The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1321: A fragile alliance! (1)

Chapter 1321 The Vulnerable Alliance!

The overall strength of the evil dragon teaching is indeed one level higher than that of the Heavenly Alliance. When Qin Dong helped Mo Xielong regain power, he had a deep understanding. It was only at that time that he did not expect that, one day, he would become an enemy with the evil dragon. If he said it, it would be a good feeling. The fate is not something that ordinary people can ponder.

Qin Dong did not speak, but his brow was gradually wrinkled. The four big guards of the flies came to the scene, but Mo Xielong disappeared, but he believed that Mo Xielong must have come, but he was hiding in the dark. Mo Xielong’s cultivation has reached the level of nine, which is superior to An Xingquan, Wuliangpin and Red Devil. Qin Dong’s heart is dark, but fortunately, he arrived in time. If not, if Mo Xielong took the shot, Tiandao Mengxiong would never have a chance to win. How to deal with Mo Xielong, he still hesitated.

Mo Xielong and Liu Xiu are not the same. Liu Xiu is a villain, but Mo Xielong is a man. Qin Dong believes that the human world has become like this, and it is by no means the original intention of Mo Xielong. It is very likely that he is obstructed by the teacher and has to close one eye for all this. If this is not the case, then today's battle, Mo Xielong will not only be hidden in the dark. But Qin Dong will not be completely forgiven for the evil dragon.

Taiyimen is a good teacher of Moxielong, but this can't be the reason why he doesn't know. [

Wu Liangpin is medium in size, not tall but very strong. A black robe, slimming and abdomen, the perfect and perfect body shape is outlined. The age of fifty or sixty years old can still give people such an explosive visual impact, which is not easy. It’s just that in this person’s eyes, I don’t know the habitual contempt that was intentionally or unintentionally revealed, which greatly reduced his overall image. This person must also be an arrogant and rude person.

After sweeping the ring for a week, Wu Liangpin’s eyes fell on An Xingquan’s body. Although the two men were allies at this time, it did not hinder the hostility of Wu Liangpin to Anxing’s rights. For many years, Taiyi has not been under the pressure of Wanpeng, and the hatred between them has been quite deep. This kind of hatred and hostility is unlikely to be removed.

"Anxing, are you just a little bit under your hand?"

Wu Liangpin poked a knife like a knife on the heart of Anxing. Anxing’s right to hold a sigh of relief, his face vomited with four words, “Bing is more expensive!”

"Fine?" Wuliang looked at the past, and the disdain in his eyes became more and more prosperous. He smiled and said, "Why didn't I see it, where is your talent? It's just a few people who make up the number."

"Wu Liangpin!" An Xing Quan couldn't bear it, and he screamed with a sullen look. "You are here to help, or are you looking for a child?"

Wu Liangpin laughed a few times and said, "I just asked a few words at random. What fire did you make? The older you are, the less you measure!"

An Xingquan’s age is actually a little older than Wu Liangpin. However, he seems to be older. It seems that he is a few years older than Wu Liangpin. When Wu Liangpin is in heaven, he will not take it. This matter ridicules him.

Anxing had bitten his teeth and only suppressed his anger. He did not turn his face with Wu Liangpin. However, he no longer looked at him, but turned his attention to Tiandao League and Chujia Qunxiong.

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