The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1316: Desperate, the six parents do not recognize! (2)

When Fu Fengming was despising Liu Xiu's heart, something that she had never dreamed of happened. Originally lying on the ground, Liu Xiu, who was motionless, suddenly stood up and shocked Fu Fengming. Before she reacted, Liu Xiu was in a thunderstorm, and she would pay Fu Fengming. Pulled in his arms, while one hand clots, stunned the throat of Fu Fengming. When Feng Ming wakes up to see God, she has become a hostage in Liu Xiu’s hands.

"Liu Xiu, you are crazy!" Liu Xiu's accident to make a big fan of Feng Ming also made her extremely upset. Losing her heart for Liu Xiu's pleading, Liu Xiu can still make such a disrespectful move to her, a full-fledged villain.

"Sister, I am sorry, in order to be able to survive, the brothers can only do this." Liu Xiuyan lived in Fu Fengming's throat, blocking his body in front of him, while watching the Qin Dong with vigilance, while still not forgetting The light hits the direction of the escape for a while.

"Hey! I don't have such a shameless and despicable brother! You must tell me what this original book is, and see how I will punish you!" Fu Fengming was completely irritated by Liu Xiu's ungratefulness, and he took a sigh of relief. .

"You can rest assured! I will explain this to myself. Master is reasonable and will understand my difficulties. Besides, this is forced by the surname Qin, you have to blame, you should blame him!"

Liu Xiu’s words tied the heart of Fu Fengming’s heart and shouted to Qin Dong, “Don’t care for me, kill me, kill this shameless villain!”

Liu Xiu’s move also made Qin Dong feel surprised. Otherwise, in his face, Liu Xiu could never catch Fu Fengming. Now think about it, Liu Xiufang seems to be irrational, mad dog mad, and most of it is part of his plan.

"Liu Xiu, you are crazy and mad, lost Miss Fu has been pleading for you all the time, you actually repay her like this?" Ma Xiao and Su Gong were watching the show at the side, and could not help but anger at this time. Come over.

Liu Xiu snorted and snorted. "I can't use others to ask for love. I don't want to kill me. It's not so easy. If you don't want your good sister to have something, you will squander Yuanfu and abolish this body. Repair it."

Qin Dong mouth corner reveals a sneer, gloomy road "Liu Xiu, you should not have lost heart?"

"Yes! This guy is crazy, Qin Ye, you don't care about him, see how he dares to pay Miss!" Ma Xiao said with hate.

"If you are surnamed Qin, don't force me! In order to survive, I can do everything!" Liu Xiuzhen lived in Fufeng's five-finger neck, and Fu Fengming suddenly gave a painful cry.

"Funny!" Qin Dong looked black, and a pair of fists screamed.

Seeing that Qin Dong has changed his face, Liu Xiu knows that he has seized the soft underbelly of Qin Dong and sneered with a sneer. "You are surnamed Qin. You can rest assured that after you have been repaired, I will never kill you and will leave you a life!" ”

"If you can believe, if you can believe, sows can go to the tree! Qin Ye, you should never go to him!" Qin Dong is full of love and righteousness, Ma Xiao is very worried that he really was wanted by Liu Xiu, hurriedly said.

Qin Dong took a breath and suppressed the anger in his heart. Shen Sheng said: "Liu Xiu, you know that I can't be self-destructive. Your purpose is nothing more than forcing me to let you live. Well, Look at my sister's face, I can spare you a life. Let go of my sister, let's go!"

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