The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1275: Intently! (1)

The first thousand two hundred and seventy-five chapters are in vain!

"Grandpa is forgiving, grandfather is forgiving!..." Ma Xiao almost didn't have the spirit of flying on the spot, and he couldn't care about the pain of falling apart, and he was too busy to ask for mercy.

"There is another nonsense, I will take your dog's life!" Qin Dong screamed, like a giant thunder in nine days, the shocking horse whistling and screaming.

"No... I don't dare anymore..." For a while, Ma Xiao's face was pale and three points, almost no blood.

"answer my question!"[

Ma Xiao rushed to converge on the mind and said, "The repair of the glass fairy is also very high, not under the right of Anxing. If it is a single fight, the Anxing power has only 50% chance of winning, so An Xingquan unites Wu Liangpin. When the two men shot together, they only seriously injured the glass fairy, but they were escaped by the glass fairy, and when they escaped, they also took away hundreds of thousands of crystals. Anxing was greatly furious, and this was sent around to search for glass. Fairy, claiming to live to see people, die to see the dead!"

"A good Anxing right!" Qin Dong heard this, the heart can not be described with the anger, a palm out, within a radius of ten miles, everything is turned into powder, even a quail-sized stone Hard to find. Fortunately, it is secluded here, and there is no one to smoke. Otherwise, Qin Dong’s anger is only horrible.

Ma Xiao was the palm of Qin Dong, and he almost scared his pants. The whole person was completely squatted on the ground, curled up like a prawn, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

After a while, Qin Dong’s anger is gradually subsiding, but the voice is more and more gloomy. “Who is good?”

"Witch...Wuliang good is...the elder who is too one, I heard that it is also from heaven and earth..." Ma Xiao’s courage is about to be scared by Qin Dong’s life. At this time, even talking is not very good.

"Taiyi?" Qin Dong was taken aback again. He thought that it was only Wanpeng gang that was rampant in the human world. I did not expect that Taiyi also reached out to the human world. And in order to deal with the glass fairy, this two martial art that did not deal with it on weekdays actually joined forces. If you didn't hear it, Qin Dong really couldn't believe it.

When it comes to Taiyi, Qin Dong immediately thought of Xiao Rusei and Mo Xielong. Xiao Rusei is the head of Taiyi’s door, and his status is lofty. The cultivation of Mo Xielong has reached the level of nine. If these two people come out casually, they can keep the glass fairy. However, now, the glass fairy lost to the two men, and the injury fled, obviously Xiao Rusei and Mo Xielong did not appear.

Liu Xiuhe and Fu Fengming have already made Qin Dong angry, and Xiao Ruser and Mo Xielong added a fire to Qin Dong’s heart. Not to mention Ma Xiao, even Qin Dong himself can feel the anger in his voice "Xiao Rusei and Mo Xielong, is it not to help a bunch of glass fairy?"

The whistle of the horse whispered, "Xiao Ru, Sister Xiao, as early as two or three months ago, she took the Mifen girl to heaven and heaven, as if she was asking for medicine for Mifen."

The words of Ma Xiao have alleviated some of the anger in Qin Dong’s heart. "What about the evil dragon?"

"When Anxing found a good thing, and talked about how to deal with the glass fairy, Mo Xielong also persuaded the witch good, and did not cooperate with Wan Peng, but Wu Liangpin simply did not listen to his persuasion, but instead He yelled at the meal and even punished him."

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