The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1238: Casualties are heavy! (1)

The first thousand two hundred and thirty-eight chapters are heavy casualties!

"Okay! It is death or alive. I always have to fight together to know. I am going with you, and I will join hands to fight the black dragon!" Burning Tianjinfeng frowned and looked up.

It is naturally a good thing to have a burning gold phoenix to help. It can be seen that although the burning of the golden phoenix is ​​inspiring, it is still difficult to hide the exhaustion in the depths. Qin Dong knows that this period of time is not good.

"Predecessors, in your current situation, I am afraid..."

After waiting for Qin Dong to finish his speech, Burning Jinfeng would give him a white look and shouted, "Do you still have to blame you?"

"Quiet me?" Qin Dong stunned, this burning Tian Jinfeng is also very interesting. To make her look like this, the person with great spiritual loss is the black dragon, but she is her savior. She does not blame the black dragon, but blames herself. It is really unreasonable.

"You still don't accept it? Then I ask you, you are fine. Why do you want to break the space barrier three times? In order to repair the cracks in the space barrier in time, I have to release a lot of spiritual power, so that the wear and tear is excessive. The black dragon's dark calculations fell into such fields."

Listening to the burning of Jinfeng said that Qin Dong is really embarrassed. With the repair of the Burning Golden Phoenix, even if the Black Dragon cannot be defeated, there is absolutely no problem with the whole body.

Seeing Qin Dongmei is full of apologies. Burning Tianjinfeng did not really blame him. So the front turned and said, "I also blamed me for being too savage. I thought that the person who broke the space barrier was a black dragon. I was worried about him. If you have a plot, you can stop it without thinking. In fact, if I calm down a bit, I can tell that the breath you released is pure and pure, and it is not like the power of the black dragon's destruction, cruel and evil."

Qin Dong knows that burning Tianjinfeng is comforting himself, and his heart is warm. From the Qiankun Shengzhong, he took out the dragon turtle, which he carefully collected and prepared to refine it into a **** Dan.

"Predecessors, this spirit should help you."

The dragon tortoise is a spirit beast of the nine-level world. Although it is not as powerful as the burning of the golden phoenix and the black dragon, it is not an ordinary existence. The spiritual power contained in its spirits is definitely a superb tonic for Burning Heaven and Phoenix.

Burning Tianjinfeng was not polite with Qin Dong, and he took Lingnan directly. "I know that this old turtle can't live for a long time. I think it will die in the hands of Black Dragon sooner or later. I didn't expect it, but let you get ahead." "When it is said, the burning of the golden phoenix will swallow the dragon turtle Ling Dan, concentrate on the interest rate. There is Qin Dong protecting her for her, she has nothing to worry about.

There is no worry about burning the golden phoenix, but a heart of Qin Dong has been squatting. In the face of the joint attack between the two strong players of the choice of the heart and the black dragon, can the golden warrior stand up?


"Yu Jinxiu, you are a bastard, this seat is watching you are tired!" When the choice of rushing to arrive, Luo Xianfa’s men have basically been raided almost, even Luo Xianfa is also in the wild Huanren Under the bombardment, he was seriously injured and his life was hanging in the line. As for his Qianlongwei, it is even worse. Under the frantic coercion of the Golden Warrior, the casualties have passed two-thirds, and the whole army has lost time and only has time left.

Qianlongwei was cultivated from nothing, cultivated by one hand, and he was highly valued by him. He has always regarded himself as the foundation. Qianlongwei suffered such a big loss, and he was not afraid of licking his flesh.

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