The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1279: A strong lineup! (1)

The first two hundred and seventy-nine chapters are a strong lineup!

"Hit up! Fight up!" Qin Dong and Ma Xiaozheng had to step into the teahouse in a step, and a shout of shouts came, and the originally bustling but calm street suddenly became messy. The tea drinkers who used to drink herbal tea in the teahouse have also rushed out of the teahouse. A dumb-looking man didn’t notice Qin Dong. He bumped into Qindong at a time. Fortunately, Qindong reacted quickly enough. One circle and one lead, the other person's life was removed from the half a foot, which avoided collision.

"Bastard! Your eyes are used to gasp!" Ma Xiao was furious, and his temper was immediately attacked. He had to take a look at the fat man and was stopped by a harsh eye.

"Is sorry for both... I..." The fat man also knew that he almost got into trouble. Seeing the horror of the horror, the impetuousness, the imposing manner, how to look like a big man, the heart is even more embarrassed, rushed over, rushed two people Apologize for holding a fist.

Qin Dong huh, a smile, put on the hand, indicating that the things are not what, the expression of the fat man's face is only a little better. [

"Big brother, someone just shouted '打了了', who is it with whom?" Qin Dong asked.

Seeing that Qin Dong’s face is so thick, the other party’s own rash, and all of them don’t care, and the heart will have a good impression. Plus, this fat man is also a master who can love you. When Qin Dong asks, his face immediately rushes. A resentful resentment, shouting "Who can? It must be the rabbits and scorpions from the Imperial City, and then deliberately pick things up, disgustingly swearing at the city. These rabbits, completely ignoring the lives and deaths of our unintentional city people, all **** damn! ”

Speaking of this, the fat man saw that the crowd had gone far, and he was anxious. He said to Qin Dong with apologetics, "Little brother, I am sorry, I have to go to help our city owner, I can’t let him suffer. The poisonous hands of the rabbits are less accompanying."

Seeing the eagerness and indulgence of this fat dude, Qin Dong gave birth to a good impression on the city owner of the heartless city. If you can get the support and care of the people, you can explain that this unintentional city owner is a person who can be handed over.

"Big Brother, don't worry, we will go with you!"

"Good! One more person will have more strength! On the road, I will talk to you about our good city owner who is dedicated to the people!" The fat man was very pleased to hear that Qin Dong intended to help.

With the crowd, all the way to the east. This fat man really did not say anything, with a rich language, in the heart of Qin Dong built a very full image of the city owner.

The city owner of Wuxincheng called Wei Qian, who was not very old, and was in his thirties. In the thirties, you can become the city owner of the main city of Jin Xiaguo. This is enough to show that Wei Qian is not simple. With the fat man's description of Wei Qian, Qin Dong is even more praised for this.

Wei Qian strictly speaking, it should be regarded as a member of the military commander. The reason why he can become the city owner of the unintentional city today is entirely based on his own heroic achievements. These Qin Dong did not care, and what he cares about is Wei Qian’s way of leading the soldiers.

The love of a soldier is like a child. He is often hanged by his mouth. What he can really do is very few. Wei Qian should be one of them. His Majesty's command of the 100,000-strong army, for others, at best, can remember the names of several generals, and some can remember the names of several small captains, it is already very good. Wei Weiqian, the 100,000-strong army that he has left, can be called by his name, more than half, and he has been favored by him, and there are thousands of people. It is common to eat and sleep with soldiers on weekdays. In order to find a soldier with unknown life and death on the battlefield, it is not difficult to live or die. As for the leader, it is even more important. It can be said that the words "love the soldiers as children" have been done to the fullest.

In Wei Qian, another thing that moved Qin Dong is that he not only loves the soldiers, but also loves the people! Often beneficial to the people, so that its position in the city of the heartless city can almost be described by the word "sublime".

Such a city owner who exudes humanity and glory, it is no wonder that the people will be so supportive.

The talking room came to the heartless city city east. Here, the two teams were slashing their swords and confronting them on the spot.

If it is only on the number of the two sides, it can be said that there is a great disparity. There are only a few people in one party, but there are thousands in the other, and it continues to increase with the influx of unintentional city people.

However, sometimes the victory of a battle does not depend on the number of people, but also on combat effectiveness.

If it is about combat effectiveness, then the situation is just the opposite. The advantage is that it is less than one hundred people, and it still has an absolute advantage.

Although this group of people, less than one hundred, but all of them are masters, all of them are all monks. In particular, the old man in white, white and long to the chest, has a seven-level cultivation. Only one of them can rival tens of thousands of soldiers. And beside him, there are two four-level monks, more than ten third-level monks, and dozens of junior monks in the first and second levels. If these hundred people completely broke out, Wei Qian’s 100,000 army will inevitably Rout.

Qin Dong also noticed Wei Qian at this time. At first glance, Qin Dong wrote a letter of eighty-nine points to Wei Qian’s description of Wei Qian along the way. This Wei Qian is really a sly man, not the kind of sin. The generations of the evil spirits can be seen from the eyes of Wei Qian.

It’s just that Wei Qian is obviously on the spur of the moment, a red-faced flush with a square face, and a pair of tigers, even from time to time, spurting out anger, behind him, is an array of 100,000 soldiers, Junwei Hehe . [

The quality of the people who have no heart city is also extremely high. Although it is a group of anger, but no one rushed into the array, but surrounded by a group of outside the array, everyone knows that once the fight, the army is the main force, so the lineup must not be chaotic.

"Ah? How did he come?" Qin Dongfang decided to stand, and Ma Xiao could not help but exclaimed.

Seeing Qin Dong’s inquiries to him, Ma Xiao hurriedly pointed to the long-term old man in the seven-level situation and said, “The old man named Yu Lin is the right arm of An Xingquan. I heard that the status in Wan Peng’s gang is also Not bad. The two guys behind him are Yulin’s two apprentices. They are not old, but they have four levels, very powerful!”

Although Ma Xiao was forced to upgrade to the second level by Qin Dong, it was still far worse than Yu Lin and his two apprentices. When he introduced Qin Dong, he could not help but show awe.

Qin Dong is not surprised by Ma Xiao’s words. Since Fu Yanshan wants to get involved in the human world, he will naturally spare no effort to send a few assistants to An Xing, which is justified. The only thing that makes Qin Dong feel strange is that Anxing has dispatched such a huge lineup. What is it?

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