The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1322: Play, start! (2)

Can not see, there is such a tacit understanding between the Chu and the Red Devils, the two of you come to me, a few words, will Anxing and Wu Liang good character jumped.

"Red Devils, I am really sincere to you, I did not expect you to be so stubborn, you can not regret it!" An Xingquan released a swearword, Wu Liangpin also kills the machine, the cold eyes in the Red Devils and the Chuchu Swim back and forth.

The trouble is also finished, the expression of the Red Devil's Supreme is along with one board, Shen Sheng said, "No more nonsense, glass fairy?"

Anxing’s gloomy road “Reassured! Today, I will kill the glass fairy, and of course I will let you see her and send her the last trip! Come and bring the glass fairy out!”

As the voice of An Xingquan fell, the two monks, one left and one right, were holding the glass fairy, and slowly entered the people's sight. [

Qin Dong has already thought that the situation of the glazed fairy will be very bad, but when he saw the glazed fairy, he could not help but be amazed. I don't know what kind of means Anzhen has used for the glass fairy. The spirit of the glass fairy is almost completely abolished. The body is covered with slender and slender welts, **** strips, and shocking. At this time, the glass fairy is more miserable than when it was in the hands of the sun. A murderous murderer can no longer hold back and linger in Qin Dong’s heart.

"The doorkeeper!" "Fairy!" "Predecessors!"...

The appearance of the glazed fairy, immediately set off an uproar, especially the heroes of the Tiandao League, and most of them could not help but shed tears. The Fa-rectification of the Fa, the Tao Jingdao passed four guards, and it was even more unbearable. He flew up and flew straight toward the glass fairy.

An Xingquan had been wary, and the four guards of the law were set off, and they slammed the exit, and the right palm waved like the wind, bringing up the power of the sky and rushing toward the four guards. The eight-level monks of Anxingquan, the four major guardians of Tiandaomeng, have only five levels of realm. By contrast, fragility is like a baby.

The four guards of the body were set off, and the Red Devils felt bad. At this time, seeing An Xingquan’s thunder was even more shocking. I didn’t want to get out of it, I wanted to resist the power of An Xingquan for the four major laws.

What he did not think was that although Wu Liangpin did not deal with Anxing, he could be a master and the consciousness of cooperation was first-class. Here, the Red Devils will move, and the good things will move. The palms fluttered, and the red devils were stalked in the oblique thorns.

The Red Devils secretly gritted their teeth. If they don’t care, Wu Liang’s palm will definitely cause serious injury, and it is very possible to completely lose the fighting power. There is no other way, the Red Devils have to turn their bodies and turn to the good things.

At this time, the four big guards have already woke up to God, and they know that they are too impulsive, but at this time, even if they regret it, it is useless. The four people are also masters. After a brief remorse, they immediately calm down. With the tacit understanding formed over the years, they quickly formed a synergy and condensed their rights against Anxing.

"I don't know how high the earth is!" When I saw the move of the Four Laws, An Xingquan screamed, the palms did not change, the spirits vomited, but the sound of the four guards trembled at the same time, and then together I flew out.

Anxing Quanyi is in charge of the four major law-protection methods of the Flying Heaven Alliance. The witches and the Red Devils have also completed a hard fight. The result is half a catty and two equals. This matchup seems to be the beginning of this.

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