The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1285: You must see the blood! (2)

Yu Lin’s subconscious consciousness wants to catch Siqing, but when he first met Siqing, he slammed a slap. Although Siqing died, there is still a terrible and extremely violent force on him. It’s continually running, and the forest will be bounced.

This power, to the life of Siqing, even has such a strong Yu Wei, after Lin Shen's body-shaped landing, his face finally could not hold back, revealing a deep fear.

The two apprentices were gone for only a moment, but at this time, Lin couldn’t care for his heartache. His heart was full of horror, and at the same time, a strong, terrible feeling of being stared by death. Also began to sweep in his heart.

"Is it... Is it necessary to explain it here today?" Yu Lin’s mind flashed involuntarily, and his face changed instantly.

The death of Feng Quan and Si Qing also brought profound shock to the more than 100 junior monks. Whether it is Feng Quan or Si Qing, in their eyes, they are almost unsurpassable drones. They are really true and they are the masters of their fears. But these two masters, even a face is not up, they died in the hands of Qin Dong, if not seen by their own eyes, I am afraid they will not believe. [

All of a sudden, Qin Dong’s figure was infinitely enlarged and elongated in their minds, and they were to cover up their entire mind. Even Yu Lin faces Qin Dong, but still shows fear, not to mention them.

"Your cultivation is at least in the eighth level. Who are you?" Qin Dong’s pressure on Yulin is far more than Anxing’s right. Yu Lin’s comparison is to conclude that Qin Dong The repair is still on the right of Anxing, and this result surprised him.

"If I were you, I must have regretted it now. I shouldn’t go to the human world to fight evil. What about you?" Qin Dong looked at Yu Lin with a smile on his face, but this smile fell in Lin’s eyes. More terrible than a snake.

Ignore Lin Cangbai's face, Qin Dong's cold eyes swept over the hundreds of monks, and asked coldly, "You should have many people, have you already invested in Wanpeng? I can give you one time." Opportunity, as long as you are sworn away from Wanpeng, I will spare you a life!"

"Bastard! Do you want to be an enemy of our entire Wanpeng gang?" Yu Linyi, angered.

Qin Dong ignored his questioning and went on to say, "Whoever can be obsessed with it, I will never be merciful!"

"I said that you are still doing what you are doing? Is it really so hard for Wan Peng to help, and willing to die for Wan Peng?" Seeing more than a hundred monks, he was reluctant to express his position, and the horse was anxious. Sentence, one refers to a man in the crowd. "Lao Cai, don't be stupid. Just tell Qin, you will immediately leave Wanpeng, or you will not be able to save you even brothers!"

The man named by Ma Xiao, some moving, but just about to step out of the crowd, suddenly stunned Yu Lin cast a cold and extremely gaze to him, involuntarily hit a slap, took his footsteps.

Yu Lin saw a scream and laughed at Qin Dongdao. "Your cultivation is indeed a shocking thing, but if you want to fight against our Wanpeng gang with a single blow, it is simply a car, not self-sufficient! I advise you, still smart. If you are willing to vote for me under the help of Wan Peng, you can kill me two apprentices, I can not care about you. Otherwise, you have to face the crazy chase of my Wan Peng Gang, not endless!"

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