The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1247: The conspiracy is shattered! (2)

Painted to see the phoenix wave look a little dignified, as if thinking seriously about his proposal, the face immediately showed a smirk of smirk. Since Feng Lang first went to the door and borrowed him from Lingshi, he knew that he was eating a phoenix wave.

"Feng Lang, you may not understand me, my patience has always been limited, can't wait too long. Or you will kill An Zhenan now, or you will give up the Lingbi stone completely, just when you have never There is no sister." Tu Xingxin has a compelling posture, which makes people feel like a fire.

"Painting your heart, you bastard!" Cold Weidong couldn't bear it, and he screamed and screamed.

"Stop!" Cold Weidong raised his palm, and Feng Lang suddenly swayed and plunged to his front, grabbing his raised palm.

"Feng Daxia, you..." Seeing Feng Lang's move, the heart of Leng Weidong sank. The rest of the group is the same, the complexion is full of dignity and helplessness. [

It’s a pleasure to paint your heart, haha’s laughter. “Feng Lang, you really are the best brother in the world. I know that you will not give up your sister’s life. You are doing very well. Now, for the head of the An An An, the Lingbi stone will be yours."

"Feng Daxia, I have always respected you. Even if you do something irrational for your sister, I will not blame you. But I will never let you hurt the emperor and the princess." Wei Dong took a breath and said with a voice.

Feng Wei suddenly smiled at the cold Weidong, whose face was extremely dignified. The smile of Feng Lang may not be brilliant, but it is full of pride; it makes people feel shocked.

Seemingly aware of what, the expression of Leng Weidong suddenly rose up and shouted loudly, "Feng Daxia, you..."

After waiting for the cold Weidong to finish the words, Feng Lang waved his hand and interrupted it. He said, "I know my sister. If she is awake at this time, she will not promise me to violate her conscience for her. It is against the axioms and contrary to the righteous things." Speaking, painting a pair of cold scorpions, stunned to the choice of heart, and immediately smothered the heart, "So, choose your heart, your wishful thinking wrong!"

Fenglang’s words came out and the group was excited. Emperor Anzhen and Aunt Anzhen breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and then screamed loudly together. The title of the heroes, crowned on the head of Feng Lang, is not an exaggeration.

The selection of the heart has just risen so smugly, it was smashed in an instant, as if it was played by a person, a face was smashed. "Feng Lang, do you really think about it, give up your sister's life?"

Feng Lang’s eyes burst into the light, and he said, “I would rather my sister’s death in vain, and I would not be ashamed of being used by your shameless villain. Go to hell!” A fierce roar From the mouth of Feng Lang to the sky. Without any hesitation, the majestic, like the waves of the palm of the hand, straight to the heart of the wrap.

"Damn!" The teeth of the mouth full of choices must be bitten, while standing back and forth, while the arrogant rushing in the heart is a fool.

Seeing that Feng Lang took the lead, the Emperor Anzhen was more excited and shouted. "What are you waiting for? The time for the people to get rid of the disaster is here!"

An An's call, the group of men shaking, more than a few times more violent bombardment than before, regardless of any cost, the rumbling of the rushing to the heart of the choice, a pair of unstoppable posture.

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