The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1281: Let's say the massacre! (1)

The first thousand two hundred and eighty-one chapters are said to kill the city!

Yu Lin ignored the screams of the two apprentices and turned his head to lock on Wei Qian. After repelling Yulin’s two disciples, Wei Qian’s face calmly came out of the army’s guards and looked at Yulin. He said, “Yu Lin, now you see, the heartless city is not a soft persimmon that others can hold.”

Yu Lin snorted and said, "The combat strength of your armies is really good, but they are just ordinary soldiers. They want to be enemies with our monks. I am afraid that they are not enough. Wei Qian, you have always loved soldiers like a child. Is it true? Patience, watching them become a corpse under our hands?"

"I really can't bear it! But since they chose to be a soldier, they are ready to die at any time!"

"The ordinary people, are they also soldiers, and they are ready to die at any time?"

When Yu Lin said this, Wei Qian suddenly changed color and his eyes roared. Among them, he asked with a bit of shock. "Yulin, don't you even let these ordinary people let go?"

Wei Qian never imagined that Yu Lin’s heart was so dark. If Yu Lin really does this, it is conceivable that these ordinary people will suffer casualties. Wei Qian is a little bit of a gentleman's heart. Where did he know that Yu Lin was from heaven and earth, and in his eyes, these ordinary people and ants were no different, and he naturally would not pity the lives of these people. How many people in this world will be saddened by the fact that they have trampled an ant?

"I don't want to do this either, but if these people continue to hinder my official duties here, I can't do anything." Yu Lin shook his head and said it was easy.

"You confuse!" Wei Qian couldn't bear it, and screamed straight.

Seeing that Wei Qian’s face looked angry, Yu Lin smiled. Although Wei Qian was strong, but also had weaknesses, since there is a weakness, he will not defend Qian Qian without compromise.

Ignore Wei Qian’s roar, Yu Lin’s face is cold, Shen Sheng’s “My time is limited, I will hand over all the broken beasts in the heartless city, and I will return to the Imperial City to return to the Heavenly Master!”

Wei Qian wanted to attack, and then forced to press it. "As far as I know, An Xingquan not only rushed me to the city, but also to go through a large number of broken beast arrows. The whole Jin Xiaguo, the six main cities, made the accumulated beasts. The arrow was almost completely forcibly collected by the Anxing Right to the Imperial City. According to conservative estimates, there are at least millions of broken beast arrows in the Imperial City, so many broken beast arrows are not enough for the Imperial City. Why should we continue to exploit us?"

Wei Qian’s question, Qin Dong’s brow immediately wrinkled and turned to look at Ma Xiao. Ma Xiao did not think about the road. "The reason why Anxing Quan collected the broken beasts, I am afraid that it is not to protect the imperial city, but to prepare for accumulation, and then sent to heaven and heaven together. It is said that the phantoms have already been in the heavens and the heavens. Up, Wanpeng Gang is in need of this broken beast that can cause great damage to the Eudemons."

Sure enough, as Qin Dong’s heart guessed, Anxing’s right can ignore the life and death of the unintentional city people. Is it going to scruple the safety of the people in the imperial city? Shit! Anxing Quan is only a dog slave who plays the role of the whole heart. Once enough monks have been gathered in the human world, he will immediately bring these monks, together with the broken beast arrows, back to heaven and heaven to go to Fu Yanshan to invite. As for the human world, under the iron hoof of the Eudemons, what kind of purgatory will become, he will not be in the heart.

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