The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1307: Fu Fengming is still good! (2)

"Civil! How did my father teach an apprentice like you?" Fu Fengming's eyes sparkled and his speech was unceremonious.

Lu Zhipeng laughed and said, "Sister, my brother, I can't make it, you can't help but decide."

Fu Fengming stunned him and said, "You are waiting here, I will go to Anxing!"

Lu Zhipeng shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and reached out and smiled. "Sisters please!"

After Fu Fengming comforted the tea house owner a few words, he hurried away. [

The owner of the teahouse saw that Feng Ming was willing to be his own, and he was happy. He thought that things had turned around. I never thought that Fu Fengming would leave, Lu Zhipeng changed his face, looking coldly at the teahouse owner, the tone was gloomy. "Toasting, not eating and drinking! If you are infatuated with your wife, then I will let your husband and wife reunite!"

When he said something, he raised his hand and slammed it toward the chest of the tea house owner. He shot the hot, decisive, unrelenting, and made it clear that the tea house owner was dying.

"Lu Zhipeng, you are shameless!" Didn't think that Lu Zhipeng would have poisoned an ordinary person in the world. Ma Xiao was shocked and angry, and hurriedly stretched out his arms. The two palms greeted him and wanted to stop Lu Zhipeng.

Lu Zhipeng seems to be in a whim, but in fact he has long been calculating. Before I shot, I thought that Ma Xiaosu would not stand by and watch out. At the same time, the other palm had already filled with spiritual power. Seeing Ma Xiao double-handed over, a sneer, another palm burst out. The majestic spiritual power, such as the surge, is beyond the limits of Ma Xiao’s cultivation.

"Take me away!" But listening to Lu Zhipeng's roar, Ma Xiao's palms bounced off at the same time, and even the whole body could not help but be taken to the side.

Even Ma Xiaoshang is still unable to resist, and the Soviet Union does not need to say that he only took a step forward and did not start. He was suppressed by Lu Zhipeng’s Yu Wei on the spot and could not move. Su Gong just broke through the congenital scorpion, and there is no such adventure as Ma Xiao. It is too far from the four-level monk of Lu Zhipeng.

One palm will suppress Ma Xiaosu, and Lu Zhipeng’s eyes flashed, and he slammed into the palm of the tea house owner, suddenly accelerating, and in the blink of an eye, he would be printed on the chest of the tea house owner.

"Hey!" Seeing the owner of the teahouse will have to slap on his own hand. Lu Zhipeng just wants to make a few sneers, but suddenly there is a sudden indifference.

This sound is not loud, and there is no spiritual power. But since there is a kind of majesty that Lu Zhipeng is horrified, he screams in his ear, and he is invisible and punches in his heart. Let it tremble without saying that the spiritual power of the body is also affected by it, there are signs of chaos. I also refused to ask for the life of the tea house owner. Lu Zhipeng rushed to collect the mind and mind, sinking his mind, and spent a lot of effort to regain the spiritual power of the body, without causing internal injuries.

On this short moment, Lu Zhipeng’s forehead was licking a cold sweat and his face was pale as paper.

The sullen sorrow had already dispersed, but it left an indelible shadow in his heart. In the subconscious, he never doubts that he would send out a cold-hearted person. If he wants to kill him, it will not be much harder than pinching an ant.

"Who...who?" Lu Zhipeng’s voice trembled and his expression was extremely tense.

A pair of eyes, dripping, sweeping from Ma Xiao, Su Gong, Qin Dong's body, and finally rounded up, looking straight at Qin Dong, he asked, " Who is it?"

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