The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1254: Is he still a person? (2)

The burning of Jinfeng, who was unable to stand up because of severe pain, seemed to have lost the painful nerves and almost jumped from the ground. A pair of phoenix eyes stunned and looked at Qin Dong, his lips groaning, and even the words could not be said.

Recalling my worries and tears, I can't smile. Since she knows that Qin Dong is extremely clever, how can he think he is stupid? Everything is Qin Er’s calculation. With a slight retreat as a bait, the temptation of the black dragon to turn to the attack, and four gold dragon sword spirit, deducted a beautiful little to the big, making the black dragon a moment, and finally revealed the flaws. This type of calculation, like the transparent, feels no strange, usually the most extreme, but between the electric and the Flint of the peak matchup, this is the pen of God, the chance to win! Before burning Tian Jinfeng, he only appreciated Qin Dong. At this time, he was admired from the bottom of his heart.

The reaction of the black dragon is extremely fast, the dragon claws are lifted up quickly, and you want to protect the scales, but in the end it is still a slow half-shoot. The fifth golden dragon sword is turned into an electric light, and the negligence has passed through. Then in the whispering sound, a black blood arrow was brought on the black dragon's body.

"Stabbed!" Burning Tian Jinfeng exclaimed, the excitement on his face, has reached a point where there is no more.

She tried her best, but she did not hurt the black dragon, but Qin Dong was good. It was incredible when it came up. It was incredible. Burning Tianjinfeng understands why Black Dragon has never used dragons for himself, but he did not hesitate to use it. Although Qin Dong’s cultivation is weaker than her, Qin Dong’s cultivation combined with his heart and wisdom, the attacking power that has erupted has far exceeded her. This makes Burning Jinfeng have to sigh the last sentence - afterlife is awesome! [

"Good boy! I really can't underestimate you!" Hei Long Yinsen said.

"Well!" Burning Tian Jinfeng's heart suddenly swelled and his face changed.

Qin Dongfang only had a sword, and did not stab the scales of the black dragon. Otherwise, the black dragon must not continue to maintain the shape of the dragon at this time, and should have been beaten back to the human form. Sure enough, when the black dragon's claws were removed from the wound, Burning Jinfeng saw that the wound was only a few inches away from the scale. Although only a few inches, it is not the key to the black dragon, and this little injury is almost negligible for the metamorphosis of the dragon.

Burning Tian Jinfeng’s heart was disappointing, and the life of this black dragon was really not big. After the disappointment, Burning Jinfeng was extremely worried about Qin Dong. Qin Dong’s calculations fell through, and he would continue to face terrible dragons.

In the view of Burning Jinfeng, the calculations of Qin Dongfang’s talents, although exquisite, also have considerable gambling components. Because the burning of the golden phoenix is ​​clear, Qin Dong has no way to resist the black dragon's dragon's breath. If he can't kill the black dragon in one fell swoop, then he will be engulfed by the dragon.

Burning Tian Jinfeng’s heart is not bad, now is the time when Qin Dong needs her most, but she can’t help it at all.

When Burning Jinfeng looked at Qin Dong with a look of apology, he was surprised to find that in the face of such an unfavorable situation, Qin Dong’s expression was dignified, but there was no trace of panic and no despair. And timidity, the resoluteness and calmness in the eyes, did not diminish.

"Is this kid still a person?" Looking at Qin Dong, burning Tian Jinfeng was a little dazed. From the beginning to the present, Qin Dong’s performance has gone far beyond her imagination. It seems that this battle of dragons and dragons is the main force. It is Qin Dong, not her sacred beast.

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