The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1288: Anxiety is difficult! (1)

The first thousand two hundred and eighty-eight chapters are sorrowful and difficult!

"Follow! We will go back to the city without heart!" More than a hundred monks did not hesitate. Under the leadership of Lao Cai, after bidding farewell to Qin Dong, they turned their heads to the unintentional city.

"Hey... Qin, if you let Anxing know that these hundred monks, the blink of an eye, have already turned away from Wan Peng, and you are dead to Qin, I am afraid that you will not be killed!" Come up, smiled and said.

"If Anxing’s right is so dead, isn’t it cheaper?” Qin Dong snorted and waved his hand to the imperial city of Jin Xiaguo.

Unintentional city, the city government. [

When Wei Qian came back, he shut himself in the room. The next person who came to serve the tea and did not enter the door, was scorned by Wei Qian, and it was really anxious to defend Mrs. Wei.

"Master, I know that you have been wronged. You open them and tell me that you have been squatting in your heart and will ruin your body." Mrs. Wei was lying outside the room, anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

"I want to be alone, my wife will leave me alone." The voice of Wei Qian was heard in the room. The voice was full of frustration and powerlessness, which made Mrs. Wei more urgent. After living with Wei Qian for so many years, Wei Qian has always been awesome in her eyes, and her fighting spirit is high. Why have there been such a time?

When Mrs. Wei was surprised, the room was followed by Wei Qian’s extremely heavy sigh. One heart was hurting and the eyes were red, and the tears rolled down.

Wei Qian’s mood at this time is probably the worst moment of his life. It was not because of the bullying of Lin, but his heart was filled with worry and anxiety. He is worried about the hundreds of thousands of people who have no heart. The Broken Beasts are the only weapons they can fight against the Eudemons. Without the Broken Beasts, they face the illusionary orc warriors who are powerful to the monks. They are simply ants, only those who have been trampled to death. In the midst of it, he seems to have seen the army of the Eudemons, and the people of the unintentional city have fallen into the wild, and they can not help but fight three shudders.

However, this is not the most worrying Wei Qian, and the political situation of Jin Xiaguo has made him sleepless.

Although Wuxincheng is not close to the Imperial City, all kinds of news are passed through his channels to his ears. The Chu family is suffering from the enormous challenge from the right of the Tianshi Anxing, and has even reached the situation that it will be swallowed up by Anxing at any time.

Even if Wei Qian is far away from the imperial city, he can also feel the pressure that the Chu family is under. A small Yulin, you can force him to be the master of a city, no way to do it, and compromise again and again. Yu Lin is only a small man of An Xingquan, showing how powerful and hegemonic Anxing should be.

Biyou Palace event, more than a thousand innate warriors, advanced as a monk. At that time, Wei Qian was so excited and excited. He only felt that the skyrocketing forces of the human world would surely defeat the invasion of the Eudemons and protect the peace and tranquility of the world. But who can think of it, in a blink of an eye, these thousands of monks, they were helped by Wan Peng, too much of a clean, let his hopes, completely disappointing, that kind of pain, not worthy of the arrow .

When Wan Peng helped people with Tai Yimen, Wei Qian felt that it was not good. These big heavens in heaven, where will the people in the human world be treated as one thing? Their purpose is simply to consolidate their power and status in heaven. Sure enough, not long after, the good situation was completely broken. It’s hard to join together in the human world, and the students are once again broken up. Wei Qian’s hateful teeth are incompetent, but because there is no strong person in the human world, it can defeat the plot of Wan Peng and Tai Yimen. Later, it was revealed that the glass fairy was being used by An Xingquan, and Wu Liangpin teamed up with the news, and Wei Qian’s heart sank to the bottom. I only feel that perhaps not until the illusion of the Orc army, the human world has already perished in the hands of Wan Peng and Tai Yimen.

The future is bleak, like a long night, and there is no hope of hope. Wei Qian never once sighed, human beings are still too weak after all...

Disappointed, one after the other. Even the iron-clad man must be flattened. Wei Qian can feel that he is being a little depressed, just like the fate of the human world, and a little bit of falling into the permanent darkness.

Helplessness, powerlessness, resentment, despair... all kinds of negative emotions are like coming to him like a flood. After going through the battlefield, they have been fighting for countless Weiqian. They never felt tired, but this moment, deep fatigue and exhaustion, quietly Filled his body.

"Master, I beg you, you open the door, lord!" The voice of the doorkeeper's wife is full of pleading. The door inside Wei Wei was so excited that he couldn’t help but spurt a **** arrow.

"Master, lord!" Hearing the spurting sound from the room, Mrs. Wei's body trembled, and she almost did not sit on the ground.

"Mrs. How is the general?" When Mrs. Wei was in a hurry, the white deputy came in a hurry, followed by Lao Cai. Only at this time everyone focused on Wei Qian’s body, and no one noticed his existence at all. Even if someone noticed it, I was afraid that I couldn’t recognize Lao Cai. From the beginning to the present, Lao Cai was silently standing among more than a hundred monks, and few people left an impression on him.

"White Vice-President, you are coming, fast, and advise the Master to open the door, I... I just heard the sound of vomiting blood, I am afraid..." When Mrs. Wei saw the Vice-Chairman, he immediately grabbed his arm and was anxious. Said in a row.

"What?" White will listen to it, stunned, and did not think about it. He waved a palm and opened the door of the lock, and the cockroaches of life became full of debris.

When I rushed into the room, everyone was trembled, and I saw Wei Qiang on the table. There was a bright red blood on the ground. [

"Citylor!" White will rush to the front and help Wei Qian. Mrs. Wei snorted directly, passed out, and was scared to carry it back to the room.

"How could this be, how could this be?" Seeing Wei Qian’s breath as a hairspring, as if he would be cut off at any time, the white deputy would be screaming in a hurry, but he was at a loss.

However, Lao Cai reacted very quickly and rushed to come forward. He took Wei Qian from the hands of Bai’s deputy. “Let me see!”

The white deputy will listen to the look and only be able to get a boost. He hastened to say, "Yes, you are a monk, there must be a way!"

Lao Cai did not answer any more. He lifted his palm and directly pressed it on Wei Qian’s heart. He sneaked into the body of Wei Qian and turned his eyes. Wei Qiang’s body was wrapped in a dazzling aura.

After about half a mile, Wei Qian’s body suddenly slammed, and Zhang mouth spurted another blood, but the blood was black, and after the black blood was sprayed, Wei Qian’s face was noticeably improved, and his eyes followed. Become clear and godly.

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