is a good look, Shen Sheng "I want to give the door to the door."

"The dog's mouth can't spit out ivory!" Nan Huairen knows the insidiousness of Qizheng, and immediately snorted.

Qi Zheng did not pay attention to it and continued to Luo Yu Ling Road. "If you want to get rid of the threat of Qin Dong, there is only one way to go. That is to rely on the national teacher. In return, the National Teacher will definitely give you strong protection. ""

"Trusting the national division?" Luo Yuling squinted to see Qizheng.

Qi Zhengyi seems to eat the expression of Luo Yuling, and the sneer has repeatedly said, "To this point today, do you have other choices for the Shura faction?"

"I am!" Luo Yuling was so angry that he rushed forward, and his hand gave Qizhen a loud and slap in the face, and the straight mouth of the Qizheng mouth burst and the blood was overflowing.

The pain is the second, the key Qizheng has never been beaten by a woman, so shameful and shameful, where he can swallow, a pair of eyes bursting, his face smashed.

"You have listened to me. I am Luo Yuling, even if I am dead, I will never make a dog that chooses my heart! If you dare to talk nonsense in front of me, I will unplug your mouth!" Although Luo Yuling is a female stream, but it is also a supreme, the power can not be underestimated. This remark was strong and powerful, and there was a sound in the ground. Even though I was so sad that I hated my teeth, I didn’t dare to make another time, nonsense.

Seeing Luo Yuling's move, Nan Huairen nodded with approval and sighed that he did not read the wrong person.

"Head!" With a crisp and delicate call, Silver Moon took the lead from the outside, and the quiet sage followed behind her.

Luo Yuling looked back at the quiet and respected person, and when he passed the face, he swept a surprise and stepped forward to hold the hand of the quietly sacred person. "Calm, you... you are back!" In a word, a few words in the district, but Luo Yuling expressed the sisterly feelings of the Jingzun people.

The sorrowful sorcerer had some whimpers and nodded heavily.

"That's good, then it's good..." Luo Yuling was happy, but his eyes were filled with wet fog.

"Silence, you are not taken away by the people of the Dragon Hall, how..." Nan Huairen stood up and looked surprised. [

When the Jingzun rushed forward and went to Nan Huairen to perform the ceremony of the younger generation, he said, "Thanks to the Silver Moon Silver Sisters, they saved me with a thousand deaths."

Luo Yuling turned to look at Yinyue with amazement. Obviously, she did not expect that Yinyue could make such a wonderful work.

Luo Yuling’s gaze made Silver Moon a little excited. He said, “In fact, it’s all because of the luck of Jing’s sister. At the crucial moment, I have to meet a white tiger to help. Otherwise, don’t say to save the quiet sister, I’m afraid even our sisters. I have to plant it in Lei Xiong."

"Lei Xiong?" Luo Yuling's apricot eyes.

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Luo Yuling frowned slightly and said slowly that "Lei Xiong is the top master in the Dragon Temple. Even he has been dispatched. It seems that the main peak of the Dragon Temple is to spare no effort against us."

"The head said that, fortunately, Lei Xiong died, it is a bosom of Black Peak."

"Well? You said that Lei Xiong is dead?" Luo Yuling's look suddenly rose.

After a glimpse of the singer, he returned to God and smiled and said, "It is my negligence. I didn't report it to the head. Lei Xiong was full of sorrow and was stabbed to death by the silver star girl."

"Ah! This... is this true?" Luo Yuling was overjoyed, but he could not believe it.

Luo Jinguang and Qi Zheng are also facing each other. Lei Xiong’s cultivation is in their hearts. It would be too mysterious to die in the hands of a little-known little girl.

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Luo Yuling did not doubt the words of the singer, but it was too sudden and somewhat unbelievable. It was like a joy from heaven, and it was not acceptable for a while.

"Well! This work must be remembered." Luo Yuling was saying, as soon as he looked up, Silver Star came in and rushed forward to pull her hand, smiled and said "Star, This time you killed Lei Xiong, made a wonderful achievement, let's say, how can I reward you?"

Silver Star glimpsed a little, and then a glimpse of his heart, the attitude immediately twisted. To say that she can kill Lei Xiong in a chaotic sword, all of them can be attributed to the other two, but now these two people have been shut into the firewood house by her, no matter how, they are not very authentic.

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